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Carp Anglers Group Forums

(RI) pickerd

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Posts posted by (RI) pickerd

  1. I want to say THANK YOU to Frank Rink for running another great FFF Tournament. I know he has been running this every year recently and I can't say enough about the wonderful job he has been doing with this. This tournament is super well organized, planned in every detail, and the participation is great from the fish entered to the photos and stories published. The members are excited about this event, and that's what our organization needs when we run these things. This should serve as a model for all our events. Great job, Frank.

  2. Title: Persistence Pays Off in the FFF

    Location: River in urban RI and River in rural MA

    by Dave Pickering




    This was my fifth FFF in a row, and I have looked forward to every one of them. In the past the FFF has been a great opportunity to get out and fish with friends and hopefully get my first carp of the year, thus getting the fishing off to a good start for the new year.  I know from experience that persistence pays off in this event and I had a plan going into this as well as a back-up plan if things did not work out.

    Plan 1 does not work out

    My initial plan was to fish an urban river in RI that I had been scouting out.  I had seen many good size mirrors there this week in the 10-20 lb. range. These big boys would be tough to beat if I could catch at least one fish.  So, I headed there in 30 degree weather at 9 AM  with high hopes.  I put out a bait pile in some shallow water and dropped my two offerings right on and near the bait pile. I spent three hours there and saw at least 15 large carp move in the river currents  right above my bait and bait pile, but they were not feeding. They were curious but not eating regardless of what I put in the water. I tried sweet corn, artificials, maize and doughballs but nothing would even get a taste.

    Enter plan 2

    At this point, I called my friend and fellow RI CAGer Todd Richer who was fishing 25 miles north of my location.  He told me he had landed two small ones in the place I considered my back-up location. That did it.  I got in the truck and drove to where Todd had some success.

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    I put out my two outfits that had sweet corn on the hair and a method ball packed around my one oz sinker.  It took no more than a half hour for one of my alarms to sound at exactly 2:00 PM.  I quickly grabbed the rod and I was onto a carp.  It wasn’t a big fish, but nonetheless it was my first fish for 2017.  This first fish of the year for me turned out to be a good looking 4 lb., 1 oz fully scaled mirror.

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    We continued fishing and about an hour later one of Todd’s alarms goes off, and he is quickly fighting a fish.  At almost the same time, one of my alarms goes off and I also have a fish.  How’s that for action……two friends fighting fish at the same time on Jan.1! My fish turned out to be a 4 lb. , 3 oz common and Todd’s fish turned out to be a 6 lb. mirror. We got photos of the New Year’s Day Double.

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    The day ended with Todd landing another small common.  His total for the day was 4 carp while I ended with 2. On a day when anything would have been an achievement, I thought we had a pretty good FFF.


  3. I also want to offer my huge congratulations to Jake for winning the Fall Big 4 in a big way. Those were some very impressive fish.  Jake puts in a lot of time and effort into his carp fishing, and he is quickly turning into one of the top guys here in New England. It is great to see someone like him rewarded for all his hard work. Great job!

  4. Dean, a big thanks for orgainzing this.

    To our many sponsors, thanks for supporting this event.

    I also want to congratulate all who entered fish and to those who got out and fished in this tournament.

    And, Jerome.......what a guy! You are the best, my friend!

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