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Posts posted by baitbucket

  1. They'll threaten long before they decide to spray. Like Possum said, they don't have a hair trigger and you could probably have sacred it off by talking and making some noise.

    Theres one that checks me out quite regular at a place i fish, the first time i moved slowly and made some gentle noise so as not to frighten it and it came real close to see what i was about but i found that if you walk toward him slowly he backs off and eventually carrys on his regular patrol route just a little unsettling when his wrong end is facing you :rolleyes: i too am off the opinion that spraying is probably the last resort, but however further along from where i fish you can smell when it has from afar and you dont hear a load of commotion like it was being attacked !!!!

    PS i dont actually know if it was male or female for some strange reason male seems to fit the bill better :yourock:

  2. Also keep your eye out at junk sales flea markets for bags of nuts (threaded type) going at a reasonable price, if attached with the light line method they will come off and assuming theyre steel will rust away over years.

  3. was what you took from the bucket not still covered with liquid, if its all covered in liquid and all hard maybe not done right 1st time round, try removing any ify looking stuff off surface of liquid and re boil for about 30 mins and let it stand in the juice still hot until cool , i know this is obvious but just in case, add more water before the boil to allow for evaporation.

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