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Posts posted by Spoon

  1. I got your PM and tried clicking on the Quote buton at the lower right. Tried clicking on the Quote icon on the toolbar. I can highlight the test and copy (I hope) but can't get it to post. Any other suggestions? Reply at your convenience.

    Works for me.

  2. Bait or chum on rainy days, fish on the good days. Actually you can try a spot or two out before baiting any, if that will get you fishing a little sooner. Here are a couple that I caught down there about 4 years ago without any prebaiting.post-1716-0-40852000-1370631169.jpg


    I caught those 2 in late June on the Hiwassee. I then baited some and came back a couple days later and only caught buffs. Try a spot for about 3 hours early or late in the day, if no action by then you probably will need to bait some to get action at that spot. John you don't need to flavor your chum, just flavor your hookbaits. Let me know when you do put in some chum and I will come down and see if I can catch some. :bigsmile:

  3. I have been sharing pictures of the carp I catch with friends at work. Some friends were shocked by the size of my recent captures. The most common question my friends ask (other than "do you eat them") is "what do you catch them on?" I always give the simple answer that I catch them on corn.

    My friend Bonnie, after seeing my carp pictures over a few months and hearing that they can be caught on corn decided that she would catch a carp in order to improve on her personal best fish. This should not be very difficult because her largest fish had been a trout which probably weighed less than a pound.

    I decided to help her achieve her goal of a new personal best. This past weekend was a good opportunity to catch some carp despite the rain which has been plaguing our area on the weekends. I did some chumming on Thursday and the next day the carp were already showing when I chummed some more. We made plans to start fishing at 10 am Saturday as our 2nd shift jobs kept us at work past midnight on Friday.

    Bonnie tried unsuccessfully to get her husband or her son to come fishing with her. We met at the fishing spot about 10 o'clock. Some carp were jumping where I had baited. I got Bonnie set up with some sweet corn on one rod and a puff on another. After demonstrating how the bite alarms work and giving her some tips on playing a carp we were ready. As I was setting up a couple of rods for myself, Bonnie got a carp on the sweet corn rod. We got Bonnie's first carp landed, weighed, and photographed all within 30 minutes of arriving at the spot. Bonnie kept her family informed of our success via her cellphone with pictures. Here is her first carp, a 5 pounder.post-1716-0-07059600-1369145830_thumb.jp

    A krill flavored puff also hooked a carp for Bonnie but sweet corn directly on the hook was the quickest way to rebait. She had some difficulty packing and casting the Prefessa's oat pack so the sweet corn on the hook became her go to bait for the rest of the day.

    There were rain showers most of the previous night but this day we were lucky in that we only received one heavy shower. There was no thunder so we were able to take shelter from that shower under some cedar trees.

    The carp in this lake are small and there are plenty of them. The shortest ones we were catching were in the 16-17 inch range, but they were still larger than Bonnie's previous personal best fish. Here is one of Bonnie's shorter fish.post-1716-0-43289100-1369146396.jpg

    I fished with a puff on one rod and maize on another. Here is one which I caught on a puff at 4lbs 12 ounces.post-1716-0-52081300-1369146547.jpg

    About 1 pm Bonnie increased her PB with this 5 lb 10 ounce carp.post-1716-0-47124500-1369146671.jpg

    The action was pretty fast, and we lost some fish in some brush and under a nearby dock. One of Bonnie's fish broke the small hook she was fishing sweet corn on. She was afraid that she had lost her largest fish of the day when that happened. I tied a stronger paylake style hook on her line and she was able to continue catching.

    Bonnie caught the largest carp of the day before 2 pm. Here is her new PB at 6 lbs 9 ounces.post-1716-0-19203200-1369147068_thumb.jp

    She sent her family pictures of the fish and its weigh while it was on the scale.

    Bonnie's success in catching carp got her 22 year old daughter Kali interested in coming to the lake. It took Kali more than an hour to make it to our fishing spot with another friend. Kali also succeeded in catching a couple of carp. She was not willing to hold the carp, so I did not take her picture. One of Kali's fish had a lamprey attached to its side. We dispatched the lamprey.

    Toward the end of our day Bonnie was asking whether there were mirror carp in this spot. I was sure there were and very shortly I hooked and landed one. Bonnie held that mirror and I took her picture with it.post-1716-0-84205800-1369147876.jpg

    Bonnie had incredible beginner's luck! Near the end of the day she has caught 11 carp and 1 buffalo. I only had 5 or 6 fish. The last fish Bonnie hooked made a strong run into some brush, and got hung up. Kali's friend and I took turns trying to coerce the fish back out. It may have taken 5 minutes but the carp did come out of that brush. Bonnie proceeded to land that carp, and guess what...It was a mirror also! I failed to take a picture of it but it was similar to the other mirror. Luckily Bonnie got its picture on her cellphone.

  4. Several carp anglers (including myself) have had their credit cards used fraudulently within last few weeks or days. I found out about this from Facebook. I had not used my card for a few months. Is it a coincidence that several carp angler were hit in a short time period, or has someone hacked CAG or an online tackle store?

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