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Carp Anglers Group Forums


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Posts posted by Janderson

  1. I think its a great thing and I also signed the petition. I feel the bad eggs don't exactly follow fishing regulations anyways, you'll have that if its 1 rod of 5. I commonly see guys fishing public access spots on the GMR using 4-5 rods each.

  2. I appreciate the warm welcome from you all, certainly a friendly group of folks here.

    I've been spending a lot of time on here taking in a lot of information. I have been talking to a few fishing buddies of mine about carping and all the new methods of catching them that I've been reading about. They seem pretty well excited to give it a try also.

    Really glad I found this place, random Google searching for this sort of info is a tiresome task.

  3. Just thought I would make a post to introduce myself and say hello.

    I've been browsing the forums for a few days, recently discovered the site via a member of the OGF forums. I've been fishing my whole life, mostly for catfish. I'm sort of a new "carper", though I've fished for them many times in the past and caught hundreds, I never had carp specific gear or really appreciated them as a gamefish until recently. I've recently become interested in the euro style of carp fishing, all the fancy trinkets and carp specific gear has me intrigued. I have had my eye on this style of fishing for several years now, but never seriously enough to pull the trigger and buy some gear, until now. I figure I know of several local places where I could catch very large carp, I know I enjoy catching them and they fight like a frieght train, why am I wasting my time with other species? As a diehard catfisherman, my local waters just do not produce throphy size cats, especially with the commercial fisherman basically hoop netting the Cincinnati pool of the Ohio clean of the big ones. Not to make it sound as if I think carp are a last resort to catching large fish, that isn't the case. More so why not embrace the carp that I already know I love to catch, put my time and effort into chasing those monsters instead.

    So that is what brings me here, I hope to learn a lot from you guys here and hopefully I can contribute some myself in the future.

    I currently still do not own any carp specific gear, that will change soon. I've been carefully doing my research on what to shop for, I plan on buying everything I need to get started within the next couple weeks.

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