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(KS) zirjacks

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Posts posted by (KS) zirjacks

  1. This past Friday I had the day off work and my oldest son had the day off from school(they call it a "Professional Day" around here), so we decided to hit the lake. Arrived to glass flat water conditions and clear skies and we were set up by 7:30am.

    Bait was unflavored panko/birdseed packbait with yellow foam hookbait dipped in banana nut/vodka glug. "Paylake" was the style of the day. I was designated bait/setup/net man. Logan did all of the catching.

    Slow start until the wind picked up, then the bites were steady until we packed up about 1:30pm. Ended with 4 carp, 2 catfish and 3 wipers?!?!

    First fish was big fish and Logans new PB at 18lbs!


    A few more carp.




    Always have a good time watching Logan catch fish. He gets so excited!

    Here is a video of the whole day down to about 20mins.


  2. Guys this is the puzzling thing for me. The thing I love about catfish is I can set my drag fairly strong, allowing line out just enough so the line wont break and can heave back on the rod and muscle them in.

    Can I do that with carp?

    Everything that I have read seems to say if I do that, I will lose the fish to a hook pull or tear. With a Flathead or channel their mouth's are so tough I can do that with them without worry of losing the fish.

    How much pressure can I put on a carp without worrying that I am horsing it too much for any danger to happen? Like I said above I was playing them till they tired out what seemed like 10-15 minutes.

    I fish primarily "paylake" style. 8' rods, 15lb mono and 2/0 hooks. I am able to lean on the fish and get them in fairly quickly. Never had a problem with hook pulls. On the occasion that I use a hair rig with a smaller hook(size 6), I am a little more conscious of the possibility of a hook pull so I will keep a lighter drag. I agree with trying your best to get the carp landed and PR'ed in the shortest time possible. This season I only weighed fish that were possible PBs(I weighed 1 fish, a grass carp haha) just to cut down on the fishes time out of water.
  3. If a fish is heading for a snag you might as well lean on them and try to turn them. If they reach the snag you are probably going to lose the fish(and probably your rig also), so go ahead and take your chances. At least if the hook pops you get your rig back.

  4. OH the countless pics I have deleted from a fish flopping during a self timer shot! HAHA!!! And +1 on the not trusting a grassie, I don't think I have ever gotten a good pic on the first try with them. Then the one pic they stay still for you have the look of "disaster waiting to happen"!!! I will be looking through all my pics to see if a few bloopers made it through.


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