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Posts posted by Zatesta

  1. Count me in fished the canal last sunday first fish was 23 then a couple high teens low 20s. Ended the day with a 26. My 23 week pregnant wife caught her first carp, 22lbs and 19 but she wouldn't touch them of course lol. See you all on the 2nd!

  2. So I just turned to Midwest Outdoors (which I normally like) but today they are bow fishing for our beautiful carp. I wonder what people would do if I went on TV and started hunting some black bass with a bow...

    I've never really thought of bow fishing as a sport and am actually kind of against it but that's just my opinion.

    I was really upset when they shot what looked to be about a 10-12lb mirror :(

  3. Hey everyone,

    So my name is Zach Testa, or Sergeant Testa to my Marines haha. Well ill get started by saying that ive have been part of this group from the begining and from what i see it has changed alot since the old days.

    My grandfather (Bud Yancey RIP) taught me from a young age the values and virtues of angling. Started with panfish then slowly learned to catch everything else that swims. When we came across the idea of CAG, we both dove in head first! From me missing school to go to fish-ins, outdoor shows, or working with the DNR and doing the Carp Clinics from waaaay back. Angling has always been a passion of mine, which the wife still doesnt understand but we'll be sure to change that. Ive been spreading the word of carp angling since i was probably 13-14 years old. Even to this day with all the great people ive meet in the Corps, i try to pass on some of the knowledge and get them into carp fishing. I had a good group of guys at my last unit in California that would come carp'in with me, even snuck away during lunch to catch a couple ;). Im a pure bred carper and i will be til the day i cant bait a hair...then thats what the grandkids will be for!

    Right now i am actually a Marine Recruiter and i work and live in Schaumburg, IL. Im here with my wonderful wife, my son who turns one on the 21st (ya'll are welcome to come to his 1st Bday party on the 19th!). I spend alot of my time working but manage to hit the waters in the area when i get the chance. Still trying to find a "honey hole" in a decent distance.... feel free to let me know of any lol. I tend to fish alone but thats just because i got here in October and havnt come across any carpers to catch some lumps with.

    I definitely plan on being alot more active in the forum as well as in the efforts of CAG and spreading the word of our fine organization and helping to expand the horizons of the group. I've gained quite a bit of knowledge in my short time on this planet (im only 26, but been carp'in since i was 13) so feel free to ask any questions and ill see if i know the answer.

    As for my fishing style... i spend alot of time just enjoying being on the bank and outside. i have done some of the tournaments back in the day and i dont see my self as a competitive fisherman, but i do enjoy them for the comradery, but i dont take them seriously. Its all about the experince and connecting with the outdoors for me.

    And to all the younger/eager to learn guys on here i have no problem meeting up to fish with you and share my knowledge and tackel if you need it. Even if i gotta do all the driving haha.

    so from one crazy carper to the next...ill see you one the water!! or should i say bank :)

  4. Bill, I'll be fishing the tourny on saturday but i'm gonna have to see how i feel after the marathon if i want to fish on sunday as well... i figure i should since i'll already be down that way haha. I'm living in Schaumburg so its a little bit of a drive to get down to the lake.

  5. I will for sure be attending (first CCC since 2000!!) but theres a minor detail i need to work out. I know its still far out but i need to know what day the actual tournment will be going... Reason for this is that my fellow Marines from our recruiting station are going to be running the Chicago Half Marathon and its on Sept 11th. and goes up and down lake shore drive. If there has been any word passed about whats planned for the 11th it would be greatly appreciated.

    Semper Fi,


  6. As Buds grandson and life long fishing partner, I really appreciate everything that you all have to say. We spent countless hours talking about tactics and rigs with alot of people at shows and fish-ins back when CAG first started. He was always more focused on getting the word out to as many people (mostly youth) that he could. Being in my teens at the time I always felt great about helping out "g-pa" as we called him and felt that since I was young people would take everything more seriously.

    It was a very sad phone call that I recieved yesterday. If anyone is interested in the visitation or funeral let me know and I can pass on the information.

    I'll see you on the other side g-pa.

    Tight lines,

    Zach Testa

  7. Well that time of year came around and i headed out to a new venue. I have walked around and spotted this lake out last year but never made the trip to fish it and i should have.

    After about an hour of showing up i havnt had any signs of fish but i pick a pretty good looking spot. Just using sweet corn on a little pop-up i hooked into the first and only fish that day. She weighed in at just over 17lbs. Im currently heading back out there today and will hopefully have some more fish.


    PS: i love living in Southern California!!!

  8. Well its been a good couple weeks here on Pendleton. The lake record has fallen to myself on last sunday! The old record was 14 even and i set the new record with the 15 in the picture. Well we think it was 15 but found out that my scale (cheap berkley one) reads about 1.5-2lbs light... and the lady that was working didnt want to get me the digital one that they use...LAZY!! Caught on Anise flavored sweet corn popup.

    The second pic is from 2000 that my mom found from the CCC. The fish was captured on "big fish day" which was the sunday after the classic. Thanks to Paul Pezalla for picking me up from the hotel that morning while my Gpa was still sleeping lol.



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