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Charlie D

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Posts posted by Charlie D

  1. Got out again this week. A couple of fish were caught but not by me. I was fishing when John show up to fish he works the midnight shift.

    He got 2 that went about 12-15lb. He doesn't hold them. Here he is unhooking one

    Good weather. Now I will go back to work. No more time off.

    Hope you enjoy. Can't wait for next year.





    He show up to fish also. So I took his pic.


    Every time I edit the last pic. out. It still keeps showing up I don't know why.


  2. I went fishing for carp this evening. It's been along time since I been out fishing. As I was sitting there enjoying the view I took a few pics.

    Here they are





    As the sun was setting I got 1 run but I missed hooking it. I was using the PREFESSA pack bait with strawberry flavor.

    Thanks Joe for posting your bait. Also thanks to Mr BIG and HAMMERCARP I was using your paylake set ups. I still got a lot to learn coming from

    dough balls.

  3. He was provably going to take it home to eat or sell it.There is no reason for being rude. But we need to watch are attitude when it comes to people eating carp,catfish or trout.

    I have eaten all the above at one time or another. Were I live people still do. We need to watch out that we don't look down are noises at them.

    I have seen this done with fly fisherman for trout.

    One thing that I am differently do not like is SELLING them OR BEING RUDE WHEN PEOPLE ask a question. The reason for that answer is that we are suppose to be sportsman or women.

    Just My 2 Cents

  4. Capt.

    That was one off the best stories I read in a long time. That story brought back when I went fishing with my grandpa and caught 2 bass with him. That was

    back in the early 60es.

    Since I haven't been out fishing but only once this year it was a pleasure to read.

    Also like Hammercarp said up here in NewEngland it's cold and just stop raining. So it was great to see all those smiling faces.

  5. Horace

    Thanks for all your post. Right now it's not in the cards. LOL. I know there no such thing as cards or luck. That I can get out an fish.

    So the next best thing is reading yours and some others stories.

    Thanks again and you all keep writing.

    By the way Horace what do you mean Some of my equipment is Spartan at best. I’m not into fancy stuff;

    I beg the differences. That famous carp hound with that $1000.00 name is a very expensive hound. I bet he is priceless. :):D:P and nothing can compare to good


    Take care Horace

  6. I was hoping to make that event but circumstances will not permit me to go.

    Hope everyone has a great time.

    Hope someone will tell and show what happened.

  7. Well this hasn't been a good year for the Dennis family but that's OK. Because nothing happens without a purpose and it will either make one a better person or

    bitter. I chose to hopefull become better. This was the 2nd time I was alound to see him and this is the 1st time I was alound to touch him with my wife. As you can see my wife is very sick also.

    By the way his name is Owen Dennis and the young man that's holding him is my son. He was born at 23 wks and weight 1lb 5oz. These pics. were thaken yesterday

    7/18/2010 for the 1st time and now he is 7 months and weights 10lbs-12ozs.





    I forgot the young lady is my daughter inlaw.

    Owen will be in the hospital for 18 more months. That's when the treg comes out.

    By the way my son is in the service. The service aloud him to come home because of this but we don't know how much long he will be here.

  8. Great job Ethan.


    I only been out 2 twice this year. Lost my 2 places to constuction

    Went out today just looking for some places to fish on the Connecticut River and most were weed choked were I went.

    Will try looking tomorow and see if I can find any new places.

    Keep up the great year you are having

  9. I was out in the back yard feeding the carp last week and this is the 1st one to show up.



    In 7 years since i have lived here this is the 1st. KOI


    Hope you enjoy. The reason the pics. are not better on clarity is the day before it rained.

    No I don't fish for the carp I sit on the bank and just watch them.

    The river is 10ft from the back of my home.

  10. Horace

    Reading your stories is like watching that great movie that I saw when I was a lot younger. The movie was Huck Finn on the Mississippi.

    That's how good your tales are and even though I haven't meet any off you's. I swear I have know all of you's for a long time.

    Your stories are written like when things were much simpler and people took time out for each other.

    I hope you take all of this as a compliment.

    Keep them coming.

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