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Bill Stoltz

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Posts posted by Bill Stoltz

  1. so im going to keep this short cuz im tired as hell from fishing and camping all day with some fellow cag members.... anyway where i fish has only 2 grass carp that were put in about 15 years ago...noone has seen them since.................or have they........................... anyway here she is at 36 pounds 12 oz. ha ha T-juice i got something from here that you dont....


    holy crap it beat me up

  2. So my story starts off with a bang, i go to my little honey hole and cast out my three rods today. This is about 4:30, nothing is going on for the first 30 minutes so i walk down the bank looking for spawning or feeding carp along the banks.... So i get to the spot i know i have seen them for a few day and decide to try a trick i just learned from Rodman. I grab my blaster pole tie a hair throw on a piece of semi floating fake corn and head back to the spot i see the carp. I throw out, or should i say try, my bait and WHAM, fish on baby. I reel in a nice 21 pound beauty. as i head back to my other poles i start to notice that i only see two rods on my pod, now i start to freak out....just the other day i lost a pole in the water and luckily retrieved it. so now im sick to my stomache, i finally see it just the butt hanging out of the water i pick the pole up and i hate to say it luckily the fish somehow snagged me up and broke off my line or i would have lost my favorite pole....

    anyway so i my dad calls me and i tell him how i have caught 3 20's and missed two(one hook pull and the pole stealer), i tell him i could use some help and after asking his wife if he could come give carp fishing a try she said yes and he was on his way..

    now my dad has carp fished a few times but NEVER in his life caught anything over 10 pounds.....

    when he shows up i give him a carp rod with a pack bait and 2 oz of lead, now he is laughing so hard cuz he has NEVER held a 12' rod nor ever seen a pack bait. i tell him to cast out gently in front of him cuz i had baited that part of swim earlier.

    Now i have fished this property for 100's and 100's of hours and just got my first 30+ yesterday.......

    47 minutes after dad gets there i hear my baitfeeder clicking, well he was on the phone, so i run over to my pole that he is using and click the drag, while setting the hook. i hand him the pole and i quote, "holy ####".

    so this fish is SCREAMING the drag and i know its big, dont know how big but its got to be over 25. after taking out about 140 yards my dads says, what do i do, i cant stop him..... i said hold on, one of you will get tired soon. Finally the carp is starting to come in and we finally see it.....again he says "holy ####", look at that thing, i said dad, i think that is a 30.....anyway, im sure your tired of reading so here is the picture of his 35.6 pound baby......


    so after we are done and heading out he said.......

    well guess im done bass fishing for the year.....

  3. So I would like to first thank NY rob for the new pod, i'll show pics of fish caught on it later but I took my three boys camping and fishing at my favorite hole. What i didnt know was how awesome the weekend was going to be. I caught 9 carp one 5 being over 20 LBS. First fish of the day came at like 2 in the afternoon being a whooping 24.3 pound beauty.post-4714-1243798728.jpg

    than from 2 till like 8 pm i caught another 6 fish from 22.1 to 12.6post-4714-1243798871.jpg

    post-4714-1243798906.jpg here are just a few of the 20+ fish. I had so much fun that i decided to let my boys in on the fun and much to my surprise i hooked into another one that weighed 22.7 so i let my kids reel in this beauty. post-4714-1243798991.jpgpost-4714-1243799010.jpg

    and here is one kid with their prize fish. post-4714-1243799051.jpg

    So night fall comes and my buddy tom gets into his first fish of the nightpost-4714-1243799107.jpg weighing just under 20. My morning starts off with a bang with a 22.1 pound cutey.

    But much to my surprise the biggie was waiting on me. I was about to leave for the day when T-juice called me and said he needed a net man so i got in the truck rushed over to help him and decided not to leave till he had to at 1:30. So here it is around 1 p.m. T-juice, Rodman, and Myself sitting around shooting the bull when all of a sudden i get a screaming run......Much to my surprise its the one i was waiting for, my first 30+ fish. Not to mention a 36.7 Pound hot mama.post-4714-1243799305.jpg here is another one i took with shirt on incase i ever caught one of this size. post-4714-1243799346.jpg

    then Rodman gets a wonderful shot of the release with a splash. post-4714-1243799393.jpg I can honestly say this was the BEST weekend EVER!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Nice one Rodman, Btw i put a more detailed story in the ohio valley section, T-Juice should have a better pic of Angelina Jolie, this fish rod caught has been caught three other times last year and Tom named her angelina. and rick, im not sure who had the hardest job with your PB, all sides to that beast were dangerous. I also got a New PB while we were all there at 25LB6Ozpost-4714-1243265494.jpg

    thanks again for a wonderful weekend

  5. i have been stuck on a 2 oz anti roll sinker, if i get a good run, normally they are already hooked. i also use a break away safety clip so if sinker gets snagged i dont lose whole rig. it really depends on where your fishing, current speed, wind, and other such items.

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