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Posts posted by accordbw

  1. These keep getting tougher and tougher to judge. So many amazing fish this month and there can only be one winner. Hope to see everyone competing again this month. The Winner for September is Ciprian Muresan with this amazing fish!


  2. Welcome back to the forum. Probably my two favorites have been acid pear and northern specials. Orange acid pears just work for me all year. I did really good on them in the cold weather months last year. After watching a lot of underwater video yellow does not stand out as much as we think and red, orange and white really stood out on the bottom compared to others.

  3. Yes trust me it will spin! I spun mine with 450 yards on a reel. I use hockey tape. It is water resistant and has a little grip and works well for me. Keep this in mind also. I would fill my reels completely through and then when I needed new line just wind them onto another reel as the line at the base is still new. You do need some tension. I bought a line spooler at bass pro and it tensions down. It was $25. With that said I loved braid for bass and applied it to carp but my worse mistake ever. If you fish areas with no rocks you are fine but braid is not meant to be fished in rocks. It breaks almost instantly no matter what lb test you use. Rub a piece against a rock and you will see. I use mono only now and the stretch helps since their mouth is soft.

  4. Brian, I mean no disrespect when I ask you this but, shouldn't it be the other way around??? Shouldn't a Dues Paying Member have the preferential option here?? I could be wrong ... but isn't this a CAG event/contest?? Why do I need to go to Facebook to see their entries? I would think the Facebook members should have to come to the CAG site to see all the entries. You mentioned in your reply that "all are entered on Facebook from both CAG and Facebook". Why cant it be done both ways?? ( All of the FB and CAG entries are entered on CAG also?? I tried going onto Facebook prior to writing this post to see if I could in fact, access the entries, but I was unable to find them. No doubt, because I do not have a FB account.

    No problem. Bob below basically summed it up. It is a BCT contest with CAG involvement. A ton more people see it on facebook so we take the CAG entries over to Facebook to add to it. It is basically done this way so we get more Facebook carpers to look into CAG. Also not everyone on facebook would want their entries here so sifting through that and also asking permission would be too time consuming. The BCT Facebook page is not private so you should be able to view them on there. with no facebook account. https://www.facebook.com/BigCarpTackle?fref=ts

  5. Carp feed more in the summer due to so much natural food in the water so this is one reason why it may seem tough. Also for me i tend to do better into the night in the summer. I know during the hot days they tend to not do as good for me and the night bite is great. Location also changes so maybe try a different area on the lake as well.

  6. On a side note..... Im going to assume that this is a "Facebook " entry fish as I did not see it on the July Carp of the Month post on the CAG forum. ??

    If that is the case, couldn't we find a way to include All entries (facebook/ CAG members) onto one common thread??

    They are all entered on facebook from both cag and facebook

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