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Posts posted by possum

  1. caught a 17#er  :D I only stayed for about hour

    Well good deal man, glad to see you got a nice one! We will be hitting the water again tomorrow night in the search of the elusive Flathead Catfish. Looks like by boat again and maybe Brother Barrys Big boat with lots of gas this time! :D

    You need to come with us some night and enjoy a good night of fishin and fellowship without having to smell all the nasty rank sewage smell at Stink City.

  2. Well we went again last night and ended up with 4 Flatheads this time.

    Had a good time! These flats all came from marked areas I wanted to fish. We went on a scouting trip in april and marked various likely locations. So far we have caught Flatheads at everyone we fished.

  3. Ok on hitting at "100" but tonight we assult The Super Notorious Secret Area via boat.

    Rain sleet snow or hail won't stop us. We are TEAM HARDCORE some of the meanest catfishermen to ever hit the water! We fear no foul weather, we brave all! Hell we have even fought thunder and threw lightning in jail!!!!

    Tonights the night I can feel it in my bones!!! I'm tired of catching dinks and ready to get on with the BIG show! :D

  4. Me and Ol Mush went Flatheadin. We met up with Katmasters Member HillbillyKat and his cousin and did the West Fork River.

    First we got caught in a tremendous Thunder Storm. It couldn't rain any harder but we took refuge under a bridge and survived the ordeal. :D

    Then we set to fishin. Wasn't long till HillbillyKat had boated a 10lb. Flathead.

    Somewhere around 11-something Mush caught his personal best and 5 Mins. after he had his I caught one, both 10lbers.

    Came off the river at 3am in a heavy fog. Traveling down a snag infested river in the dark and fog its a trip. BUT......we had plenty of gasoline this time and didn't run out with Mush's new boat motor a 5hp. Briggs and Stratton. Its a nice motor and we went over 10 miles on about a gallon of gas.

    Tonight we assult the River again. Just trying to decide which one and where?????

  5. Good Time Last Night! Yea my Ol Pole was headin towards Point Marion, FAST!

    I looked and it was peck peck peck them WHAM off goes my pole up over the park bench, over top my other pole and was starting down the bank when I finally got it snatched up! LOL

    WOW there was no stopping this BIG Carp but in a few seconds it was over he got off.

    LESSON: never sit very far from your poles. It was looking bleak for a second and I thought I was going to loose my carp rig. All on that Famous Funk Bait!!!

  6. This lake isn't as old as the topo map so its shaded in purple and the contor lines are still there if you look thru the purple so we should be able to get approx. depths by looking at the contour lines.

    It has many many streams feeding it and supports a healthy population of trout which means the PH must be fairly close to nuetral 7.0???

    It also supports 3 preadators as its one of the top Musky waters in WV and also has BIG 60lb. Flatheads Catfish in it and for predator number 3 it does recieve a fair amount of bowhunters who shoot carps. While bowhunting carp is legal in WV its just not my cup of tea.

    The lakes about 70 miles from my house and Driftys and Stripped and Katman. So its hard for us to do extensive chumming due to the high price of gasoline, my truck uses about $30.00 in gas per trip.

    I will provide a link to the map of the lake, ain't nobody around here fishes for carps but a handful and no serious carper save a the precious few CAG members and myself and Driftwood are basically new at the game ourselves with volumes to learn.

    The RED PLUS marks the approx. spot we fished yesterday, the map is interactive and you can pan around.

    Link: http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?z=17&n=431...e=l&datum=nad83

    Let me add there just not alot of bank areas to fish this water, its mainly boat only accessable with a 10hp motor limit.

  7. Drifty and myself explored new waters yesterday.

    We went to Stonecoal Lake to try our luck, we saw several carps rolling and when we first got there we saw a HUGE Carp out in the lake. It had to be 30+lbs.

    Talked to a local yokel there fishing and he was quick to spill alot of info on the lake and the carp there.

    According to the local (an elderly gent) the lake is full of carp, he said millions! :D

    Anyway it seemed everything he told us as well as others at a sports shop who seemed to have zero interest in carp that theres HUGE Carp in this 550 acre lake.

    According to the locals theres 50lbers. in there. Which is believable since the WV State Record Carp came from those waters back about 15yrs. ago which was a 41.5lber. but has since been eclipsed by a 47lb. one from a farm pond.

    We had no luck yesterday but there were several factors we felt limited our success. Its was the wrong time of the day, a cold front was just passing, it was awfully windy, Driftwood forgot the chum and we caught zero carps. But I did catch a big Gill on my Famous Funk Bait.

    We will head back there when the weather ect are more in our favor.

    We saw a fair amount of carps rollin but they weren't concentrated but more just sporadic and everywhere.

    The local said when they spawn theres litterally thousands grouped up in these back waters that he said average 6-7ft. deep with alot of weed beds. This lake looks very promosing. The Old Local said he guarenteed there are 40-50lbers in there as he's seen them many many times while fishing for other species.

    Only one way I now to confirm what he told us and thats get out there and catch some. We will return!!!

    Driftwood took some pics of this nice lake.

  8. Well I ain't sure exactly what kinda carp it is but it sure did hit that Wu Tang hard. I thought he had a monster at first.

    I was using my Famous Funk Bait and caught a small channel cat.

    But sittin uder the pavillion we never got wet but it was raining beavers. A big one swam by and Driftwood tried to net it. But the beaver escaped unscathed. :D

  9. Well we went , we saw, we didn't do so hot! LOL

    Ol Stripped managed 2 channels Ol possum managed to get wet.

    We got a pic of Stripped and one of his channels a 6lber. But we saw gangs of Carps feeding in the shallows. We will return with Funk Baits in hand and catch these rascals next time we venture into the wild unknown.

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