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Posts posted by hawkwise

  1. Been nearly 7 weeks since i wet line , what with really hot weather down here in Essex County , and a work project i had to finish and 3 weeks back home in the Old Country haven't been amble to get out

    and do any fishing , so yesterday decided it was time to go out get em , ah be where to FIsh ? my 3 Fav spot's are all dried up , 2 of the other spots i like to fish the water levels very low to (WE NEED RAIN !!)

    So after a lot of Driving and Mooching around the Local spots Finally Decided on the River Canard even though that to was much lower than Normal, but did see some signs of fish movement.

    But yeah !! it was good to be back and after a nice six hour session did manage catch a few kippers. 20 fish in all though most were small Cats though did catch one 10 pound Chanel Cat, 7 Hybrids

    and 4 Carp 3 of which were around the 6 or 7 Pound mark, but i did manage to Net One nice Gurt Lump , gee its good to be back fishing again .

    BUT..................................WE NEED RAIN !!!!!!.


    The Swim ( note the Low Water Levels under Bridge ).


    The Gurt Lump.


    And the ...............................


    Sunset and time to go and the Pick Mrs up from work , aaaa until the Next time. may it not be such a long time at that.

    toodle Pip

    The Hawk

  2. Well it's been sooooooooooooo damn hot down here the last couple of weeks the fishing not been so great 3 blank session but finally got in to some Fish yesterday now its cooled down a bit

    Got a couple nice Carp and 10 small hybrids and 4 small Cats so all in all a nice evening Out ... all caught on my Fav Waggler with Canned Sweet Corn.




    Both Carp were caught early on in the evening then i hit the shoal of Hybrids . Well up early tomorrow to a new spot not tried this year fingers x.

  3. Its Bloody HOT down here not had a bite now for 3 sessions tried early morning and late evenings nothing doing in my usual local spot so time move to couple other spots i know .

    but it is so damn HOT....

  4. Cool vid under water footage is well cool makes me want to get right back out there, had short session myself this morning, but the Carp are still on the Spawn but caught 3 small fish One Hybrid 8 pound Carp and Tiny Blue Gill.

    Your Vids make me Hungry . going for a Bacon Sarny now.............

  5. I am willing to bet that the same discussion that is going on here is taking place on many carp angling forums in Europe. I feel that there are many good carp anglers over there faced with an increasingly crappy carp fishing scene. Some have reacted to this by joining CAG and it's forum. Others are booking their vacations to fish here. Let's face it. It's is over commercialized ,over popular , over done and on it's way to being over.

    Shawn that fish leaves me cold. I wouldn't pay a plug nickle for a chance to do what that guy did. No more than I'd pay a farmer so that I could go and shoot one of his Holstein dairy cattle.

    Some body was bound to catch that fish. It is set up to be that way. It is contrived.

    Those that praise this kind act cannot see past the end of their.....rods. Over here a really big carp , say over 50 lbs could live out it's entire life and never see a baited hook never mind being caught before. If you took the time to think about what it takes to produce a really big fish here and then think about what it takes to catch one you would realize the difference. There is no comparison.

    Yes he caught a world record carp according to a set of rules. So what. The Ontario record is broken all the time and nobody that is a carp angler will submit their catch because sometimes the rules suck.

    Yepp ....

  6. 700 euros a day to catch a deformed fish if that his thing good luck to him ( not for Me ) , but still think its tacking things to far , And back home in the Old Country there a lot Anglers who feel the same way

    i think its a ugly looking beast. there was no hating from me just my small opinion of what i think Angling is and maybe should be about and i for one don't think that GURT fish is it . For me it's about being out near the water being close to nature taking some time out from our busy life's and just spending some nice time Catching a few fish. If your Ego is so shallow that you need to Spend 700 Euros a day to Catch a Massive Big deformed fish well good luck to you i can think much better way to spend my day , that would be sitting at the water side in a beautiful place with my Step Son and Daughter hoping to Catch any fish that happens to come along , that's Angling for me .

    In way its almost like cheating breed a GURT big fish dig a big hole fill it with Water feed it Up to a massive size then go Fish for it. and of course what its all really about like most things in this Rubbish Capitalist world we now live in is

    MONEY !!! as always if you got the MONEY there always something bigger and Better than every thing else, to feed your Ego. im just as happy when i Catch a nice 5 Pound fish as i am when i beat a P..b every time i get bite on my line i get the same feeling same adrenalin rush and i love it

    .Do i need to go and spend a lot of Money to feed my ego to catch a deformed fish ? nope not for me much as i love my fishing i could think far better things to do with 700 euros .

    This is how i feel about this am i right ? who cares ? its just my opinion . some might agree some might agree to disagree . at the end of the day we love our Angling , but i just think this kind of Angling is really not doing the sport any real good but then again there is always extremes in all walk's of life and guess this is just another example.

    As Englishmen now here in Ontario feel so blessed to have such a wonderful Country to fish in . My Brother back home is not so lucky over fished giant ponds over priced tickets ever more polluted rivers and streams he has now given up Carp fishing all together ( He now Just Fish his Local Rivers) the fish in the Private pay lakes no longer give him a fight and the cost just to fish those places he says just isn't worth it any more so that's were this type MONEY angling eventually takes you.

    Cheers Rant over.

    Lets get back to talking about what a nice day we had at the Bank today and Posting our proud pictures of our days Angling what ever the size.

  7. I dont know if your fishing a river or not, but In my opinion I would only use open ended and cage feeders in rivers, but this is just my opinion...........and overall I dont even use feeders period, there are too many ways for them to get tangled up......

    All it takes is a big paddle wafting near by to put the point of the hook right in one of the holes of the feeder..........paired with the fact that the weight of them is a bit lacking........I find the best hookups come from heavy leds so I just mould method right onto the led..........if casting at distance is an issue make a stick with pva mesh. To prevent the hook from going into the feeder try using rig tubing where you attach the hook link to the swivel and slide it up the swivel a bit.

    as for rigs, its KD all the time for me and usually in shorter hook link lengths...... only when fish are really feeding lightly do I go longer than 4 to 6 inchs, and usually at this time im fishing the float anyways. If you use a KD rig, try using less whips in the front and more in the back, it creates a sharper angle that is more likely to hook if blown out.

    Good luck hawk!

    Yes it is Rivers i am fishing Well one is called a Creek but is very tidal some times its smooth as glass (early Morning Mostly) other times it moves really fast. Up to until i bought various feeders all my fishing was done on the Float as that's the way i like to fish (plus was the only way i knew how haha) .

    I only started fishing couple years ago after nearly a 30 year break ( spent lot my teenage years fishing) only really got into Carping Last year so i am just wanting to try different methods and learn how to use various different tactics

    one the reason been trying out open and Caged Feeders is i was talking to a Dutch fella fishing these waters he seemed to be having more success with Open feeder than he was with Method feeder and PVA bags etc etc

    and seemed he was right as i did catch my New P.B. the first time i used it haha.

    So i am just trying to pick your knowledgeable folks brain's on how to go about using feeders etc etc. I Like the Look of the Feeder Leads , Molding the bait around the Lead looks like be good to so will be trying that out to soon.

    so thanks, these Forums have been very useful learnt a fair a bit already


    the Hawk.

  8. I Have only Just started using a open ended feeder have been having some good results , but this morning was getting a lot of knocks and small bites but not much hooking

    so was wondering what kinda of hook length you would use with open feeder and what kind of rigs you would use with them ?

    Also going to give a Cage feeder a go soon to so any one got any good tips would be most appreciated (maybe some good tips on using feeders in genral would be cool to )

    cheers toodle pip

    the Hawk.

  9. Had another Couple this Morning no double bubble though (no Worms left) ha ha. caught these two on open feeder with Cow Corn , Bread and Cornflake mix with a few Kidney beans and a hook bait of Cukk Corn.


    Off to a new spot Tomorrow ........................ so should be interesting ..................

    toodle pip

    Da Hawk

  10. Sounds like the Windsor area is a new frontier for carp fishing. Thanks for all your reports, Hawk.

    Ha ha yeah there a few spots down this way and a good few More ive yet to try or discover , maybe i should stop posting before everyone wants to get down here and have a go :lol: haha.

  11. Went out again early This Morning to my usual early morning Waggler Spot Put some Maze out with my Pult and couple of Balls of Cornflake , Bread and hemp seed Mix

    then cast out my trusty Waggler in to the Margins with some Cukk Corn after a couple off missed bites it went very quiet , it seems the Carp had decided to get a bit Randy in the Margins . So guess it was best to leave them to get on with it.

    So changed up to a Open feeder , with the Cornflake , Bread. hemp seed Mix and the Double Bubble ( Monster Maze and Night Crawler) as the Hook bait and cast out to the Middle.

    out Popped these two Gurt Fish .



    Had three other runs which didn't make to the Net ,one i lost to the weed bed as the fish came flying back towards me this being only the second time this has ever happened to me the fish taking off towards me instead of down stream and before i knew it the bugger was deep in the weed bed after some toeing and throwing and tugging this way and that, i guess i got a hook pull and he was gone oh well cant win them all.

    Off Out later Walleye fishing From a Boat for the fist time ever should be interesting . never fished from a boat before.

    Toodle Pip

    Tight Lines The Hawk.

  12. Hey Hawkwise, I'd say you owe your daughter big time! If she didn't insist on fishing in that wind, you wouldn't be holding that fish! lol

    Nice report as always.

    Hey, any other carp fisherman out your way? I know there are because you always mention about other guys carping at your spots, etc., but I think you're the only guy posting.

    There are a couple Dutch guys i bump into once in awhile who fish these water's that's about it , and there is Jeff Turner (Mersey ) who runshttp://matchfishingcanada.wetpaint.com/ he lives not far from me and i have to thank Jeff as he showed my around a few nice spots last year and gave me few bits of fishing gear ( some nice Home made Waggelers a keep net and a Pult) Top Bloke Jeff but not seen much of him of Late as he been having a few health Problems so not shore if he getting out fishing much.

  13. double bubble eh? worms and monster corn and strawberry flavour....the carp was getting 3 of the four food groups of a proper diet...your offering made me laugh but its obviously very effective.

    congrats on the 4th pb this year its remarkable the success your having.

    the carp she looks really healthy...sweet.

    Ha ha yeah i often use the Double Bubble caught me a P.B. Channel Cat (14 Lbs ) with it to , if i dont get any Carp with it always end up with a few Cats instead hence the Double Bubble .

  14. Well Its Sunday the wife is off to work and i am off to Little River Windsor to chase after some Gold Fish, having never actually caught one i was looking forward to netting one fingers x

    so i drop the Lovely Wife of at work and head on down to Windsor and the Little River Famous for it's lovely Goldfish .

    So i arrive traveling extra light today with just my Old Total Tackle Spinning Rod my fav little waggler some Corn Night crawlers and a small box off maggots,

    that's about it, lets Fish !!! soon as i arrived at the water side was lucky enough to see two Gold Fish right there were i planned to fish that's got to be a good sign............. ah But

    3 hours later nothing no even Knock tried all my different baits moved up and down stream a couple times nope nothing doing aaaaaaaa and now the wind was getting up really strong .

    So i admit defeat and head on to Arbys and a Great Canadian and Soda .

    Then its time pick my Lovely Wife back up from work and Head for Home. we arrive home and i am still itching to get out and Fish , My 16 year old daughter has been stuck in doors all day.

    so i say " fancy coming down to the water side with yer old dad for a spot of fishing ?" " Shore dad if you buy me a Sub on the way ?" Ok deal. so i nip to the Garage pick my Carp Rod and Fishing Bag

    and Head on out. Stopping at Subway on the way of course.

    I Had been wanting to get down to my local spot all week to try out my New Open Feeders so now was a good as Time as any . Well me and the Grumpy Teenager get down to water side and eww nooooo Busy busy with Local teenagers out fishing for them Bullheads and Cats and damn the spot i was hopping to get was full off the little Buggers aaaaaaaaaa. so we turn around drive back down the Rd to what is Normally my early Morning Waggler spot,

    We get down on to the Canoe Dock and the Wind is really Blowing damn it aaaaaaa might as well go home . awww Dad says the Grumpy teenager were here lets at least try , yeah ok just a couple Cast to see how my new Feeders cast out. So fill up my new Feeder with Some Corn and Hemp seed . with a hook bait of Strawberry Monster Maze on the Hair and Night Crawler on the Hook ( I call it my Double Bubble ) .

    and cast Out ewww that was nice, it cast out nice and smooth and fair distance . yep liking my New Open ended feeder so far.

    And just Ten Minutes later was liking it even More.........................


    4th P.B of the year . i really didn't think i was going to break it again this year but here it is 33 Lbs get in !!!.

    So thank you to Our Enya for making me Stay and Fish and also thanks for passing me the net and tacking the Photo

    maybe i should bring her fishing all the time to bring me Luck.

    Haha She said No thanks Dad think ill pass. she has yet to catch her first Carp but she does have a P.B of a 10 pound Cat from last year and i am

    shore her first carp is just around the Corner .

    After i caught this lovely Fish the Wind just got to bad so we packed up and went home with me grinning from ear to ear get In.

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