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Posts posted by trout123

  1. 20 hours ago, James Leiser said:

    It's hard to tell.  There are times where turtles will pop their head out to grab the bait.  If I think that is a possibility, I'll put my finger on the line and try to see what the bite feels like.  Now that is more from my catfishing time where snapping turtles will grab and drop the bait.  They would even hold the bait and swim away, but not get hooked because of the tough mouths.  One night we ended up with 3 or 4 different snapping turtles, were several runs seemed like channel catfish takes, but were the same dang turtles.  



    Thats definitely a possibility but that means there would have been 10 turtles in a small corner of a pond lol

  2. Hello all,

    Me and a buddy were fishing a new spot in our pond and had about 20 bites, small and large, but no hookups except for a turtle. No runs either but the fish would bend the rod lots. The pond has a little carp fishing pressure and we have had very good success with 3 or 4 pieces of corn threaded directly on a hook on a short carolina rig and cast into a pile of bait. All the carp we have caught in that pond are about 5 pounds on average, the bigger ones being about 8 and smaller about 2. 

    We went back the day after with an extra long leader and small trout hooks, like a quarter of an inch size hooks with 1 piece of corn threaded on and had 2 bites and 2 catches.

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