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Ol Captain

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Posts posted by Ol Captain

  1. Our road led to Rome!

    We didn’t have time to check ALL the roads this morning but I am sure of one thing. Our road led to Rome!

    Maximus Relaximus (The Ultimate Carp Hound), Jim “Hatman” Hatter and your truly left the Ol Captain’s Quarters around 6:30AM this morning and in about an hour we made our first stop.


    One of the cool things about the Ol Captain and the Crew is that one minute we are ordering off the Senior Adult Breakfast Menu and in the next minute we are back in the truck where we become boys again!

    Our destination was Heritage Park and soon we were unloaded and taking a few pictures at the local boat ramp along the Coosa.




    Just upriver from the boat ramp is where the Etowah and the Oostanaula rivers converge. The Coosa River is born at this convergence and it flows first to Lake Weiss in Alabama and then to many points beyond.

    As we headed upriver toward this nautical intersection we had the Hatman at the bow, the Carp Hound in the Crows Nest and the ever amiable Ol Captain in the stern beating cadence on the drum and occasionally paddling as well.



    After making our way upriver we turned onto the Oostanaula and saw a likely spot where fresh water was entering the river below a small Kiddie Water Park above. It looked like a nice spot where we could safely tether da Shark, set up and hopefully strike Gold in the eddy water to our left. Our venue was to the left, the Shark to our right and a beautiful walk over bridge just over our right shoulder. If you will look closely you can see a zillion Swallows flying beneath the bridge that they call home.





    Over the next several hours we chatted, we napped and we had a wonderful time.




    Now folks, the sun don’t shine on the same Carp angler every day. In fact, some days you are the Angler and other days you are the Net Boy. Two things were proven today. First of all, Max does not discriminate! Today he was and EOL (Equal Opportunity Licker) giving the full extension on both Common Carp and Buffs alike!!




    The second thing that was proven today is that Jim “Hatman” Hatter can be a fine Net Boy! How do I know? I thought you’d never ask!






    Now folks, don't go feeling sorry for Ol Jim because next time it could very well be his turn!

    We fished until around four in some pretty hot and humid conditions and before long we were paddling our way toward home…..


    It was a fun day and I hope that before too long you can…..


  2. Back in the day when the Crew and I were in our youth we had to entertain ourselves during those hot humid days of summer. Long before X Box, I Pads or the Internet we had a thing called Sandlot Baseball. Now in my case it was Sandlot Basketball but the application is the same. You simply showed up at the Park or Playground near where you lived and when everyone arrived you would just get up a game of Baseball, Whiffle Ball, Cork Ball, or Basketball and play. Many ages, backgrounds and skill levels were represented and it was always interesting to see just who would show up to participate on that particular day.

    Carpin’ with the Captain is very much like those impromptu Sandlot pickup games. You announce the venue, see who shows up and let the game begin!!! One of our favorite venues for this type of activity is the old abandoned beach at Tanyard Creek. Today the Ultimate Carp Hound and I were joined by none other than James “Daddy” Holley, Jim “Hatman” Hatter and the ever so popular Tim “Cool Dad” Gill.




    We met fairly early today and soon our lines were out and the sun was rising in our faces.



    As always, we visited, laughed and told some whoppers while all the time sitting and hoping for more.


    Off and on during the morning some of us even found time to relax and even take a nap or two.


    Now folks, we didn’t spend all of our time talking this morning! There were a couple of Allatoona Weidos brought to the net. For the record, they were both quickly dispatched with the traditional lick and release by the Ultimate Carp Hound himself!







    Now if you are searching for Monster Carp then Carpin’ with the Captain probably isn’t for you. At our age, we are just thankful for the time we spend together and anything else is just a bonus. In fact we occasionally even learn a life lesson right there on the bank! What lesson was learned today? I thought you’d never ask!!!

    It just so happens that the Hatman’s pole went down about mid morning resulting in a fairly good sized Painted Turtle…..



    Now Max is use to attending our catches with his tongue but this turtle was another story altogether!

    He sniffed it. He tried to bite his shell. He stared at it.




    And it seemed like all was going well until he tried to lick the business end of the turtle! I wish I could have recorded the sound but I didn’t. I wish I could repeat the words that Max uttered when the turtle had the Carp Hound’s lip in his mouth but with the Captain’s Tales carrying a PG rating I cannot divulge the comments made!! All I know is that we are never too old to learn and you can indeed teach an old dog a new trick!!

    No one was harmed in the making of this story and soon thereafter, things were back to normal.


    Yep, Sandlot Carpin’ isn’t for everyone. But if you think sitting in the shade with some old guys talking about good music and good living and days go by then I recommend that you take some time and……


  3. A Father’s Day Tale

    Once upon a time there was a very wealthy Ol Sea Captain. This old Salt had more money than he could ever think of spending and if that were not enough, he had two gorgeous and handsome grown children as well.


    It has been said that the Ol Captain initially gained his wealth by sailing the Seven Seas and hiring himself out as a Dog Whisperer.




    It has also been reported to enhance his income that the Captain dabbled in a bit of shipping as well (mostly bull shipping).

    Now folks, this man was richer than a king! (How rich was he?) He was so rich that on Father’s Day afternoon he took his precious daughter on a private cruise aboard his own personal yacht!






    Not to show special favors, on the very next morning after the cruise this Ol Captain took his first born and only son Carpin’ off the coast of Eastern Alabama!!




    It has been a whirlwind weekend and this Ol Captain realizes once again why he is so filthy rich. Does his incredible wealth really have anything to do with money? I thought you’d never, never ask………..

    Come see us!


  4. Friends and fish! Captain, you didn't mention anything about the third "F"- food. I don't have a cart but have a "wittle wed wagon. "Great story, as always, and great pix of some great people plus the UCH! The last time I saw anyone with a bag over their head was a New Orleans Saints fan.

    FYI: The Unknown Carper is a former student who is also a fairly high profile local Bass Angler. He primarily fishes Bass Tourneys and occasionally comes by to see us (in his own special way).

  5. Several years ago I wrote a piece declaring that the Common Carp could be used as an uncommon social tool. When we first started spinning our tales of golden slime some would read our stories as a novelty but very few gave us any lingering or sincere consideration. But through the years (about 12-13 now) we have gained quite a following and many are now agreeing that the Common Carp can indeed, be an uncommon social tool.

    In order for a series to be successful there has to be some outstanding characteristics or characters involved. In our case we like to accent things such as the Ol Captain’s Carpin’ Cart:



    To some the cart would be just a pile of junk on wheels but to this writer it is a thing of beauty because as it is unloaded each trip our stories (like the contents of the cart) begin to unfold.

    One minute you have a cart full of stuff and the next minute you have friends like Dawson Mion and LaMon and Rita Ware sitting in the shade and enjoying each other’s company.


    As important as the Carpin’ Cart is there is no denying who people look for in each and every tale. Six years ago next month he was a two year old sickly pooch who had been abandoned and incarcerated in the Douglas County Dog Pound. But (change of direction) due in part to a very unselfish and sensitive Mrs. Ol Captain today ol Max is known worldwide as Maximus Relaximus (The Ultimate Carp Hound)!



    The Cart is important and Max has no equal but day in day out, there is one who has added a special smile as well as a bait that has been proven effective from Sea to shining Sea!! When the name “Cool Dad” Gill is intoned and the Carp hear that the “Plug of Perfection” is heading to their waters they literally tremble in fear!!! I have seen the time when Tim had to hide behind a tree just to bait his hook for fear of the fish swarming and surrendering to him right there on the bank!!




    Today is just an example of what can happen when you push an old yard cart down to the water on a partly cloudy day in June. One minute Cool Dad, Kevan Butler and I are sitting there and the next minute we see Fred (FM) Bear show up with his special New Jersey dough bait!! One minute he is talking about those early Jersey days with the Cool One (The Tool is already working) and the next minute Fred has a fish on and is posing with yours truly!!




    Now folks, we love for folks to come see us but when our next guest arrived today it was a special treat!! Because of security reasons this man only comes by from time to time. But when he does he always makes an impact!!! We were sitting there this morning when none other than the “Unknown Carper” came boldly walking onto the old Tanyard Beach!! Knowing that he was taking a chance once again of divulging his identity he still stepped out of his comfort zone!!




    I briefly mentioned that LaMon, Rita and Dawson spent time with us today and as always, it was great to see them all. Dawson and LaMon are both gentlemen from sole to crown and while they were busy socializing and spending quality time with “The Hound”, Rita chose to put one of our “Allatoona Weirdos” squarely on the mat!!




    It was a grand day and as we gathered for our team shot I realized again what you can do with a Cart, a precious pup and a few good friends. Indeed the Common Carp can be a very uncommon social tool! If you don’t believe it then come see us!!




    In closing I want to pose a question to you. What motivates you to do what YOU do? What is in YOUR Cart??


  6. Beautiful spot and great photos.

    Sorry you & Tim didn't catch today -- Max might be suffering from "slime withdrawal".

    Hey -- what's that in the bucket? My guess is that it's gotta be (your usual) Strawberry Grits, but it almost looks like rice.

    Grits but another flavor :)

  7. Once upon a time there was a vertically enhanced, self proclaimed Ol Captain. He had a very short dog and a very long antique aluminum canoe and he loved them both very much.


    The short dog was known far and wide for his sea legs, his ability to take a nap under the most strenuous conditions and for a personal fetish for licking Cyprinus Carpio.





    It seems that on a particular Thursday in early June the Ol Captain and the Hound were joined by a very “Cool Dad” on a Carp fishing adventure. Although they usually catch fish (and quite often very BIG fish!) today they paddled down, saw some cool sights, fished 5-6 hours and caught absolutely nothing.








    These men often say that their adventures are not always about the catching but about the journey itself. It just so happens that today was just that kind of day. Before packing it in this fearless crew decided to cruise down behind the foundation of an old Rope Mill and cruise the millrace that once gave power to a business that made cotton rope almost 150 years ago!








    Now we may not be able to say that we caught fish today but we can say with all honesty that we were “Once upon a Millrace”.

    The End


  8. Our last episode closed with the Ol Captain’s Puffs and Grits being soundly defeated by Cool Dad’s “Plug of Perfection”. In fact the Plug swept the series 5-0. After this thrashing I went back to Grit Mountain and consulted my favorite bait making Guru (you know who you are). My mentor made a suggestion, I tweaked the recipe accordingly and finally I was ready to put it to the test today!

    Dwayne Martin and I have been looking forward to today’s outing for weeks. Dwayne and I attend church together. We both teach Sunday school and both serve as deacons at County Line Baptist Church in Lithia Springs, Georgia. He has read the tales and heard the stories and he finally felt like he needed to enroll in the Ol Captain’s Carpin’ Class 101.


    After all, you really can’t fully appreciate any event unless you experience it first hand. For instance, how to you describe the Sweet Peaches at the Shoney’s Breakfast Bar to someone? You can talk about it all day but until the juice is running off their elbows and onto the table they can’t fully understand.

    You can talk about Maximus Relaximus until the cows come home but until you see him in action you really wouldn’t know a wrinkled, nasty drool from a crisp and clean Lick & Release!



    We headed west this morning and during our ride I learned that in his youth, Dwayne rode the bulls on the rodeo circuit. I also learned about his family and other experiences as we both shared about our formative years. We talked fishing a bit and when I found that his largest freshwater fish to date was around 9lbs I accepted that as personal challenge!!

    If I were a beatnik I would say that I dig taking new people fishing! The more we chatted, the more I knew that this was going to be another Banner Day. Now folks, you gotta realize that today wasn’t about me. It was about testing bait and trying to put my friend on a few fish. Did the improved bait work at all? Did the OC put Brother Dwayne on some CARP? I thought you’d never ask!!!!

    Before the dust was settled Dwayne “Mako” Martin was roping and tagging fish like he’d done it every day of his life!! One minute they were wild and free and the next minute he had ‘em in the corral!!





    But (change of direction) there are Common Carp and then there are larger Grass Carp. “Mako” had heard about them but he had to experience one for himself today!!! One minute the Grit Bait is exploding and the next minute Dwayne is displaying his “Don’t worry about, just let him run at will” technique!!!


    Folks, he played this fish so long that Max and I both had time to lie down and catch a nap….


    Finally “Mako” Martin’s freshwater PB jumped from a mere 9 lbs to just under 28 pounds of Solid Silver!!!





    Quite often it can be a life changing event when you enroll in a Carpin' class with the Ol Captain. If you want to experience these things first hand I suppose you too will have to come see us!


  9. The kayak and canoe reminds me of the convoys of WWII, except there were more of them. Looking at the first picture with the bridge pilings on the left- is that a deer in the picture? Good story and great pix, as usual. Thanks for sharing the story. BTW, Cool Dad, it was just beginner's luck! ;)

    I didn't notice a deer. Max usually spots critters and he didn't appear to be alerted.

  10. “Cool Dad” Gill is famous for saying things like “It’s more about the journey than the destination”. He seems to think that the trip itself has merit and that catching fish is just a bonus. He especially holds to this opinion when he is the one who catches the most fish that day.

    We got an early start this morning. We were loaded and on the road right after 6:00AM and within a couple of hours we were on the water.





    I was reminded of two truths today that I hold very dear when it comes to Carpin’ with the Captain. The first thing is that something magical happens every time that I board my old canoe. I simply love it with a passion. I have also learned that when it comes to catching fish, the sun doesn’t shine on the same dog’s rear end every day.


    Our plan today was to put in at Rope Mill Park in Woodstock, Georgia. There we were to paddle down Little River toward Lake Allatoona and fish a spot near an old sand barge that Rich Thomas (pictured here with Cool Dad) had so graciously prepared for us.


    After making our way under the 575 bridge we were soon set up and ready to go!!







    Now folks, many of you know that I USUALLY catch a good many fish on my beloved Strawberry Grits and Puffs but today was not the day!! It was Cool Dad and his (Dare I say it?) “Plug of Perfection” all the way! Five Carp were landed today and every one of them came of the “Plug”! Every time I looked around that Ol Possum was grinnin’ again!!








    The more Tim grinned and caught, the more Maximus Relaximus Licked, Released and slept!!!




    I was so glad that I remembered my camera and net today so that I would at least have something to do.

    I’ll have to give credit to Cool Dad today for a job well done. It got warm shortly after lunch and I could tell by the wear and tear on the Carp Hound’s tongue that it was time for this Crew to head back to Hearth and Home.


    We had a blast today! Whether it is a journey or a voyage we always manage to have a great time. Cool Dad was on fire today but if you want to know what will happen next time you will have to come see us!


  11. A Memorial Tribute to a Friend: Sowing and Reaping

    I think it only fitting on this Memorial Day weekend that I take time to write a simple tribute to my fishing buddy, Tim “Cool Dad” Gill. Tim is a Vietnam Veteran. He is also a veteran of 37 winters, summers and falls of working on the Railroad. Tim is a husband, a father and Tim is my friend.

    Way back in the day when snot nosed kids like me were wondering if they would get chosen for a silly pick up basketball game at Glen Myra Park, Tim was laying wounded on his back in a Rice Paddy in Southeast Asia wondering if he would ever see his 19th birthday. While kids like me were hustling from class to class and getting ready for basketball practice in college, Tim was hustling from rail car to rail car day in and day out, year in and year out making a living and putting food on the table.

    I don’t know how long it has been now. Maybe eight years or perhaps it has been seven but Tim and I met one day through a mutual friend whom I tagged “Man Mountain” Mark Smith. Mark invited Tim to fish with us one Saturday and as they say, the rest has been history!!

    Since meeting Tim I have learned more about things than my previous sheltered existence could have ever taught me. I have learned about the real world, about trains, planes, music, and life. Since that first day we began a special friendship that I will take to my grave.

    Galatians 6:7 tells us that God is not mocked. Whatever you sow you will also reap. Through the years of fishing with Tim I have seen him offer his fishing rod time and time again to others so that they could catch a fish that would have ordinarily been his. He always says that fishing is about “the journey” and “what goes around, comes around”.

    Now folks, we have had quite a journey!!! I can’t even count the states, the lakes and the rivers we have fished. I wouldn’t even dare try to guess at the number of wonderful people who have “come to see us” through the years. Everywhere we’ve been people have shared their ideas about baits and techniques. While some have dipped, glugged, sprayed, boilied and puffed, Tim always kept it simple. He has single handedly fashioned and made his own bait a household name. While men scorn, question and scoff at the (Dare I say it?) “Plug of Perfection” it has proven itself worthy time after time.


    How do I know the “Plug” is worthy? I know it because I was there when Cool Dad caught his personal best Koi:


    I was there when the Plug accounted for Tim’s personal best Common of over 27 pounds….


    I was just a few feet away just recently when the Father of Cool brought this 39 plus pound Grass Carp to hand in Alabama!!


    But (change of direction), back to Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a day set aside to honor those who have given their service and in many cases there lives for our great country. They should be rewarded and honored for services rendered.

    I believe with all of my heart that God is Sovereign and can do anything He wants to do. In Jonah 1:17 the Lord provided a great fish for a special task back in biblical days. I’m just silly enough to think that God provided another great fish just this morning!

    Tim has yelled “grab that pole!” more times than I can count but on this special Memorial Day weekend a special fish was provided just for Tim! Sometime in the early hours on May 23rd a soldier, friend, railroad man and unselfish Carp angler was rewarded by reaping what he had sown. No doubt, it might even be the fish of a lifetime! Here it is a 39 pounds even. A beautiful Mirror Carp indeed!


    Tim: A tip of the Ol Captain’s hat goes out to you! Well done and congratulations!!!

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