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Posts posted by Grasshopper

  1. awesome!

    mentoring the next generation of CAG....

    WE may need your help in a different way

    sunday we were out smarted repeatedly by three carp....one has been a menace all year...maybe we need to hire you to come and catch her and move her to a different swim.

    i fooled a pike on corn today...but pike are not very smart....

    Hey Dave, my uncle and I want to visit Toronto again soon! Ill show you how to stick em!
  2. grasshopper your imagination and inventiveness will open many a new door.....pretty cool twist you put into your carping stategy....water skis next???? with the wind and waves a wind surfer to task drag on a big old carp?? you made me smile...thanks.

    my next goal is to get one and fight one while lying on my bedchair!, cheers mate :)
  3. Wow it was windy out there today. 30-40 km winds, 1-2 meter swells yet a nice cool day. I joined Colin and Nick today for an hour and a half at the Haida. Plunked in a line, and went for a good rollerskate. As I neared my rod, it shot off. Fish on. Just below 17. Well chuft. First proper Haida carp. The boys had a good day too.


  4. ugh that guy on OFF is so hard headed, why do these people hate carp so much, it makes no sense.

    They're carp hating sac drifters and very oldfashioned too. If many of you didn't know, Smallmouth Bass ARE NOT Native to most Northern Lakes of Ontario, and one Great Lake. In the 1880's, when CN Rail began to expand, they carried Smallmouth Bass in large Milk Containers and introduced them to hundreds of lakes. Thus making them an invasive species because they had effect on some of the Native Brook Trout fisheries. Originally Smallies were native only to Mid-Central North America. If you ask many different countries what they think about Bass, they will laugh at you, and say they hate them. In Japan they have many "catch and keep" bass fishing tournaments. But I don't think we can change the opinions of these stubborn men, but hats off to you Lorne, I have been following you and your valid points on the OFF. They are beginning to crumble. Cheers.
  5. Went up North for some fishing. Did well. Got this beauty smallie on a wacky rigged Yamasenko. On a drop off, from a shoal in 16 feet of water. We caught some small mouth late at night, in the dark on topwaters. It was fun. But now I want some carps.


  6. I got an unexpected pass from the better half to do a night on Saturday so after a hasty phone call and some fantastic advice (as always), I sorted myself out for a venue and headed out.

    It was quite late when I arrived to I was rushing to get sorted. I checked all the usual spots but they were busy and there were a couple of fish about but nothing in any numbers to went and had a look for a new spot a bit of a hike away. After two 20 minute trips with all my gear for the night (I wish I hadn’t got rid of my barrow and can’t wait to get my rod bag back), I started to get set up. I set up the spod rod to find the marks and immediately the handle screw fell off my reel into the deep margin and then while I was sorting that out, where I had dropped my marker lead in the edge it snagged and I lost it. Then my spare reel jammed up. In the time it took to get this sorted, the wind completely changed and I could no longer reach the spots I wanted to fish. With that I had had enough, threw a hissy fit (luckily no one could see me) and enough was enough and I decided I was going home.

    Another 2 long trips to the car with all my kit and I had blisters on my hands from carrying the heavy buckets, was sweaty, tired and ready for bed but I decided that I would check the other local spots quickly – luckily one was free and although it didn’t look like there were many fish about, I thought I would get fishing (It meant I could drink my beers sooner than driving home :D)

    I baited with a kilo of corn and put my rod out, got everything set up and laid back to watch a film on my tablet – only to find the film had no sound – aaaaarrrghh - bloody Codecs!

    It didn’t matter though as the rod was showing signs of action and within a few minutes I had my first fish in the net – the action proved to be non stop. In the end I had to reel in so I could get some sleep as had 9 fish from 14 takes with the losses coming from hook pulls and getting cut off on the boulders in the edge (as well as losing something like 6 leads). Unfortunately no pictures as I didn’t want to set anything up in the night and for the fish I had in the morning, I was too tired and didn’t think of taking any.

    In the end it was a fun session and I think the tiredness and frustrations cost me a few fish so I will be better prepared next time… The tackle losses were costly and a couple of the fish I lost felt very good but I guess you have to take the rough with the smooth - that's what makes fishing fun :)

    PS – I had a witnessed a very strange thing in the middle of the night. I noticed a couple of small splashes close in and within a couple of minutes the surface of the water was alive with fish splashing and rising. There seemed to be 100’s and 100’s of fish in the area and they carried on like this for a good couple of hours. I can only assume it was a shoal of trout on a hatch? I tried a few floating baits etc to try and catch whatever it was but didn’t hook anything. Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?

    I was at Lasalle a few nights ago and witnessed the same thing, fish jumping in the margins. I shined my headlamp and netted a few. They were spawning Gizzard Shad. Some of them were being chased by bass and pike. There pretty hard to catch with a hook, though it can be done. Great post, cheers.
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