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Posts posted by Savayman

  1. Congratulations to our Fall Big 4 2023 Winners!

    As always there were some great catches. Well done to Ryan Munn for his Big 4 catches, including a 40lb common, that earned him first place together with the award for Big Mirror. 

    Sean Clayton won the Big Common with a 41lb 7oz beast.

    Regional awards went to Ryan Munn, Chris Matthews and Colin Peters. 

    Our thanks go to CarpAngler.com for providing the prizes which are given as vouchers to spend on their choice of tackle or bait on the website.


    Fall Big 4 2023 Awards.jpg

  2. Just a reminder that all anglers must comply with the rules especially having the appropriate State Fishing license and complying with local state rules for chumming, number of fish rods allowed etc. 

    12.   All Anglers must be in possession of the necessary State Fishing License.

    13.   All fish must be caught on a single hook rig, using legal rod and line methods and must be returned safely without harm.

  3. If you were at the CCC over the past weekend one of our colleagues reported testing positive for Covid yesterday.

    We wanted to let those who were there know so they can take appropriate precautions especially if they are or are likely to be in contact with someone who is immuno-compromised.

  4. On 10/2/2023 at 6:56 AM, Richard de Oliveira said:

    I would propose to add another untie rule of who caught the biggest carp first, before the coin toss tie breaker.

    This seems like a good option. Thanks Richard.

  5. 3 hours ago, Jerome said:

    Among other situations, If we have a tie for the biggest fish award, it would be decided by a coin toss... This seems rather unfortunate. There is always room for improvements, even with age old rules... ? 

    I agree. But we are only a few days away from the CCC 2023 and folks signed up based on the current rules. We will need to raise the issue and have CAG Members decide on an alternate set of rules and the finalize with the BOD. That's, as you know, how it works.

    I'd welcome any input for a propose rule change for next and future years.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Jerome said:

    This rule seems a little weird. I would suggest a tie-breaking system for ALL awards based on the weight of the biggest single fish, then second biggest single fish, etc. And only use a coin toss in case of a (very unlikely) perfect tie. 

    We can look at this for future years but this rule has been in effect for ever. 

  7. Congratulations!

    We will organize the Prize for 1st Place and also the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals to be sent out soon.

    PLEASE check the mailing address under your CAG Member details is correct and let us know ASAP if there has been a change. Thanks!



    1st Brent Behnken, Iowa "Carpy Summer Vibes" 

    July 2023 - B 1st.jpeg


    2nd Floating Bivvy July of 2023 Raccoon lake, Indiana Marty McDaniel

    July 2023 - A 2nd.jpeg


    3rd Joshua Jones "Hunter Jones" Pennsylvania 

    July 2023 - C 3rd.jpeg

  8. Please find a list of those registered for the CCC 2023 as of today Sept 28 2023

    It also includes a list of those who purchased T-Shirts and Hoodies

    If there any omissions or errors please reply to this topic thread.

    Name Invoice Guest T-Shirt Hoodie  
    Jerome Moisand 19187        
    Michael Chancer 19184   XX-L/X-L/XXX-L   19426
    Kate Hrabsky 19184        
    Chris Labucki 19192   L    
    Iain Sorrell 19238        
    /an O'Connell 19290     XL 19513
    Andrei Lisencu 19296        
    Tichie Ghenadie  19296        
    Val Grimley 19337 Yes      
    Richard De Oliveira 19343   L    
    LUIS MIGUEL ANGELO  19345        
    Thomas Brown 19365   XL    
    Mark Rakitovan 19376   XXXL   Cancelled
    Rafal Wlazlo 19377        
    David Bwak 19392 Yes      
    Todd Grubb 19400        
    Brian Santos 19414        
    Steven Clow 19416     XL  
    Stelian Bogdan 19443        
    Nigel Griffin 19450   XL    
    Mike Dragone 19453        
    Jeffrey Pirog 19487 Yes      
    Lee Hurn 19515        
    Rob Michilak 19518   XX-L XXX-L  
    Phil GB 19524        
    Rita Brown 19524        
    Sam Williams 19527   L L  
    Cody Green 19540        
    Fred Powers 19564        
    Yaroslav Livak 19574        
  9. 15 hours ago, Kate said:

    HI, both Mike & I are marked as having purchased big 4.  No way to tell which one is not paid for as there is no way to proceed with a purchase on either of our accounts,

    Hi Kate, Please check with Mike. I've sent him texts & emails this week. We only received 1 x $12 payment from his PayPal account for your two entries to the Fall Big 4. I mistakenly marked both your entries as paid instead of one. So we just need one more payment of $12. I sent a new PayPal invoice for $12 to Mike earlier in the week. Apologies for any confusion. Thanks, Iain

  10. 16 hours ago, michael chancer said:

    Having trouble finishing purchase. Stopped at the purchase stage by payIpal.  Checked paypal site & they have correct credit card information. 

    Michael - It should go through without any issues. You might have switched pages or logged off too quickly after checking out. Give it another try :)

  11. By Registering for the Fall Big 4 2023 you agree to abide to the following rules! 

    Fall Big 4 2023

    October 1st - November 30th 2023

    These are the final and definitive rules for the CAG FALL Big 4 2023.


    Entry to take part in the FALL Big 4 2023 binds you to these rules.

    It is the Competitors responsibility to read and understand these rules.

    No changes or allowances will be made to catches or uploads outside of these rules.

    If in doubt ask!


    1.     To enter the Big 4 competition you must be a FULLY paid up CAG member (temporary memberships are excluded from entering) and have registered and paid your entry fee of $12.00 payable in the CAG Store for the FALL Big 4 2023 before Noon on September 30th 2023. No entries will be accepted if your registration or payment falls beyond this date.

    -  Please look for a separate topic on how to post your catches! -

    2.     The Competition will run from October 1st at 0:01am until midnight on November 30th 2023. All uploads must be completed by midnight on November 30th. If you have an issue whereby the upload of an entry is not accepted by the CAG Leaderboard on November 30th you must contact Willem by email: big4@joincag.com by no later than Midday December 1st. Provided your entry complies with the rules we will accept your entry and assist you in including it on the leaderboard. No upload or messages posted with a date/time of December 1st midday or beyond will count.

    3.     Upload protocol must be adhered to in order to have an entry accepted. If any requirement or detail is missing then the entry will not be counted. It is the Angler’s responsibility to ensure all details are correctly entered. See Rule #6

    4.     Only your four biggest fish of the common, mirror or leather varieties count (no grass, buffalo or other strains/breeds will be accepted) and must be caught from North American waters (fish raised in stock ponds or from commercial venues such as paylakes etc may not be entered) . Upload the first four fish that you catch during the qualifying period. Subsequently, ONLY upload a fish if it is BIGGER than your fourth biggest fish. DO NOT UPLOAD FISH THAT ARE SMALLER THAN YOUR FOURTH BIGGEST FISH: this clogs the system and causes errors in uploads. This competition is about four big fish & not the total quantity of fish caught during the competition.

    5.     Upload your entries within 48 hours of capture and before midnight on the last day when the competition ends. If you have upload problems or unable to upload within 48 hours of capture you must notify us using this email address only: big4@joincag.com  See Rule #2

    6.     Your Upload must include the following details: (1)Trophy Photo of You, the captor, with the Fish, the Scales used to weigh the fish & the FALL Big 4 Logo for 2023 clearly visible in black and white or color; (2) The exact Weight of the fish in lbs and ozs; (3) The State in which the fish was caught. (4) The Date and Time of capture which must be entered in the comments section under the photo. 

    7.     Photo Requirements: (1) Images must be clear. (See notes below). The fish, angler, scales and logo must all be in focus and clearly visible(2) The Scales & Big 4 Logo must be positioned in the foreground and as close as possible to the fish (scales or logo’s positioned in the background behind the angler and fish are not acceptable). (3) All photo images must clearly show the full width of the fish. Photos where the fish is presented at an angle (45 degrees, tail or head first etc) to the camera will not be accepted. (4) Photo-Shopped or altered entries may be subject to disqualification. 

               The CAG BOD reserves the right to request any angler entered in the CAG Big 4 to submit his/her scales for verification in the event of any disputes.

    8.     The FALL Big 4 2023 logo will be available for download in a separate thread just before the start of the Competition (just before midnight on October 1st). 

    9.     Prizes will be awarded to the Anglers finishing in the first 10 places which will be determined as the aggregate of that Anglers best four fish caught within the rules and during the period of the Big 4 Competition. There will be individual prizes awarded for Biggest Common and Biggest Mirror. Additional recognition awards will be made to the captors of the four biggest fish in the 5 regional areas.

    10.   Fish Care. Any entries NOT showing proper fish handling or care will be rejected!

    11.   For the first 72 hours only entries will be also accepted where the photo shows the CAG FALLBig 4 2023 Logo clearly visible on a cell phone or iPad/tablet etc. Printed Logo’s are valid at ALL times during the event dates.

    12.   All Anglers must be in possession of the necessary State Fishing License.

    13.   All fish must be caught on a single hook rig, using legal rod and line methods and must be returned safely without harm.

    How to Weigh your Catch

    Please check your scales for accuracy and ensure that you properly zero the weigh sling (wetted but properly drained) before weighing your catch. Here’s a suggestion: wet your weigh sling, shake off any excess water then hang it on the scales until the water drains and the weight is stable. This usually takes less than 30 seconds. Then zero the sling on the scales and weigh the fish. Scales must be suspended from a Tripod, Weigh Bar or Weigh Crook to ensure stability and accuracy of weight. Holding the body of the scales with your hands will result in an inaccurate reading.


    Some pointers and suggestions for photos.

    The Big 4 Logo should be printed out to ensure it can be clearly seen in the photo (Letter or half letter size is ideal). Enclose your logo in a zip lock bag or get it laminated to prevent it getting wet or damaged.

    When taking the photo have the fish close to your body with your elbows balanced on the thigh/knee area and over a suitable un-hooking mat. This allows you to keep proper control of the fish and to place it back on the mat easily and quickly if required. Do NOT hold the fish out at arms length or while standing. The fish, angler, scales and logo must all be in focus. When taking the picture do not zoom in to just have angler and fish. Zooming in reduces the pixilation count on the photo and reduces the quality of the photo. Winners photos will be used for magazine publication and the biggest regional fish photos will be used for awards.

    A good example of a Big 4 Entry Photo that meets the Requirements for Rules # 7 & #10

    The Big 4 logo and Scales are positioned & clearly visible in the foreground.

    The fish is also being held & supported correctly & positioned over a suitable protective mat



  12. Over $1,700 in PRIZES & AWARDS!!!

    Carp Angler dot com jpeg.jpeg

    Our thanks to Carp Angler for their generous support of the CAG Fall Big 4 2023

    - Top Ten Big 4 Fish Captors  

    will be awarded prizes based on the order of the Total Weight of Biggest 4 Fish submitted

    by a registered angler & caught from anywhere in North America.

    1st - $300 * 2nd - $150 * 3rd - $100 *  4th - $75 * 5th - $50

    * 6th thro' 10th - $35 each

    *Awarded as Gift Certificates to spend with CarpAngler.com

    - The Big Fish & Regional Prizes -

    Carp Angler dot com jpeg.jpeg 

    Biggest Common will receive *$175

    Biggest Mirror will receive *$175

    * $100 for each Big 4 Regional Award Winner 

    *Awarded as Gift Certificates to spend with CarpAngler.com

     In addition a Photo Plaque will be awarded to honor the Biggest 4 Fish winners from each of the 5 Regions across North America

    (Anglers will be required to indicate the state in which each fish entered was caught).

    Regions I - IV shown below Plus Canada & Mexico Region V

    USA Regions Map.jpeg

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