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Posts posted by carppielooker

  1. Will do on FB, going this weekend, highs in the 20's so clears out all the fairweather anglers. Will put up some pics of the area and hopefully some fish for ya :)

    Cool man... You going to fish east harbor soon?

  2. :bigsmile: Well done guys,,,,,I'd love to see the write up as well, you've certainly got plenty of material...

    sorry but it really SUCKS when you get such big fish so early in your career,,,,,,now you'll be as old as I am trying to break you PB's :Old:

    Well done fellas !!

    I had to giggles when I read this reply... It is so true...

    Congrats to ya... The catches are awesome, to say the least...

  3. Here's some from 2004...Jan New Years Challenge: Bill H, Corey and myself with Bud's Gold, Silver and Bronze. Hey Ak, miss the cold LOL...for those that don't know him..he now resides in Thailand.

    Yes Bob, I miss the cold......if it means I'm slimed up by the carp...lol

    Maaan, I do remember those challenge in the winter in chicago... I think I got there too early one year and had to camp out and wait in the snow... Gooood times good times... ^^)

  4. here's what I don't get... I fished this pond right in front of the office for months without any problems... I even had the lady at the office came by and see what I'm doing... I explained everything to her about not keeping ANY fish...blah blah blah... I had many people came by to watch me most of the time and never had any problems... Everyone told me that this particular pond out of 2 IS fishable... That's why I went ahead and fished it like I did for many months...

    The problem began when this not so nice lady came by a week back... At first she seems all nice and we started talking about fishing... I told her the usual routine answers... No, I haven't caught anything, didn't even get a nibble, and no I don't keep anything... She then started talking about how hooking a fish hurts its mouth, and that it won't be able to eat forever now... Me, being all nice and trying to explain to her about how I caught the very same fish twice in 1 night several hours apart, didn't seem to hurt the fish or kill it... She didn't want to hear all that I guess, because she is now using the religion to try to reason with me... But before I let her speak, I told her that I know this pond do allow fishing... While the other one is off limits, because there are signs around... She then starts preaching to me about how bad it is to fishing for fun... It hurts the fish... She went on her rants for awhile... She must have breath through her ears because she was going non stop... Geeze... I told her that I have personally seen nets all around this pond, I even showed her the picture I have of it... i then told her "see? other people did worse things than me and now you are busting my balls about me fishing here??? I come here to feed these fish every weekend... I never keep anything... I hooked into A LOT of crap and garbage in the pond and disposed them for you... I cleaned up the area I fished for you... what more do you want???" I guess she didn't like that and walked away kinda mad towards the office... I got pissed off and left too...

    then yesterday I went to the pond to find the no fishing sign there... go figures...

    ps... This is not over between me and this stupid subdivision... and yes, I have eyed on several spots on both ponds... I knew it might come in handy some day... :)

  5. Well... I noticed a no fishing sign at the pond in my little subdivision this afternoon... Did I obeyed at sign, he'll no, I proceed to chum up the swim, and went ahead casting my lines out... Roughly 15mins later, a security came to tell me I wasnot allow to fish the pond anymore... And I said ok... Don't get me wrong, I didn't just give in just like that... I went on and told him to better go and find something better to do, like patrolling the freakin' streets...

    All of this came from a conversation and a few words with a little lady that I talked to a couple of weeks ago... This is how rediculous people can be in Thailand... More on this later... I'm just so pissed off at these people it's not even funny...

    These folks needs to quit acting like they are on a daytime soap opera, quit watching them first would be nice!

  6. Good to hear from you too Field! They are growing up fast Bob. Take the oldest one out crappie fishing in the warmer months. She wanted to go out ice fishing this year, but looks like mother nature is going to put a halt on that. Going to get her out with the long rods in the spring. That should be a good time!

    YESSSS crappies are cool!!!

  7. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Grahame Johnston" data-cid="653807" data-time="1358093292"><p>

    A couple of seasons back,I was fishing on the Rock River for carp,using an open ended feeder with groundbait and corn on a safety rig with a short braid hooklink with two grains of corn on a hair rig. I had already caught several carp,when whilst playing one,the line parted and I lost the fish. I re-tied and within minutes I hooked another and on landing it (18lbs) there in the upper corner of the mouth was my original braid with the hair rig and bait still intact,side by side with the re-tied braid and hair rig. I wish I had photographed this at the time,unfortunately I did not. If this carp had felt pain when I had first hooked it it was either so hungry that it didn't care or is there truth in this recent finding?</p></blockquote>

    This happens to me too...

  8. This interests me as well. I have a bakery thrift store that sells "bird bread" (expired bread) for 10 cents a loaf. I normally use plain white bread, but they give you a variety; white, wheat, whole grain, multi grain, etc. and I'm wondering if there would be any difference in what the carp may like. I guess trial and error is a good place to start.

    Vince, buy them all... They all work...

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