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  1. Just thought I'd post a few pictures of a few fish I've caught recently at Lake Washington. 

    Prebaiting seems to be very important here. It's a fairly large lake. Mainly used boiled feed corn and millet about 5 gallons most days after work, and fishing on weekends. 

    I'm also starting to consider moving away from the use of PVA except for maybe in the case of long range situations, and perhaps switching to pack, or method. It's a lot of down time filling bags. 

    Unfortunately this is one of the few Lakes in the State where the use of two poles are not allowed, it's also one of the few lakes on West side of the state that chumming is allowed ?

    Largest fish so far has been ~25lb 6oz (weighed without a tripod).  Look at the pectoral fins on this first guy. 





  2. Obviously boilies are an option, but they are expensive to buy in large quantities for prebaiting.

    I suppose making them is an option. But I haven't really looked into the costs of making them at home, or the time involved in that. (I suppose I should probably look more into this)

    Has any one used larger ground baits 20mm+ in size? 

    If so what did you use?


  3. The WDFW is taking public input in regards to a policy proposal to eliminate the prohibition of chumming and allow it statewide.

    They will be taking public comment until November 30th. 

    As of now, only a handful of lakes in Washington allow chumming. 

    This policy change would also clear up any grey areas in regards to the use of method leads, or PVA bags. 

    If you fish for Carp in Washington State, I would highly suggest you provide some feedback for them.

    You can do so here: http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/regulations/rule_proposals/policy.php?id=10




  4. I'm relatively new to Carp Fishing. 

    One question I've had watching a lot of Carp Videos, and seeing Anglers on local waters: Is why carp anglers rarely seem to utilize boats or Kayaks? Is there some major advantage to shore fishing that I'm not seeing? 


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