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Everything posted by Savayman

  1. A lot of chat is now on social media platforms. We have a Carp Anglers Group Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/carpanglersgroup For CAG members there is also a lot great archive material on here that can be accessed.
  2. View File NACA Q4 2024 This a very special edition and includes a special tribute to Tim Marshall who passed away in November. We also have some great features from Joel Harber, Jami Nicole Selvidge, Evan Cartabiano, Barry Shildneck, Iain Sorrell, Kyle Jeffrey & Sam Williams. As always a big thank you to all our contributors and please let us know if you have a story, article or something carp to contribute to a future edition. Submitter Savayman Submitted 01/09/2025 Category NACA  
  3. Savayman

    NACA Q4 2024

    Version 1.0.0


    This a very special edition and includes a special tribute to Tim Marshall who passed away in November. We also have some great features from Joel Harber, Jami Nicole Selvidge, Evan Cartabiano, Barry Shildneck, Iain Sorrell, Kyle Jeffrey & Sam Williams. As always a big thank you to all our contributors and please let us know if you have a story, article or something carp to contribute to a future edition.
  4. Let's hope your nets are full and your PB's bettered!
  5. In 2025 the Junior International Carp Tournament celebrates its 22nd year! In 2024 over 80 Junior Anglers including 30 newcomers competed for Trophies, $10,000 in Cash Prizes and Awards over two days fishing for carp on the mighty St Lawrence River in upper state New York! The 2025 Junior Tournament takes place July 31 - August 2nd in Waddington, NY There are two main age groups: Girls 11-14 & Boys 11-14 Girls 15-18 & Boys 15-18 Plus a special 4 hour fishing event for 8-10 year olds This is an amazing opportunity for kids to fish as a individuals or as a team with support from families, friends and our dedicated peg marshals. The Junior Tournament is hosted by the Carp Anglers Group. It is supported by local companies, sponsors and generous donors. It is part of a series or tournaments supported by a Market New York grant from I LOVE NY/New York State Division of Tourism through a Regional Economic Development Council initiative. Registration Packets can be downloaded below: 11-14 & 15-18 Year Olds: Jr. Carp, 2025 - Registration Packet.pdf 8-10 year old Jr. Carp, 2025 - Registration Packet, 8 - 10 Division.pdf Click Here to Email for More Details and Registration. In 2024 Seventeen year-old Ahna Martinez, from Heuvelton, was crowned 'Grand Champion'
  6. SPRING Big 4 2025 - The Prizes! *** $2,250 in Prizes Up for Grabs! *** There are also Regional BIG 4 Awards and Photo Plaques (Canada is Region 5)
  7. CCC 2024 Prizes Here are just some of the tackle prizes that will be awarded to winners and in the CCC Raffle! Deeper Chirp - worth $275 A Great Selection of Rods, Reels, Carp Cradle, Korda RuckSack etc
  8. View File A History of Carp in North America First published in an earlier NACA magazine Submitter Savayman Submitted 09/03/2024 Category NACA  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    First published in an earlier NACA magazine
  10. View File NACA Q1 2024 Q1 2024 issue of the North American Carp Angler magazine Also available on-line: https://issuu.com/northamericancarpangler/docs/2024_q1_naca Submitter Savayman Submitted 08/19/2024 Category NACA  
  11. Savayman

    NACA Q1 2024

    Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Q1 2024 issue of the North American Carp Angler magazine Also available on-line: https://issuu.com/northamericancarpangler/docs/2024_q1_naca
  12. View File NACA Q2 2024 Enjoy this issue of the North American Carp Angler magazine! Also available on-line: https://issuu.com/northamericancarpangler Submitter Savayman Submitted 08/19/2024 Category NACA  
  13. Savayman

    NACA Q2 2024

    Version 1.0.0


    Enjoy this issue of the North American Carp Angler magazine! Also available on-line: https://issuu.com/northamericancarpangler
  14. 2024 CCC RULES As a minimum there shall be prizes for the Biggest Carp, and Biggest 4 Carp (total weight of 4 biggest carp caught by angler). Additional Prizes for Total Overall Weight, Section Winners, First Fish, Smallest Fish and Biggest Mirror are also being planned. Carp King Belt Buckle awarded for the capture of the Biggest Carp North American Champion Trophy awarded to Biggest 4 Carp 1. The Peg Draw shall start no later than 7:00 am on Saturday morning (Anglers who are arriving early in the morning must register and have their scales checked before 6:30am), with Fishing from 8:00am to 4:00pm. The Award Ceremony will follow at the advertised time & place. Scale certification will also be available on Friday evening at the Meet & Greet. 2. All anglers must hold a valid NY fishing license. All anglers must have pre-registered and have pre-paid all entry fees before the draw. There is to be no fishing by anglers along the venue on the day PRIOR to the CCC date; any competitor found pre-baiting, plumbing, or fishing after this time and before the official start of the competition will be disqualified, and their entry fees forfeited. 3. This is a catch-and-release competition; no fish will be weighed unless it was caught fairly (hook must be within 2 inches of the fishes mouth), has been handled safely, and can be released alive. 4. Any angler found attempting to weigh in fish that are snagged, foul-hooked (hook is in a part of the fish’s body more than 2 inches from the mouth) or caught by any other unfair means will be disqualified from the competition. The Weigh Officials’ decision in all such cases shall be final. 5. Only Carp ( Common or Mirror ) can be weighed in and counted for any awards or prizes. All other fish (including Game Fish) do not count, and must be returned immediately to the water. Anyone attempting to retain a Game Fish will be disqualified from the competition. 6. If two anglers, as a result of travelling together or a requirement for extra assistance, need to fish adjacent pegs then they must notify the Draw Official no later than the evening BEFORE the peg draw. These anglers will be allowed to draw first. One of the two Anglers will draw a peg number and the next peg will be assigned to his partner. In the event the first angler picks an end peg the two pegs above or below will be assigned. This will ensure that there are always independent anglers either side of the Two anglers for the purposes of weighing as in Rule 18. Please note: The CCC is an Individual tournament and EACH angler MUST fish independently of any other. Each angler must fish and place all of their fishing equipment within a rod-length (12 feet) either side of their peg. Anglers can cast to any point up to halfway between their peg and the pegs on either side, or up to 15 yards from their peg in the case of end peg in the section. Any infringements in placing their fishing equipment more than 12 feet from their peg, or in attempted casting outside their peg area, will make the Angler concerned liable for disqualification from the competition. 7. Big Carp are hard-fighting fish; there may be a need for an angler to leave their peg location momentarily, to play a fish that is running parallel to the bank. Please be considerate of other anglers; try and avoid playing your fish in their pegged areas. Adjacent pegged anglers are encouraged to help an angler in difficulties with a big fish by removing their lines from the water while the fish is being played. Neighboring Anglers can help by netting fish or removing other rods for the Angler; no other assistance is allowed. 8. Anglers may leave their pegged area to answer a call of nature, etc. All lines must be reeled in before leaving. If the angler wishes to leave during the competition, they need to record their leaving time with the Anglers either side of them, and remove all their equipment from their pegged area. Anglers must be present at the end of the Awards Ceremony after competition closes to be eligible for any prizes and awards. 9. No boats, bait-boats or wading, use of floatation devices or swimming (except in an emergency!); fishing from the shoreline only. Exception – an angler can enter the water by authorization from a Weigh Offficial or Angler at the next peg, to free a fish caught in a snag, weed or otherwise in distress or possible danger. Please ensure that you receive a verbal authorization from the Angler at the next peg or Official present before you enter the water. 10. Only 2 RODS per angler may be used at any time, with 1 single hook per rod. Hooks can be no larger than a size 1, recommended hook patterns are barbless and micro-barbed (e.g. a standard Carp Hook), or have the barb squeezed down with pliers. Hooks larger than a size 1, multiple hooks, double or treble hooks and hooks with an oversized barb are not allowed. Weigh Officials have the right to inspect angler’s hooks, and can disallow fish caught on any other type of hook; Weigh Officials decision in all such cases will be final. The angler can use an additional rod for spodding, spombing, or controlling a marker float; no fishhooks can be attached to any part of the line on this rod. The angler can have additional rods pre-rigged at the peg; but they can only have a maximum of two baits in the water at any time. Any angler found breaking these rules or fishing or attempting to fish in an unsportsmanlike way will be disqualified from the competition. Any angler breaking the 2 rod & 1 hook per line competition rules will be disqualified from the competition. 11. Required for each angler: a well-padded unhooking mat, a carp-specific weigh sling, a set of scales & tripod/monopod for weighing the fish, and at least 1 mesh style/CAG approved & well ventilated carp sack or retention sling (for retaining fish in the water before weighing), and a soft, knotless mesh “fish friendly” landing net of the appropriate size. Anglers will not be allowed to count fish towards their total if they do not have a suitable mat and landing net. 12. Pre-Baiting will not be allowed. No breaking of the water is allowed before the start of the competition, except to plumb the depth, position a marker float, wet nets, unhooking mats and carp-sacks. Anglers are allowed to draw a small amount of water in a suitable bucket or pail, to wet and prepare ground bait (chum) before the start. 13. The competition will start promptly at the advertised time; fishing time will be signaled by one long blast on a car horn or by Weigh Officials. The fishing period will last a maximum of 8 hours with competition close announced by two long blasts on a car horn or Weigh Stewards. All fishing lines must be removed promptly at the end of the competition. Any angler playing a fish when the competition end is announced must call out and signal “Fish On”. The angler will have a maximum of 15 minutes to play the fish in and net it; timekeeping will be the responsibility of the Anglers at adjacent pegs 14. ALL Baits and Chum / Ground bait must be fish safe. Allowed baits include bread, corn (sweetcorn or boiled maize), particles, boilies, pellet and paste baits, etc. In addition, anglers can use natural baits such as worms, night crawlers, maggots, mealworms, wax worms, crickets and hellgrammites, etc. Artificial baits, attached to each hook/hair rig system (e.g. artificial corn, boilie, crayfish fly, etc.) can be used, but no spoons, plugs, jigs, or other metal lures can be used. The Weigh Officials have the right to inspect all baits, and disallow any bait they deem illegal, offensive or dangerous. 15. All standard, Carp-safe rigs are allowed; all rigs should include either a Safety Clip or allow the lead/sinker to slide over knots in the case of an Inline, Helicopter, or Method Feeder rig. Zig Fishing, Fly Fishing, Float Fishing or Pole Fishing Rigs must include a lower breaking strain leader/hook length/tippet, to avoid a Carp breaking off the whole rig. All rigs are liable to inspection by Weigh Officials; any unsafe rigs found must be changed immediately, or the Angler concerned will be disqualified from the competition. Weighing Officials decision in all such cases will be final. 16. Ground baiting (chumming) is allowed only after the advertised start time. Spods / Spombs, PVA bags, nets & string, catapults (fishing slingshots), throwing spoons, and feeders of all types are acceptable. Please bait intelligently and only within your peg area. 17. Scales Calibration Check - Any Angler wanting to use their scales to have their fish weighed by a neighboring Angler must present their scales for calibration check to the Weigh Officials on Friday evening (or at 6:30am on Saturday morning for those Anglers arriving on Saturday). Weigh Officials will mark checked scales for neighboring Anglers to identify which scales can be used for weighing purposes. 18. Weighing System – Each angler’s fish will be weighed and recorded by a neighboring Angler on the Anglers Weigh Sheet with exact weight, type (Common or Mirror Carp), and time caught. The neighboring Angler will also sign the Weigh Sheet. It is each angler’s ultimate responsibility for ensuring that his/her fish is recorded accurately, and that the Weigh Sheet is delivered to the Weigh Officials at the end of the competition. In the event of any weighing disagreements or discrepancies, please notify the Organizer or Weigh Official immediately, within 1 hour of the end of the competition day, in person. The Organizer and Weigh Official will examine the Angler’s Weigh Sheet, talk to the Recording Angler, and will advise the angler of the decision. In all cases, the Organizers decision shall be final and binding. 19. In the event of a tie for any total or big 4 weight awards & prizes, the angler with the biggest single fish shall be judged the winner. In the event of a tie for the weight of a single fish award or prize, the award of trophy will be decided by a coin toss. 20. A Runner (Angler’s Guest) is allowed to be with the Angler at their designated peg, to support the Anglers by netting fish, assisting the Weigh Officials with the weighing and recording of fish, and by releasing fish safely back to the water. In addition, the Runner can leave the peg at any time, to fetch food and drink, carry the Angler’s gear, and liaise with spectators, the Weigh Team, and Media Representatives. The Runner cannot bait the hook for the angler, cast out, or otherwise touch the fishing rod until the fish is netted; at that point the Runner may move the rod and net out of the way, assist with unhooking the fish, and liaise with the Weigh Official. 21. Anglers are responsible for their own property, safety and liability for any damage or injury to others. The Organizer of this competition, and the Sponsors, wave any liability for any personal loss or injury, howsoever caused; this is an “enter-at-your-own-risk” event. Please remember that there are likely to be spectators and children present at all times. Look behind you before you cast! 22. You must be a Fully Paid CAG Member over the age of 16 (on or before the date of the event) to enter the CCC. The $65 Entry Fee must be fully paid to CAG before the draw on Sept 30th. This event will be limited to a maximum of 50 Anglers. 23. If the event needs to be cancelled, due to extreme weather conditions, Covid restrictions etc any refunds will be at the sole discretion of the CAG BOD; their decision will be final. 24. Anglers will be required to sign a waiver of liability before being allowed to enter the draw; any refusal to sign will result in instant disqualification of that Angler. Anyone under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian also sign the waiver. A valid NYS fishing license must be with you when fishing. Licenses can be obtained on line. http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/6091.html Out of state members can purchase a one day license for $10 The Hudson River is a tidal river and as anyone who has ever fished a tidal river knows adjustments have to be made for the flow and changes in depth. Be prepared!
  15. The awards will be consistent with the CCC tradition: The North American Champion trophy will be awarded to the angler with the Four Fish with the greatest total weight (Big 4). Winners will be able to have their name engraved & added to the trophy. The Trophy is held by the winner and then passed onto to future winners. The North American Carp King Jeweled Belt Buckle will be awarded to the angler catching the Single Heaviest Carp. In addition, we will have Special Awards for the angler landing the Biggest Mirror, Smallest Carp Caught, First Carp Caught, the Heaviest Combined Total-Weight as well as Trophies for each Section Winner (Big 4). There is also a 'Catfish' King award for the biggest catfish caught during the CCC. In case of ties, see the rules. We will also have a variety of tackle prizes to award to winners.
  16. Registration for the 2024 CAG Carp Classic is now LIVE! Cost is $65 for CAG Members which includes your CCC Entry as well as Dinner at the Awards Ceremony. ** Non members pay $90 which includes a CAG Membership. ** Click Here to Register for the CCC 2024 & Dinner & Awards Ceremony CAG Members please note you must be logged into the Forum to get the $65 CAG member rate! You can also purchase dinner for a non-fishing guest for the Awards Ceremony on the Saturday night. Click Here for Non Fishing Dinner Guest Purchase *** CCC 2024 Commemorative T-Shirts are also available for purchase *** Designs will be similar to last year and images will be uploaded soon Purchase Link Will Be Posted Soon!
  17. 2024 CCC Schedule Saturday September 21st Location: Hudson River, NY Peg Locations*: Coxsackie Riverside Park, Dutchmans Landing & Henry Hudson Park One day NY Freshwater License is $10 Buy online: https://www.ny.gov/services/get-freshwater-fishing-license Friday Sept 20 2024 Meet and Greet: At the Pegasus Restaurant from 5:00 pm A Bar-B-Que will be available in the parking lot 4pm-8pm Get your scales certified. Saturday Sept 21 2024: 7:00am - Peg draw @ Chrissy's Diner (details below) 8:00am - 4:00pm - CCC Fishing 6:00pm - Dinner 7:30pm - Awards, Prize Giving & Raffle The Dinner and Awards will be held at the Pegasus Restaurant Pegasus Restaurant 10885 St. Rte 9w, Coxsackie NY 12051 http://www.pegasuson9w.com 518-731-9200 The Peg draw and Scale Certification will be held in the parking lot behind CHRISSY’s Diner. 11830 Route 9w, West Coxsackie NY 12192. The only red light in Coxsackie turn onto Rt 385 (Mansion St), pull around behind the building to the large parking lot. Certification will be from 6:00 to 7:00. Peg draw @ 7:00. If your coming to the meet and greet on Friday you can also get your scale certified then. We hope Chrissy's will have reopened for breakfast @ 6:00 if anyone wants to grab a bite before the fishing starts. She will also make lunches to go! If Chrissy's is not open you can can also get breakfast sandwiches, subs etc from Griffin's Market 273 Mansion St, Coxsackie, NY 12501 which opens 5am - 9pm. Local Places to Stay! Holiday Inn Express 12740 State Route 9W West Coxsackie 518-719-1999 Best Western Hotel 12600 State Route 9W West Coxsackie 518-731-8300 800-528-1234 21b Motel 12800 State Route 9W West Coxsackie 518-731-2721 Camping: Tents, RV's Cabins: https://www.treetopiacampground.com/ and https://www.campcatskillsrvpark.com/ * Pegs subject to final confirmation
  18. We are asking all carp anglers to complete these important questions. Our aim is to provide key economic and other data to TN and KY fishery agencies in an effort to protect trophy carp at Dale Hollow Reservoir.
  19. And here are the winners! After a randomized draw to pull out 12 winners from the CAG Membership we then put those 12 names in one bucket and the list of prizes in another. Here is the list of winners and the prizes they won. We will be in touch over the next couple of days to confirm your mailing address etc and will then get the prizes sent to you. Congratulations to the winners and thank you everyone for supporting CAG with your membership!
  20. Sharpening the Senses - Daniel Jawadnya View File This article was first printed in a NACA magazine about 10 years ago. It is still one of the most fascinating and well conducted experiments to explore what a carp can sense! It looks at how carp respond to a variety of flavors, oils, boilie ingredients etc as well as how carp respond to color and sound. Daniel Jawadnya lives in Holland and can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daniel.jawadnya.angler Submitter Savayman Submitted 03/22/2024 Category 2012  
  21. Version 1.0.0


    This article was first printed in a NACA magazine about 10 years ago. It is still one of the most fascinating and well conducted experiments to explore what a carp can sense! It looks at how carp respond to a variety of flavors, oils, boilie ingredients etc as well as how carp respond to color and sound. Daniel Jawadnya lives in Holland and can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daniel.jawadnya.angler
  22. The 21st Annual St. Lawrence International Jr. Carp Tournament will be held on along the shores of the St. Lawrence River, July 18 – 20, 2024. To kick things off, we’re pleased to announce that recent Madrid-Waddington graduate, Tanner Smith, will be this year’s Grand Marshal! Tanner joined the Jr. Carp family in 2016, and took home the Grand Champion title that same year! Since then he has won several individual and team awards in the event, with last year’s event being his last due to age requirements. Despite now living in Georgia while attending linemen school, his response when invited to be Grand Marshal was, “now that’s an offer I can’t refuse!”, said Jo Ann Roberts, who organizes the tournament alongside daughter, Abby McNamara. His participation in the Jr. Carp tournament introduced him to a larger ‘Carp audience’, and was asked to join Team USA in the World Championship events in Hungary in 2022, and in France in 2023. When asked about his time in the tournament, Tanner said “this event is an opportunity to enjoy a great day on the riverbank with awesome people. I’ve experienced more opportunities because of it than I could have ever imagined, creating wonderful memories.” Abby, who began helping her mom with the event when she was only 6 years old said, “We are beyond proud to have Tanner as our next Grand Marshal. He brings an abundance of knowledge and advice to share with this year’s participants”. The tournament was started in 2003 by the St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce, and is now hosted by the Carp Anglers Group; a national organization with many of their members volunteering during the event. We’d like to encourage anyone who loves fishing, the outdoors and a family-friendly event to join us this year! Equipment and sponsorships are limited but available, and the experts will teach you the rest! Those interested in volunteering, sponsoring or donating toward the event, or to receive a Registration packet, contact Jo Ann Roberts at 315 244-1909 or by email to jrcarptournament@gmail.com. Kids 11 – 18 years of age are eligible to participate. Deadline for registration is Friday, July 5th.
  23. St Lawrence Junior International Carp Tournament View File Details and Registration Packet Submitter Savayman Submitted 03/19/2024 Category General  
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Details and Registration Packet
  25. Hello Jr. Carpers and Supporters of Carp Fishing people! Our annual St. Lawrence International Jr. Carp Tournament is scheduled for July 18 – 20, 2024. This is a bit earlier than we normally hold it; however, with other events scheduled on the River this summer, it was the best weekend without much disruption. Grand Marshal for this year’s tournament will be Tanner Smith, who most of you already know as a personable and talented carp angler who was Grand Champion in 2016; his first year in the event! Participating until he aged out last year, Tanner will be a great mentor for everyone throughout the tournament. Most of the tournament’s rules and schedule will remain consistent with previous years. A rule book will be given to you at Registration. Age eligibility: If you are 11 – 18 years of age on the first day of the tournament, (July 18, 2024), you are eligible to participate. However, you also qualify, if: You turn 11 years of age between July 18th and August 31st. Or, if you turn 19 years of age between July 1st and July 18th. You can fish as an Individual or as a Team of 2,3 or 4 people. We have sponsorships available to those who really need it, but available on a first-come basis as they are limited. We also have equipment for first time participants who would like to ‘give carp fishing a try’ before renting or buying your own. The # of these is also limited, so available on a ‘first come’ basis, as well. One major change to this year’s event is that there will be no ‘adult’ division. This has been debated for many years due to it being a kid’s event. We hope this won’t change the participation of the kids that were accompanied by an adult in past years, as the adult support can still be constant on the riverbank. Thank you for your understanding to this change. The attached Registration Form includes the fee, who to make the checks payable to, and where to mail them. Jr. Carp 2024 - Registration Packet.pdf Click Here to Download the Registration Packet Please fill it out the form completely, as all information is needed. As always, we’re looking for volunteers, sponsors and donations; with all being important for another successful year. If you know of anyone that might be interested in helping, please send them our way. The Carp Angler’s Group is host of this tournament, and many of their members, who you’ve come to know from their many years of dedication, will once again assist the kids throughout the 3-day event. If you have any questions at all: Click Here to Email for More Details or Questions. Hope to see you on the River! Thanks! Jo Ann Roberts Tournament Director
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