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Posts posted by KingCarp

  1. My enthusiasm had triggered Jean & Gisa to come carp fishing with me one day. Gisa was eager to see a monster with her own eyes.

    I have build all my rods my self , the first years in Canada ,1987-1990 I used light tackle up to 2-21/4 lb rods. As the risk of breaking a net was too great to take I used to bring two landing nets. Fortunately I already made a very sturdy one, one you could accidentally stand on without breaking it.

    It’s a very hot June day ,a fiercely blue sky and no clouds to be seen , the ‘ciclades’ make so much noise my ears are ringing surely too hot for carp ? I was pre-baiting the area for the last 3 days, a 100lb bag, soaked more like 200lb for the first day and a bit less the next two days , mainly because I got exhausted getting it in with the groundbaiter.

    Even before the tri-pod is set up, we see several carp jump...I use two kernels and a bit of yellow foam to suspend the rig, ok the first one goes in. I take the second rod , cast but even before I tighten the line I’m off... the rod almost being pulled from my hands , a great rush. No 2 seconds later the other rod tip slams down,...I ask Jean to pick up that rod , he never played a carp before and when he disengaged the baitrunner and the rod hooped over, he started walking towards the water and than INTO the water . He was wearing he suit ,as he shortly had to get back to his travel agency! “Tabernac !” A very popular outcry in Quebec was heard a few times .Standing knee deep in the river he finally managed to bring the 15lb carp to the net, I was crying of laughter and after an hour when most of his clothes dried up he even admitted it was fun !!

    I will show now a sequence of 4 pictures that tell the story of what happened when Gisa assisted me.

    But first let's throw out some bait, notice the 20 gallon garbage can.


  2. The next few days go by quite uneventful , my battery is running low, the hottest hours of the day are used to scout for new suitable locations . The three new swims I baited up , a small regional park swim, and two bridges, one with a nice bay , which is invitingly connected to a navigable canal, and all look very promising. But not all virgin spots are easy , the change in weather ruined the outlook… a meter and a half black waves and white foamed tops crashed on the shore, a frightening reminder not to underestimate these waters. The intended swim is a mess , the others even worse , the uprooted weeds form impenetrable barriers…okay that’s it …I’ll take a break…!

    At my friends place I take a weldeserved rest, and sleep maybe a 24 hours stretch, I really needed that because even after all these years I still have trouble sleeping while fishing . The harbour swim I baited up since my arrival was the obvious next one , this swim produced some really good fish for me , mostly at night. Around noon , I dump one bucket in the deep swim and spent the rest of the day on the trailer ramp. The start was quite slow because a boat was launched , but when it got quiet again one carp after the other met the net. Nothing special, between 15 and just over 20 lb. After carp no 10 , the rest of the big maize container in the Van was dumped in. I set up in the harbour swim around dusk , finished the pizza I brought , and the half a bottle of white wine . Until midnight I can sleep a few hours , than a screaming run…I play the fish for 10 minutes or so before the hook pulls , its 12 meters deep and the angle of the line with a fish on, close by , is almost 90 degrees…bad luck..,I go back to sleep , an hour later again a screaming take , same rod….same experience ….a long drill and finally close in , the hook pulls…both fish had that ‘submarine’ feel and I know I lost two biggies. A new rig and an hour later again , a take on the same rod again[7 meters deep on a rock shelf] !

    Now all is well , and a good one too , close in he manages to clip the other line a few times , because I can’t see that line in the dark, but finally he‘s right in front of me…I pick up the net that seems to be stuck to a scrub behind me , I pull….and to my horror the rope connecting the [52 inch ] net arms breaks !! The big fish circles under the tip , somehow I manage , rod clamped between my legs…to tie the broken end just under the alu corner piece….the rope shows a gape in the mesh of a foot wide , but there is enough net left to get the fish in …..Fortunately…it’s a bit heavier than I thought too…

    In the morning I try to contact Shawn to make the pictures but he’s already out for work. Although I dislike using a tripod , I make an exception for this lump, okay it’s over forty lb but I’m more interested in its length. 104 cm…great, being old school carper the magic meter mark means more to me . :D


  3. This early in the morning [6.30] I’m alone , and start doing what I have to do before I can go and get a breakfast , one big bucket full finds its way in the channel , suddenly an elderly gentleman is standing behind me...observing the ritual of ground baiting…he looks puzzled, so I try to explain what I’m doing . I’ll have my breakfast first now, I’m going to need it , get some extra groceries too , like water , juices , cereal bars , fruit and ‘bread’ and a bag of dry ice for the cooler. Around 9.00 I’m back, the old man is still there and looks like he’s personally going to check my sanity ! The back of the pick-up is pointing towards the water , the rods only meters away… He doesn’t have to wait long,.five minutes tops…the right rod tip slams down, the baitrunner screams ….a good one… often in prebaited areas the first ones can be really good fish, so I’m careful and allow the mean machine to speed downstream…rod tip down and side strain applied the carp really feels the pressure now,…80-90 yards out , a good size carp breaks the surface , my audience is well impressed, …. Slowly I manage to get it in , just in front of the dock the water is 10 ft deep and the carp uses this to his advantage , it feels like this fish is snagged on the bottom , but the circles of the moving line say different , slowly he/she surfaces , but there’s the problem ,.. another line and something is attached , ..a very smelly dead eel , the size of a beer bottle . I’m not too keen to get that cadaver in my net and ask the old men’s help , I give him a pair of scissors and the needless[!!] advice to please cut the line with the eel !! Simple enough you say, still he managed to cut my rig ….now I would have returned the carp anyway, but I would have liked to hold the fish that surely was over 30 lb , to make matters worse , I still had the %#@&^%% eel on !…finally he also cut the right line, and I could start over again! Some time later that morning I catch a simular looking 30+ , compensation for the one he cut off.:D

    Photo; a 30+lbs carp from the trailer ramp.


  4. It’s really sticky, the wind is picking up, a storm is coming !

    I’m very well sheltered behind a high bank, separating the Seaway from the river, with the strong winds picking up from behind me I can relax…a well-deserved rest. The fishing has been quite good so far, but I need the rest…two rods out 30 meters max, in 4-5 meters of water, two big buckets of well soaked, smelly maize I already dumped when I arrived, but I really hope the carp leave me alone for a while, I’m dead tired…my wish is granted , two days without sleep, the heat , the hauling of maize and the 1/2 bottle of cold white wine after dinner take their toll , and the sounds start to fade .

    Something wakes me, ..I sit up on the air bed , the small Mag-Lite I always carry around my neck, shines …in the face of a raccoon..with a bottle I convince the trespasser to find its own dry spot…lightning highlights the Montreal skyline in spooky colours …the rain is pooring down, the sound is deafening…on top of that, the pick-up’s hard top starts leaking! Great…the special industrial yellow tape a former client gave me, serves me well now , he said it would stick to anything , and he was right !

    I check the entries of my log , and count my blessings .. 40 carp 10+ kilo [22 lbs], of which two well over 30 lbs..out of a hundred plus….

    Photo; Downtown Montreal


  5. I started fishing for Canadian carp in 1987; by coincidence in 1978 I was made aware, through Canadian friends, about the existence of carp in Canadian waters. For me a welcome change to the ‘speciman hunting’. In the early 90’s British colleagues started bringing in European clients too, so I stayed well away and explored the rest of the St Lawrence at length. I find it more rewarding to go where no man went before so to speak. When I was feeding my buckets full of maize and confronted with these vast stretches of water I couldn’t help thinking of ‘carrying water to the ocean’. No other bottom feeders and lots of predators! A perfect habitat for carp, although it can be harder than you think to get virgin carp heads down for these ‘free’ offerings. It’s not that they are starving, food sources are rich and abundant in these clear, well-oxygenated waters. By moving around I also make sure not to over fish an area, it’s hard enough to stay ahead and out of sight of ‘target hunters’, yes I consider myself to be a target !! So that’s why I turned my hobby into my work, ‘they’ will follow me anyway! <_<

    Photo ; Chris playing a lean mean fighting machine in the Seaway.


  6. This trip I’m fishing alone, scouting for new future venues . I like to use a van for transport that doubles as a mini camper. Although night fishing is allowed year round, I hardly ever fish at night. The carp in this continent haven’t learned to fear man yet, when the fishing is good you don’t have the energy to stay awake day and night. A luxury for sure, when tired I usually take the rods in…but more often I stay with friends and have a nice dinner and a few drinks. Only when it gets too hot, night fishing is the better option!

    Prebaiting several likely spots, not necessarily close to each other, usually works best for me. 50 to 100 lb of corn is a normal portion per swim and that 3 or 4 times …it is a good workout let me tell you! Each rewarding looking spot I plumb for structures, depth and bottom composition…the promissing swims get a few buckets of maize. My local friend Shawn, who will accompany me frequently, also prebaits swims for me and arranges a boat when needed. That can be the difference that can make or break your holiday.

    Already you see too many anglers going to the same places, I decided to do the opposite and keep moving around. That sytem brought me a lot of ‘watersense’ too ! The st. Lawrence is no simple flow anymore, since the construction of the Seaway bulkcarriers have access to the Great Lakes , the many Hydro dams created separate watersystems and supply vast amounts of energy , the major export product of Quebec .

    Photo of Shawn.


  7. Later that day an Asian guy approaches, fishing rod in hand he finds himself a spot , a safe distance away from me, I don’t have to explain him anything, I couldn’t either because this apparent fresh immigrant doesn’t speak English or French. In the universal sign language he ‘asks’ for some corn, answering in the same manner I offer him a generous portion.

    It’s really hot now and I’m glad to be able to step into the river to play a fish every 15 minutes or so, ..then a loud yell makes me turn my head…just in time to see my neighbour dive into the river! ? OK he will not see that rod back anymore, the use of the drag is not apparent here, and I already witnessed quite a few rods vanishing this way…10 minutes later he leaves, without a fishing rod.:D

    Photo; CarpNiels trying out his new rods and learning a new trick...how to keep the carp high in the water.


  8. After all the negative postings I thought to change the tide by sharing short stories and pictures.

    For those who want to react in a negative way , please use my PM or Email, thanks.


    A hot June morning, no cloud to be seen…not the outlook for a good carp fishing session you’d think? Wrong…the takes come quick and violent, one nice carp after the other, shortly, meets landing net and unhooking mat. The small beach area is covered with small golden nuggets, spilled after baiting up, no raccoons here apparently. I have a weak spot for those masked bandits despite their local nickname ‘garbage rats’. From a safe distance a local is checking me out, he must be wondering about my set-up, which is unknown here….10 minutes later he approaches and asks what I’m fishing for…’Carp’ I answer. "Don’t you know carp are inedible!?" his face clearly shows disgust, "They are garbage fish!" I tell him in Europe we consider carp to be a very good sports fish, but he’s not convinced. Less than 5 minutes later he witnesses a violent take, the rod tip slams down and the buzzer screams in agony. It’s no small carp, and I do my best to please my audience, the carp realizing his PR problem, is doing his best too. Muffled sounds of excitement, behind me, show the local is impressed!

    When the golden lump finally meets the net he utters the incredible words;" What kind of fish is that?"…. if you think that’s bad you will not be prepared for his next question ;"What bait do you use ?!" :D


  9. Same thing for you Terry, if you want to diss me like Tony has started you’re very welcome, but please use my PM or email !

    I don’t hide but won’t walk away from this bull#### either. I didn’t make it personal , as anyone can still see in the topic, despite him deleting his verbal abuse & photo’s ,really childish,. yes as Scott and Keith have already stated. The issue was and still is EXTREME wide angle lenses. That is between 18mm and 24 mm. I gave a comment on it and even stated not knowing the ‘porters’....the question of the topic is ‘What about this HUGE carp!” and as I’m here on the forum because I like to help starting carpers out, I give an answer and explain what is going on. My opinion!! Tony , you and Raymie only make personal remarks , without knowing me, and don’t even bother to comment on the topic question.!! So also brings some light in your topic to change the forum!

    Unfortunately there’s a lot of lying about fish, size and catches nowadays. As a veteran I’m confronted with it on a daily basis, there is no need for extreme photo’s and the regular carp mags don’t even print those pictures. You see those in catalogs so you might think that a 100 lbs was caught. Here in Holland the same picture was spread over the internet as a ‘local’ story with the title “new record 150cm and 60 kg /140lbs”. I have an opinion on about everything in carpfishing , with 38 years of experience I should...read it if you want ignore it if you don’t want. Most opinions you read about in the carp mags are a bit or a lot biased by name of the ‘crack’ and or the products they sell. I made it very clear I’m not sponsored in any way sofar and my articles usually go to the Dutch ‘de Karper’ which is for members only. I built rods and landingnets myself [ ask Cactus!] I don’t ask a rodbuilder to put a sticker on a rod and collect a percentage. I also I don’t write WHERE I fish , nor that I use XYZ rods or UPI boilies, on a %$ rig , if you all get my drift. I mentioned one of Tony’s many sponsors and he claims he’s not sponsored by ‘Cash’, while in his latest book in his page long list clearly mentions ‘CASH BAITS‘’, so again who’s the fool again ! Now you Terry , I don’t know you personally from what I read before I think you are ok , again my opinion..the photo’s I saw from you in the Deep Water topic where so distorted you looked like ....I don’t know , not like Terry , ok !!? I do plenty for other anglers without a sponsor or benefit and answer their questions , mostly by PM by the way , your message is only your opinion about me [without knowing me] and hardly interesting for the forum...or do you want to convince others ?? So please do it by mail there is enough garbage on the net...I do try to make a positive contribution you know ! Lastly I understand you want to protect your future ‘investment’, I hope you feel the same in a year. Good luck.

    And Raymie same to you mate, I know you are a bit thick. Your one liners and rightwing talk don't impress at all. :D


  10. Raymie

    Looks like this will start all over if you keep at it, everybody who did read the topic could see what happened and I don't need you giving others an opinion, if you dislike me feel free to empty your garbage can directly in my mailbox and please don't bother the rest. I will keep your flaws to myself. :D

  11. Nothing wrong with the carp it's the photographer and it's an old picture ±1987 pre unhooking mats etc. although I seem to use 'something' , can't remember anymore.

    Here's another one that was in a starring role, although not my favorite shape. It didn't fit on the packaseat anymore.:D

    PS notice the spawning wound between the fins.


  12. Hi Louis,

    Yes it's unbelievable to see carp that size , and no eyes.....here's a picture of the whole carp and a small part from an article about the catch, thought to share this with you guys.

    Hope you like.



    This early in the morning [6.30] I’m alone , and start doing what I have to do before I can go and get a breakfast , one big bucket full finds its way in the channel , suddenly an elderly gentleman is standing behind me...observing the ritual of ground baiting…he looks puzzled, so I try to explain what I’m doing . I’ll have my breakfast first now, I’m going to need it , get some extra groceries too , like water , juices , cereal bars , fruit and ‘bread’ and a bag of dry ice for the cooler. Around 9.00 I’m back, the old man is still there and looks like he’s personally going to check my sanity ! The back of the pick-up is pointing towards the water , the rods only meters away… He doesn’t have to wait long,.five minutes tops…the right rod tip slams down, the baitrunner screams ….a good one… often in prebaited areas the first ones can be really good , so I’m careful and allow the mean machine to speed downstream…rod tip down and side strain applied the carp really feels the pressure now,…80-90 yards out , a good size carp breaks the surface , my audience is well impressed, …. Slowly I manage to get it in , just in front of the dock the water is 10 ft deep and the carp uses this to his advantage , it feels like this fish is snagged on the bottom , but the circles of the moving line say different , slowly he/she surfaces , but there’s the problem ,.. another line and something is attached , ..a very smelly dead eel , the size of a beer bottle . I’m not too keen to get that cadaver in my net and ask the old men’s help , I give him a pair of scissors and the needless[!!] advice to please cut the line with the eel !! Simple enough you say, still he managed to cut my rig ….now I would have returned the carp anyway, but I would have liked to hold the fish that surely was over 30 lb , to make matters worse , I still had the %#@&^%% eel on !…finally he also cut the right line too, and I could start over again! Some time later that morning I catch a simular looking 30+ , compensation for the one he cut off. :D


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