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Posts posted by Silurus_glanis

  1. Kingston, Tennessee, I think. It has been awhile. I am not sure what river it was on though. I think we were near the I-40 bridge, but it has been awhile. I do remember there were several signs warning against Radiation poisoning. It is not far from where they destroyed an entire town to test an Atomic Bomb in the 40's or 50's. Our host had a whole story about it. He used to own K-1 baits, but I forget his name now. He was the guy who started the company.

  2. It can be done, look how franks events turnout ever month. I think one issue is the distance needed to travel. The Chicago guys all live within a hour or so of the venue. Definitely could be accomplished across the state but great care taken in the coordination of it. I may be able to help next year when I'm back.

    Frank is definitely one of the guys who could make a league happen, but he would need some cooperation, and some help too.

  3. Good idea but that might be limited to areas with easy access to a number of participants plus venues that have easy access. I'm not real optimistic about Tennessee. I couldn't even get anyone to answer a PM about the FFF. Would like to fish some out of state fish-ins but not in the budget.

    Wow, that is too bad. I am sorry to hear you did not get any help. Tennessee is one of the main states for catching big carp. I fished the Tennessee Shootout a few years back. It was a messed up tournament because the Buffalo Suckers had moved in and forced the carp out of the area. Anyone who chummed landed Buffalo. Only one team seemed to be in the right spot for catching carp. Another team did not chum, and they landed about nine carp on boilies. My team caught one carp and actually would have had a chance to finish 3rd place if we had caught just a few more carp. We caught over 40 Buffalo Suckers, and if they had counted, we would have won the tournament. Keep trying to post. I think there are a few carp anglers in your state. If you do not get any responses, then try the Indiana section. I know a few of those guys will be heading to Tennessee in the spring.

  4. Okay guys, I have been talking about this since 2010, without much communication. I keep hearing someone is going to do something, but then nothing ever materializes.

    I do believe there are CAG members on here living in Illinois that would like to host tournaments, and would make great host. I think the problem is that they do not know how many anglers would be loyal to participate if they did start a league. What we need to do is sound off, and let them know just how many anglers are interested in an Illinois League and/or an Illinois Carp Fishing Championship.

    Although I appreciate any suggestions or insight related to this topic, I do ask that everyone who is going to be negative or condescending towards me or this subject not post. This post is for all the sport angles, future hosts of tournaments, and sponsors who are in favor of carp fishing tournaments. We do not need any negativity here, just positive reinforcement.



  5. This post has two parts to it. The first is a couple of questions and the second is a discussion.

    First, what carp fishing tournaments are planned for 2015, in the states of Illinois? I know of one event, the Dixon Carp Derby, but I was wondering if anyone else had any other tournaments planned?

    The second part is a discussion. Is there anyone at all making plans for having a spring, summer, and fall (March through October) carp fishing league in Illinois? Is there any bait shop owners or other fishing related businesses even interested in supporting such a notion?

    Is there anyone making plans to host a major carp fishing tournament in Illinois similar to the Wisconsin Carp Championship?

    How many anglers would be interested in a league? How about a once a year professional level championship tournament?

  6. Larry, thank you so much for putting on the Dixon Carp Derby. Everyone had so much fun; this was a great event. Although we were all fishing a real carp tournament, it felt more like a Fish-in. It was so cool to be fishing side-by-side with both local amateurs, and my professional carp fishing friends. You did a great job of organizing the event, and the fishing was awesome. Everyone was catching fish and getting runs. I must have landed over 40 carp during the two day event, and what an incredible variety of different types of carp. I caught Kio, common, mirror, and goldfish/carp hybrids. I wish I could figure out how to post photos on here to show everyone some of the fish I caught. I loved the tournament format, and the event was a lot of fun. God permitting, I will be back in 2015, to defend my Title as the 2014 Dixon Carp Derby Advanced Angler Division Champion. Maybe this time, I will be the Grand Champion, I just missed it by a few ounces. And even if I do not win any money, it certainly will be worth the five hour drive to fish the Rock River and take part in this tournament. Thanks again!

    Happy Holidays,

    Paul Scott

    You guys can go to the Central Illinois Fishing Group on Facebook to check out the photos. There is also an article posted on there about the event.

  7. Hi Bob,

    I`m Adam. Brand new for the group and brand new for the country. Just moved here from Europa. Just getting know about your community and I`m so interested about CCC. Can you tell me something more about the rules and schedules? What is not clear for examples: it will be held on the 12-13th september but early on you sad that no fishing on the pegs before saturday. So what`s going to happen on friday then? Will the tournament take only 1 day? Thank you

    I am not for sure if they are doing it that way or not this year, but normally the tournament is a one day event. It is not a serious marathon, but rather just a group of carp enthusiast getting together to have some fun. A lot of anglers will pre-fish on Friday and then meet up for the social on Friday night. The tournament then takes place the next day and ends by suppertime. Then we all meet for the award ceremony and the CAG annual meeting. This meeting is chance to socialize, eat free food, and win some cool donated prizes.

  8. Here are the final details for the tournament.

    It is today, May 31, 2014. Registration: 2:00 pm, Peg Draw: 3:00 pm, and Fishing and Chumming starts at 4:00 pm and runs until midnight.

    Entry fee: $25

    First 12 anglers to enter will get a goodies pack.

    The tournament is located at a bank fishing area just off of East Lake Shore Drive. This location is South of the Lincoln Greens Golf Course and North of the Zoo.

    There are two port-a-pots on location.

    There is a limit of 30 anglers. I am not going to allow anymore than that to enter so be there by 2:00 pm.

    My phone number is (217) 710-4516 if you need help finding the location. I will be on site by noon putting the sign up.

    We have 12 possible anglers so far and I hope to see more.

    Do not worry too much about the rules. I will go over the ones that matter most. I want this to be fun, but we also have to have some order to make it fair for everyone.

    See you guys there! :)

  9. 2014 CIFC Shoreline Fishing Championship

    Introduction: The purpose of the 2014 CIFC shoreline Fishing Championship is to bring the sport of bank fishing to Central Illinois. Anyone who has an interest in fishing from the shoreline is encouraged to participate in the tournaments and membership in the Club is never required.

    Rules: Version: CIFC.2014

    1. You must have a valid IL Fishing License to compete in the CIFC Shoreline Fishing Championship Tournament. If you do not having this documentation in your possession on the day of the tournament, you cannot enter the tournament. Some anglers may not need a fishing license, but must have any required proof that a DNR agent would need to verify these claims. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

    2. You will be limited to fishing with two rods at a time. You may also have up to two more rods ready to be casted into the water with bait, but at no point are you permitted to have more than two rods fishing. Anyone caught fishing with three or more rods will be disqualified. You are also permitted a marker float rod to mark snags or structures. You are permitted a spodding rod for use with a bait spod. These two rods cannot have hooks or lures attached to them. If you are found with hooks or a lure attached to these rods you will be disqualified without refund of entry fee.

    3. No boats of any kind will be permitted. This includes all floatation devices other than a life vest. It also includes bait boats or other remote controlled baiting devices. All fishing must be done from the shoreline and all chum must be put into the water by either using a rod, catapult (bait sling), or by hand.

    4. You are not permitted to enter the water for any reason other than to save a person who has fallen into the water and is in need of assistance. However, enter at your own risk and be aware that you have signed a waiver form of liability, so any harm that befalls you is your doing and not the fault of CIFC or its affiliates or the lake manager or any property owners where the tournament is being held.

    5. All fish caught during the tournament must be released unless they are bait. You may be asked to sack the fish, if the weighing crew is overwhelmed, until they can get to you. Match fishing style bags, laundry bags, and other fish safe sacks are acceptable for holding fish. Stringers (both chain and string), potato bags, baskets, and wire cages are not acceptable. Laundry bags may be available for purchase at the tournament if needed.

    6. The use of treble or multi-prong hooks is prohibited. Only single prong hooks will be allowed. You are also limited to one hook per a line.

    7. All the bait you use must be safe for the fish. You will be asked to eat your dough bait if there is any doubt or be disqualified. Putting petroleum type products such as WD40 can harm fish. Anyone caught using baits laced with these or other poisons will be disqualified and also banned from all future tournaments.

    7b. You can use all legal live bait except any fish species that counts as weight such as Kio or Carp. Goldfish are not legal baitfish in Illinois even though bait shops sometimes sell them.

    8. Most fish must be netted, but see exception below to this rule. CIFC recommends using a net large enough to capture a decent size Blue Catfish. Knotless netting is better for the fish, but at this time we are allowing all types of netting.

    8b. Large Flathead Catfish can be landed by grabbing them by the mouth. Handling a fish by its gills can harm it, so this is not allowed. All other fish species must be netted.

    9. CIFC recommends using an unhooking mat or something equivalent to lay the fish onto after capture. Fish safety is very important and this device will protect the fish from harm while it is being handled during the unhooking and weighing process.

    10. Respect the fish and they will provide you with years of future enjoyment. Harming any fish during the tournament is grounds for disqualification even if that fish species does not count for weight. The exception to this rule are fish being used for bait. You may cut or hook these baitfish, but please do not be cruel.

    11. The tournament will use a lottery system to determine who fishes where. In this case, we will be using a walking peg draw. Basically, you will be allowed to choose the peg you want to fish when your name is called from whatever pegs are available. The first person to have their name drawn will have the choice from all of the pegs.

    11a. The lottery will begin at 2:00 pm. Anyone who plans to fish the tournament should have his/her name put into the drawing or he/she will have to pick a peg from those that are left over after the peg draw has concluded. All the names in the drawing will be called prior to being pulled; anyone whose name was not called will need to let the officials know before the drawing begins. Once the drawing starts, it is too late to enter the peg draw. All late anglers will have to pick from whatever pegs are left over after the drawing has ended.

    11b. The first name called will choose a peg and the same with each name thereafter. You will have one minute to decide and you must remain at this peg until 5:00 pm. After that, you are free to move to any open peg at anytime. You may move as often as you like or stay put; your choice.

    11c. Each peg at its center will have a flag with a number on it or a number will be painted on the ground. To the right and left of this flag will be two painted marks. These marks are your boundaries. You cannot cast past these boundaries for any reason. You are required to fish straight out in front of your swim, in-between these two boundaries. You are not permitted to cast into anyone else’s swim or cast past these boundaries even if you are on an end peg.

    11d. After the proper paperwork has been filled out, the angler can go to his/her peg. Once there, the angler can get set up, but cannot chum or fish until the tournament begins at 4:00 pm.

    11e. CIFC asks that you do your best to land your fish in your peg. If your fish enters another angler’s peg, then you should land it as quickly as possible. Try not to get tangled into other competitors’ lines or to step on other anglers’ equipment. If you are the angler with another competitor fighting a big fish in your peg, we asked that you be patient. You are not required to reel in your rods, but it might help prevent the fish from getting tangled into your lines. Please help the other competitor land the fish quickly, so everyone can get back to competing. An exception to this rule is if you are using an ultra-light combo or a rod and reel combo that is not adequate for the size of fish you are fighting. After you have reached your limit, you might be asked to stop fishing if you continue to be a nuisance to the other competitors. If you refuse, you could be disqualified.

    12. What fish types count as weight? CIFC will only be counting the following fish types; Common Carp (which includes all members of the species Cyprinus carpio including Kio), Blue Catfish, Channel Catfish, Flathead Catfish, Buffalo Suckers (Black, Bigmouth, and Smallmouth), Grass Carp (White Amur), and Freshwater Drum. What does not count? Any fish species not listed above including your bait. For the purpose of this tournament, you are not permitted to use Carp or any other species listed above as bait.

    13. Anyone caught bringing in fish from the outside or attempting to enter fish caught prior to the start of the tournament will be disqualified and your entry fee will not be refunded. The exception is fish being used for bait, but these cannot be of the fish types that count for weight.

    14. Entry fees must be paid in full before the start of the peg draw.

    15. Entry fees must be paid in full before you start catching fish. Any fish caught before an angler has officially entered the tournament will not count and must be released prior to entering the tournament.

    16. If you and another angler (e.g. minor, spouse, etc.) wish to compete in the tournament as one entity, you may do so, but you will be limited to all restrictions as if you and your teammate were one angler. You can only fish from the same peg, enter five fish, and use two rods total.

    17. Anyone can reel in a fish on your rod for you and the fish will still count; however, if you need to leave the area for any reason including a call of nature and you are not signed in as an entity team then you must remove your baited hooks from the water until you return. If you do not plan to return, then you must inform the officials that you are leaving and you must remove all equipment and trash from your pegged swim.

    18. You must be at least 16 years old to compete on your own without a parent present. Anyone under the age of 18 must have a guardian sign the Waiver of Liability form too.

    19. Clean up after yourself and do not leave any garbage behind. Leave the swim looking better than when you started fishing. Bring a garbage bags with you for cleanup.

    20a. Snagging fish is prohibited and is grounds for disqualification. (See exception below.)

    20b. The exception to the rule above is if this happens on accident. Any fish caught, even if hooked in the tail, will count, but anyone intentionally snagging will be disqualified.

    21. Anglers may continue to enter the tournament even after the peg draw, but they will have to pick from whatever pegs are left over.

    22. The pegs closes to the parking lot area are reserved for those anglers with physical disabilities until 5:00 pm. After 5:00 pm, all open pegs are open to all anglers.

    23. You are permitted to fish with up to three buddies from the same peg, but you are not allowed to share fish. All the fish you catch will count for you and only you and not for anyone else. If I suspect any foul play, I may ask each angler in your group to move to another peg away from each other.

    24. If an issues arises that is not listed as a rule, then Paul Scott will determine what is fair and his ruling is finial.

  10. Calling all participants! It is time to sound off and let me know you are coming to the tournament, so I can add you to my list. There are only 30 pegs, so unless anglers share pegs, I will have to limit the number of entries to 30 competitors. If you let me know you are coming, I will make sure to reserve a spot for you, else it is first come and first served.

    For years I have traveled far to fish tournaments put on by other people. I will not be hosting this event next year and may not be hosting any others in the future. This may be your only chance to pay me back for attending your events or for you to attend an event that I am hosting. If you want to even the score and come join me, I would love to see you all there. If you need more information, just go to Central Illinois Fishing Club on Facebook or send me an email with your questions at pasasap2@yahoo.com or post them here. This is a small event, but I think it would be a lot of fun to fish and you could set a new PB in some category. Lake Springfield is home to huge Flathead Catfish and Blue Catfish (70+), and even giant Freshwater Drums (25+). Also, carp over 40 pounds have been landed on accident by people not trained to fish for them, so you never know. Please post if you think you will make this one.

  11. Here are the details for the CIFC Shoreline Fishing Championship tournament.

    Where? The shoreline fishing area just off East Lake Shore Drive in the area where the city pumps water from the river into the lake.
    When? May 31, 2014.
    Who? Anyone 16 years or Older; all younger anglers must fish with a parent.
    Cost? $25 per angler.
    Questions? Contact Paul Scott at pasasap2@yahoo.com
    Registration: 2pm; Peg Lottery: 3pm; Tournament: 4pm to Midnight!
    This is a catch-and-release biggest five tournament.
    No boats permitted, we will be fishing from pegs along the shoreline.
    100% of all entry fees collected will be awarded. Payout will be 40%/30%/20%/10% for 1st/2nd/3rd/Largest Fish plus medals.
    Only Blue Catfish, Channel Catfish, Flathead Catfish, Buffalo Suckers, Common Carp, White Amur (Grass Carp), and Freshwater Drum will count.
    Two Rods per angler and one hook per line.
    The use of treble hooks is prohibited.
    Bring a net, keep sack, and an unhooking mat.
    All anglers will be checked prior to registration for a fishing license.
    All anglers must sign a Liability form.
    The first 20 paid anglers will get a free gift pack of goodies; registration start at 2:00 pm.
    Life bait will be allowed as long as it is not a fish species that counts or that is illegal to use as live bait.
    All baits that are safe for the fish will be allowed.
    Limit of one 5-gallon bucket of chum per angler.
  12. This is what I would like to see. Five to eight qualifier tournaments held across Illinois, not all stacked up North or around one particular area. The top three anglers from each of those events qualify for the Championship, or we have a year long League and the top ten make the cut. If we had a League, then you would have to earn your way to the championship by doing well in the League. To make the venues even, we do not keep track of weight for the entire year, but we score points based on how an angler finishes in the tournament. Each angler scores points for 1st place, 2nd and so on. This will keep one tournament at a particularly great venue from becoming far more important than the other tournaments at less successful venues. It evens up the venues and makes it about how you did the entire season at every tournament and not how well you did at one tournament. Finally, there is a Championship where only the best for that entire season compete to be named the Illinois Carp Champion.

    I know how to set this up to make it fair for everyone so that it does not favor anyone. A fair, fun, professional series of tournaments that leads to a championship and thus a champion. Illinois best then could face other states' best at a National Championship. Maybe our National best could then head to the World Championships to represent the USA.

    I am not the person to get this started. I do not have the following or the financial backing. However, I know there are people out there who have the support to do this. And if they decide to start a League, I would be glad to help anyway I can. Illinois needs a Carp Fishing League and a Championship. After all, we have the greatest following of carp anglers in the entire USA, so it just makes sense that we have a League and Championship in our own state.

  13. I posted this in the other section, so I will not repeat it here, but CIFC is having two tournaments in 2014. The first will be on May 31, and it will be the individuals championship. Go to Central Illinois Fishing Club on Facebook for more information or check out the other Midwest section on the CAG forum.

    CIFC will also have a team event in the Fall.

    You can also contact me at pasasap2@yahoo.com, if you have any questions. Thanks.


  14. Lee,

    The fishing is much tougher on the White River than in Wisconsin and the fish are smaller. Really big fish (25+) are very rare once you get pass Chicago unless you are fishing a pay lake where they are stocked. However, the White River normally produces a lot more numbers in the fall after the water cools down, and more fish should be caught than what was caught last year in Chicago. The bigger fish also start to be more commonly caught that time of the year. A 22 lbs carp was caught last year on cut shad by a catfish angler around the end of September. But, most of the fish will run from 3 to 15 pounds, which is a very typical weight range for carp in the center of Illinois and Indiana. It is not that there are not any bigger fish because the Indiana DNR has shocked up carp over 40 pounds in the White River, but that those fish are very rarely seen or caught. Maybe you will be the one to catch the 40 pounder Lee! :swimminfish:

    For the question about current flow... :jumpy:

    There was very little flow in the White River last time I fished it, but sometimes you do need a 3 oz lead to hold bottom, like Amos said. But, sometimes it fishes more like a lake. The carp are very sensitive to the weather in the White River. They are either feeding like crazy or not at all. Fishing can be very hard at times, but that is what makes the White River so challenging and a great place for a Championship. The river will test your skills and patience if the bites are few.

    Jim always puts on a great event. He has been doing this for sometime now. What I like most about Jim's events is that he has the meeting area where we eat and meet for the peg draw and then for the reward ceremony. You do not have to drive all over looking for it because it is right there behind the bait shop, and it is set up in such a way that anglers can sit around tables and talk before and after the tournament.

    It has not been said, but I have heard it several times before. There is this idea floating out there that a championship event has to be held someplace where the carp average 20+ pounds. Well, in my opinion it should not matter what size the fish are for a championship because the best carp anglers should be able to catch carp no matter their average size. :toot:

  15. Central Illinois Fishing Club will be hosting its 4th League tournament at Lake Springfield in Springfield, Illinois, this Saturday, June 29, 2013. We have rescheduled the event to be held at night. Registration starts at 4:00 p.m., peg draw will take place at 5:00 p.m. sharp, and fishing & chumming will begin at 6:00 p.m. The tournament ends at 11:00 p.m. and the prizes will be handed out at midnight. The entry fee is $25 plus a optional one time $5 League fee. Only League members can qualify to fish the Championship Tournament at the end of the season. The tournament is a pegged shoreline events, so no boats of any kind are allowed. Only carp (Common, Mirror, Leather, and Kio), Catfish (Blue, Channel, and Flathead), Buffalo Suckers (All Species), and Grass Carp (White Amur) will count and be weighed. This is a big five event, so only the angler's five largest fish will count in the total weight. There will also be a Largest Fish prize. For each $25 entry fee paid, $5 goes into the championship prize pot, then the remaining $20 is added to the current tournaments prize pot. Payout is as follows, 60%/30%/10% for 1st/2nd/Largest Fish. There will be a special tackle and/or bait prize for 3rd Place.

    Lake Springfield is home to some of the largest fish we will have a chance to catch. Blue Catfish up to 80 pounds, Flathead Catfish up to 70 pounds, Channel Catfish up to 16 pounds, Carp up to 45 pounds, Buffalo up to 60 pounds, and Grass Carp up to 75 pounds have been reported to have been caught from Lake Springfield. This tournament could favor catfish or carp anglers depending on how the fishing goes. The spot we will be fishing has been known to regularly produce carp over 20 pounds, Flathead Catfish over 40 pounds, and Blue Catfish as big as 65 pounds. One fish could change the outcome of the tournament instantly. If you miss this event, then you could miss out on what might be the CIFC heaviest weight totals of the season.

    Below are the results of recent tournaments.

    April 20th tournament at Sangchris Lake was tough with starting air temperatures in the 30's. All the fish were caught in the afternoon. The winner caught 12 pounds with a five fish limit, which included the largest fish at a carp weighing 6 lbs 7 oz.

    May 25th Tournament at Lake Lou Yaeger was not as impressive as we had hoped with muddy water conditions and heavy boat traffic; however, fish were caught. The winner had just over 14 pounds with five fish including the largest fish a carp weighing 6 lbs 9 oz.

    June 8th Tournament at Beaver Dam State Park was a catfish tournament. The winner caught 14 lbs 14 oz. worth of four Channel Catfish including the largest fish at 4 lbs 15 oz.

    The top ten anglers will qualify to fish the championship. We have three vacancies. All anglers earn a point just for participation. You could qualify for the championship just by showing up for the Lake Springfield tournament. The winner gets 5 additional point, 3 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place, and 1 point for landing the largest fish of the tournament. You can earn up to 7 points maximum for each tournament.

    The championship tournament the peg draw will be a little different. We will use the NBA draft style with balls. The League Winner will have 10 balls or 10 chances to get the first pick of pegs, the 2nd place angler will have 9 balls or 9 chances to pick first, and the 10th place angler will have 1 ball or 1 chance to get the first pick. But, even if you are 5th, you still have a good chance of picking first and even the 10th place angler has that 1 chance.

    Come join us this Saturday from 4 to midnight at Lake Springfield. We will be meeting at the location were the city pumps water from the river into the lake. Please call me if you are coming and I will try and give you better directions over the phone. (217) 710-4516. Or, if you know where you are going, then send me an email so I can add you to my list, pasasap2@yahoo.com

    See you there guys!

    Paul Scott






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