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(NY) Sam Williams

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Posts posted by (NY) Sam Williams

  1. CAG NY fish in

    We had group of 7 show up, 2 from NJ , 1 from PA, 1 from Queens NY , and 3 locals all part of the Carp Anglers Group. In the picture is Jeffrey Pirog from NJ first time fishing the Hudson river, I put him in my spot. He was using packbait which is oats sweetcorn molasses, hook bait a T.A.C. boilie from Carp baits USA.   And I only caught a Rudd on sweetcorn. That was both caught on the outgoing tide. 

  2. The Yankee Challenge is returning this Year..   We starting it in Connecticut ..   The date is May 8th Saturday..  The venue is TBA Awaiting on CT State Lee Hurn to make his choice. 

    There is no entry fee.  But must be paid CAG members.   

    Please arrive at 7am for peg draw..     Fishing starts at 8am and ends at 430pm 

    You can use 3 rods if you wish. 

    For more information you can ask here on the forum or got the Facebook page Yankee Challenge https://www.facebook.com/SAMRegionalDirectorCAG

    you can ask question there.  any updates will post here and on the Yankee Challenge page.

    Look forward to seeing you all.  



    Next Year will be in New York 

  3. Executive Order Regarding Travel: Pursuant to Governor Lamont's Executive Order No. 9S, anyone traveling into Connecticut from a state or territory, other than New York, New Jersey, or Rhode Island, or from a country other than the United States, is directed to self-quarantine for a 10-day period from the time of last contact within the identified state or country.


    Unless you are coming outside of NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY AND RHODE ISLAND.    you are ok to travel and you be always 6 feet apart at the pegs and masks must be worn at all times.  

    If RI would like to join please do at the moment I have   

    3 people from NY

    3 from CT

    1 from PA

    and possible 3 from NJ   

    at the moment, I have NY Free fishing Day 26th June and 25th September ( location to fish for NY is a choice of Norrie Point?, Dutchmans Landing or Coxsackie boat Launch.  (all three are the Hudson River) 

    Lee Hurn going to find out about CT free days and will be held at Batterson park CT. 

    Any more information need will greatly help or you require any thing please let me know.. 


    Thank you everyone..



  4. Hello 

    Its not even been a week as Regional Director, and be asked about the Yankee Challenge... 

    So having no Info on this..   Im asking anyone and everyone what can I do to bring this back.  is this one day event is this state vs state etc. .

    you can reply here or cagnyhudsonvalley@gmail.com

    Look forward any and all input.. 

    Thank you

    Sam Williams

    Regional Director 1 North

    NY State Chair

  5. Hello everyone..  those who know me at Norrie. open fish in at norrie point. March 20th.  


    THIS EVENT IS WEATHER DEPENDET. I will let everyone know leading up to the event.

    any question you can respond here. or email cagnyhudsonvalley@gmail.com or call and leave a message and i will get back to you asap.8455200546.


    Look forward to seeing you.


    Sam Williams

    NY State Chair. 20180412_141622.jpgIMG_20201019_064953.jpgBWnorrie.jpg

  6. The Circle requirements are for NY State. If other states will follow then please check your state fishing laws.

    The reasoning behind the Circle hook. its not about what bait you use. its about being able to unhook the fish as quickly as gentle as possible for being released back into the rivers.  Unfortately the mortality rate  is too high from under sized stripe bass being caught and released and ending up being dead in the water. Being a circle hook should be alot easier to unhook with fingers or most people use is pair of pliers. 

  7. This letter is with intent to be NY state Chair For the Hudson River and Surround areas of Mid-Hudson Valley. 

    My Intention with this position are to organize events, With CAG members and the General Public. 

    At present i have already hosted CAG events at Norrie point and also working with NY DEC at Norrie point working together getting the public involved with how to fish the river and how the river works. I also work with I LOVE NY Fish in at Norrie i assist with there events.  I think NY state chair needs to be able to gather our NY fellow Carp anglers. I am sure I can get our memebers together like the CCC at Coxsackie and Dutchmans Landing. I also work with Hudson River Almanac, which i get free posting on any events i host. which covers from Troy all they way down to New York City. Ive been fishing for carp in USA for 17 years, before that Match fishing back in the UK since the age of 10.. I join CAG because I love the principles for which CAG stands for.


    2017 class.jpg

    This is a picture of Norrie Enviromental Center teaching Schools kids the river. I am explained the protective coating the carp hence the kids are touching the carp. 

    Thank you for your consideration. 


    Samuel L. Williams 

  8. Hi Jerome, the dates were 29th and 30th, and thank you for responding, you have been the only one. The event is a two day event with NYDEC I Love NY free fishing. I hold the event at norrie, and would like fellow carpers, to assist as well as fish. It's a public event mostly with kids since they are off from school. We do the fishing and give a rod with a carp on the end. And the NY DEC has displays in the building. And we can promote CAG and fishing in general. As for next year, I have to wait till they offer free fishing days.  BUT later in the year I hold a just CAG fishin late October early November. 


    Once again thank you for your interest.

  9. Hello everyone.

    I need help with an event its I Love NY fishing days. This is a public event, but a great opportunity to promote CAG. You can come and fish as well as show what what we do. I have held events there before, but unfortunately I need extra help and with this weekend. It's easier access, you just wont be able to set up.a bivvy the event is on concrete. If interested please call 8455200546, or PM on facebook.

    The event is at 256 Norrie point way staatsburg ny. 2017-10-19.jpg2017 class.jpg

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