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Carp Anglers Group Forums


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Posts posted by Ken

  1. Yes, that was an exciting tournament with outstanding fish being caught.  The number of 30's brought in was incredible.  And in the fall to boot!  A job well done by all.

    Of course there's no need to even mention the winner's accomplishments, especially with that 50, but, congratulations anyway Jerome.


    Here is  a NYSDEC newsletter on fishing.  At the bottom is the website where you can request a particular topic you would like them to cover.  Everyone of us, regardless of what state we live in, should take this opportunity to request hearing about our sport.


    DEC Delivers - Information to keep you connected and informed from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
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    The Fishing Line - October 9th Edition

    This Week's Topics

    • Our Newsletter has a Name!
    • DEC Fisheries Needs Your Input
    • Lake Erie Steelhead: Fall Fishing Forecast
    • Improved Access to Chenango River
    • Invasive Species Removal Projects on Long Island

    Our Newsletter Has a Name!

    The Freshwater Fishing and Boating Newsletter is now “The Fishing Line.” Our name may have changed but delivering interesting, informative news on freshwater fishing, boating, and fisheries management in New York hasn't!

    Want to us cover a particular topic? Let us know by emailing fwfish@dec.ny.gov.


  3. Egads!!

    This is one of the most impressive group of pictures I've seen.  And these were the big ones; I can only imagine the number of smaller fish that were caught.  The weights of the 'big ones' would be interesting to see.  Some look very close to, if not, 40's.  What was the time span you spent catching this fish?

    It's time I tried "fishing the puff".  I've looked on the shelves for them, but have never located any puffs in local stores. Do you know of any good substitutes?


  4. 7 hours ago, (TN) Cannonball said:

    I think that you will find that very, very few people deliberately fish for carp. In the past, the only carp caught was by people fishing for something else, mainly catfish. If there are catfish and bluegill, you should find carp. We find this at my local venue all the time. Put out some bait, if legal, and fish. Start a trend and catch carp!

    Cannonball is right on a couple of counts here.   "People don't deliberately fish for carp" is right, that is, until they watch you land one.  Then they'll nonchalantly come on over and ask you what you're using for bait.  And say something like "Jeese, that is big and it really put up a fight"!  I think it's fun to set up close enough to other fishermen not to encroach on their space (especially if there are kids fishing) and hopefully catch a carp.  You can bet every eye will be on you by the time it's time to net the fish.  That's the way to start a trend.

    I find most people will politely listen about carp fishing, but will never try it on their own.  They inherently "hate" carp from years of listening to sportsmen.  But let them watch you catch one and they are all ears on how they can do it themselves.  <:///><

  5. I got this recipe off YouTube a couple years ago and like it.  When I have the room, I use my 11 ft rods and can cast this stuff 50 - 60 yards.  Fishing the rivers, I generally don't need to cast farther than that.  Usually, not even that far.

    Take an 8 oz can of Panko bread crumbs and mix in 2 packs of jello.  I've tried different flavors and like strawberry the best.  Take a can of whole kernel corn and a can of white hominy and drain.  Add to the bowl and start squeezing everything together with your hand.  Keep squeezing until you get the consistency you want.  If you add any extra liquid, it will be too wet.

    I've been just packing this around a 2 or 3 oz egg sinker-nothing else to hold it- and it stays on just fine.

  6. It's a sad situation. but it might not be a good idea to give away specific locations of good carp areas on the open forum.  I know bow fishermen have taken the time to monitor our site looking for leads for their "fishing" and am sure they still do.  For specific areas, sending a PM would be a better option.  

    Around this area, there are a good (bad) number of bow fishermen on the water killing carp, and unless I'm talking to an angler, I keep my mouth shut.

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