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Willem (JD)

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Posts posted by Willem (JD)

  1. It's the side pots that we have to be careful about, those have to remain private matters.

    You are correct Jerome, side pots arranged between anglers are not CAG's problem. We do not host those and we have no power over an individual that wishes to do so, nor does CAG benefit financially when individuals decide to do so on their own, hence the name "Side Pot"

  2. Make sure all of that cash gets reported. THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE IS WATCHING............

    Just t make it clear to anybody that didn't actually READ the thread. NONE of the cash is going to individuals. ALL money pledged goes directly to CAG as a donation.

    It is 100% legal for CAG to receive donations.

    So it's great that the IRS "is watching", that way they will see that we have great members donating to the club.

    The question of 1099's came up as well. For those that didn't know, a 1099 is only needed if the value is $600+

    If any angler receives more that $600 in a year from multiple events, it's that person's responsibility to report their "earnings" to the IRS.

    Now let's place our focus on the event and the success thereof now that we all know that nobody is breaking any rules ;)

  3. Thanks for removing my full name off the intro, our first names are also listed towards the end as well...not a priority now that my last name is removeded. That text is built into the site and I did not have access to delete it...I wrote it but it was installed by Louis 7 years ago.

    I did go on your link and reread the the threads and there is no mention of the process for signing up on site or for cancelling ones attendance for a refund.

    There are at least three people who have posted they planned to attend and pay in person on the the CCC threads, but they are not listed as attending...and there have been updates to the list after their posts. With eveything else going on I can understand they may have been missed but I did recieve several calls from Illinois anglers from my events (we have a base of 450+ anglers on that list) Most of the events in Illinois......mine, Franks, and all the local derbies are pay the day of the event. It is these folks that need clarification. Having that spelled out will make it easier for CAG to pull a few more folks to the event.

    My suggestion is to inform everyone calling you, that you have no association with the event or serve in any official capacity..

    Then inform them to direct all their questions to cagstaff@carpanglersgroup.com


    They can post them here

    Or they can send me a PM if it's a private matter.

    As far as tentative attendees that will sign up at the event, their names will be listed after official registration.

    The current list is based on confirmed payment received.

    Any member wanting a refund, can just contact me at willem@carpanglersgroup.com , I will personally refund them out of my pocket if the request is made no later than 48 hours before the day of the event,

    I'll gladly make that donation :)

  4. Hi Larry, hope all is well. I really appreciate your concerns and they are noted within this thread.

    It seems that you've not seen the Main 2015 CCC Index page:


    ALL your questions regarding registration can be found there ;)

    As far as threats go, it's only been made by one person.

    Since CAG are not the parents or legal guardians of any member, CAG can not do anything more than request civility from party/s involved.

    I suggest that any member that feels threatened at the even call 911 ( Not Carp911) and request assistance.

    I seriously believe that as long as no alcohol is involved at the event, nobody will do any harm.

    As far as the updates go, I believe updates have been and are made on a regular basis.

    As for the list you want your name removed, please provide a URL and I'll be more than happy to assist you in that matter.

    As always, please feel free to let me know if I can assist with anything else.


  5. Give em a break Guys there Was lot o heat for sometime here .. I also want ed to see a list but if we are not getting ones for now no problem. I am 100% there are lots of goodies that be distributed fairly. Again give them break apart for All other things It's huge effort by organisers to keep things moving and ready for ccc

    I am sure the list can wait till things cool down and settle we still have a Week to go


  6. It's time for a CAG Central TX Fall Fish-In at Emma Long Park, in Austin TX.

    October 9th, 10th, and 11th (Fri - Sun)

    Come out and enjoy good times with other carp anglers, meet some new friends, and have some laughs. Everyone is welcomed to join; bring a newbie, if possible. Let's catch some fish, enjoy some cold beverages, and share stories. I am also going to try to get medals for the biggest carp/buffalo caught that weekend. Game on!

    Always a good time!

    I'll post more details ASAP. Suggestions are always welcomed.

    See you there!!!


  7. Gilbert Huxley Signature Rods

    Pepsi and Dave Moran

    Jeff Wallace and Walmart in Normal, IL

    Jug Buster Carp Flavors from Indianapolis Indiana

    Daphne "Seagull" Foster



    Castaway PVA

    Carp Creations

    Clorox and Brita products valued at $100 (Thanks Cory Bohmann)

    Dr. and Mrs. Frank Rink

    Carp Couture USA

    Depot Hobby Shop in Galesburg IL

    Uncommon Common Shirts

    Fish'n Bandit Premier Clothing

    LF Baits from the UK

    Wacker Baits and Tackle LLC

    Trilogy Carp Baits

    Matt Latzo

    K-1 BAITS

    Big Carp Tackle

    Westside Bait and Tackle

    World Classic Baits

  8. Larry

    Frank already addressed that question here:

    Larry--I have found that by uploading a photo to a server independent of CAG's and then by posting the picture on CAG by inserting the URL of the photo on the CAG image-uploader (picture frame icon in each unpublished post's header), an individual can present a photo that is visible to both un-logged guests and logged-in members/non-members.

    Keep in mind, though, that those photos will have a maximum side-dimension of 500 pixels, although you can click on the image to see it in full size. --Frank

  9. I appreciate you changing the access for all to see Willem.

    Just curious as to how long the pics have been unavailable to non-members. I was under the impression that when Louis's administration took most things members only right at the transfer to Andy and Mario's administration. I was under the assumption that when access was opened to some parts by Andy the images would have been too as a part of the attraction and would be an impetus for people to join as was the case for a decade proceeding that......have non-members been "BLIND" to all images for the past 4 To 5 YEARS?


    Friends of CAG, local post not in the members only section, pictures and stories andd CCC stuff too!

    No wonder the people have moved off to Facebook and other things.....there's been nothing to see here and only half of the stories here...

    Kind of a BIG oversight if your trying to recruit new people of retain casual members through an economic downturn like 2010-2012

    Anyway, Thanks again for helping figure this out Willem! Your the best.

    It was not an oversight. It was a deliberate setting.

    Written content was opened to all to read. If you wanted to see more all you had to do is register.

    It will not stay like this. I just changed it for now to test.

    If an article really interest you, register and get the full story. If it's too much to ask, you're not really that interested if you can't spend 3 minutes registering on the forum ;)

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