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Tribal Carper

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Posts posted by Tribal Carper

  1. Rebel .... "I work for a union and im a union representative".......shocker bro........big shocker , nope not really , Im not surprised!!!!!! LMAO

    Never said USA baits don't work , but be prepared to load them in a water to get the carp on them. I don't chum with boilies , no need when you use quality baits that catch from the introduction. I chum steam rolled corn and other particles and fish a method mix , the ONLY boilie (pop-up) that is in my swim is the one on the hair..and they search it out as it sticks out from the free baits...not blended in .

    Tom , stop it with the puffs already , no ones listening...pay-pond fisherman aren't ANGLERS , sad they are even allowed to claim being fisherman...when the #1 drive is NOT about the fish and is replaced with $$$ , its not longer angling.

  2. HAHA , hit a nerve Rebel ? How many years have you been using boilies with great success ? I know you have to say WCB are the best...you have too , I see the advertisement in your signature..its ok bro the drawbacks of being a sponsored angler..in my case I can speak truethful as I use what I want ...baits that work.

    Don't try to call me out on the forum or into a pissing match , I have a very large blatter , you don't know me...when you get a few more years under your belt chasing carp (like 5-8 more) , then give it a go. I know guys that go from one species to another , sell off all their gear and only to spend (waste) lots of money going head first into another..get bored then do it all over again....or sell off their new gear every year blaming their lack of success on the gear.

    * also before you post "made in the USA" , check to make sure its not like Honda , Kia , Toyota and others that claim the same only to find out that its only assembled in the USA so Americans will accept them and buy them (KIA is 60% Korea , 40% USA)....im the opposite , my car is 100% Japanese..made and assembled , 0% USA...why ? because I want a quality dependable vehical made by those who care and know what they are doing , not just over paid lazy union workers that should never touch a car , let along build them....same when it comes to boilies to me , I want the best , not cheap imitations...LMAO !!!!

    Oh and I cant hang around to read your response , I DO have to work , but being salary I could take the evening off and still get paid to mess with you , but truethfully work is more interesting then battling with newbies.

  3. Dunk , I hear ya about the "sponsored" anglers on this forum , but in their defense , if they don't post results claiming to be caught on that brands baits , they loose sponsorship....and all the pride/ego of being a sponsored angler..lol. To me all this BS is whats changing the carp scene in the USA and changing it not for the good , its going down the road of bass anglers who wear all the shirts with their sponsor patches and talk nothing but their sponsors when asked what they caught on (even if those fish were truethfully caught on another bait). This type of "fishing" to me is not true angling and goes in the same category as another type of 'fishing" that is all about money and has nothing to do with the fish we chase , to me they are not anglers..just fisherman.

    As far as boilies.....I was a long time user of particles and caught very well , then I found pop-up boilies and have never looked back , but I will tell you if your looking for a magical instant catcher in any of the USA bait companys you will be let down. I have spent $100's of dollars trying out baits from them all and wasted that money , I will stick to the originators of boilies , the UK companys and catch VERY well on them.

  4. Agree with Willem , Daiwa's have a very small window of drag available , Shimano's only a slight bit more....I own both but when it comes down to it I would choose Baitrunners over QD's/Instant drags.

    Only one style on the market I don't care for , it is the Shimano Baitrunner II system , its not a baitrunner and not fully a QD , its inbeween with two drag knobs....I own a pair of Shimano's with this system but will never buy another.

  5. If that's one of the best DVD's you have ever watched then you have not seen many......its Nash , boring but better than him showing off his over priced CHINESE tackle like normal , most of the time the Free Nash DVD's just get throw away....very very few items of theirs do I use...but again just my personal opinion.

  6. "...and the pager"...lol he said pager , man I remember those days before cell phones and those dumb pagers we all had (my age group and older).

    The RECEIVER of the Delkim is just the icing on the cake , bad arse vibration sensing alarm and a receiver with long range and super reliable and long battery life...man that's why I went to Delks 10+ years ago.

    Good luck in your choices , if the Fox indicators don't work for you (meaning you break them) , look into SOLAR , TASKA or MATRIX and you wont be let down.

  7. Then if quick throw together trips are the norm , the soybean will work wonders...pour some water on them and they swell up fast and enlarge to about 5 times their size..for real fast swell , add hot water and stand back..lol. Good luck.

  8. Mickey , to simply answer your question...YES , I have 3 of the Petco containers that hold 50 lbs. of dry dogfood w/ Gama seal lids FULL of soybeans I got from my work. I add them to my spod mix and they work . Only thing I will say is becareful , they swell up FAST if they even get damp...and they will sprout very quickly too. They also ferment very quickly and do not last as long as field corn if you prepare/soak them days before going fishing. Plus yes you can grind them up into flour and add them to groundbait , method mix , ect. Give them a try..carp love them.

  9. Most of us that use Delks bought the D-loks as soon as they came out , now no more screwing and unscrewing your alarms , what a pain in the arse....quick easy disconnect and no worries about the Tx-I antenna . I have the D-loks on all my buzzbars and banksticks , would not be without them. As far as Delkim indicators...LOVE them !!!

    Your Fox illuminated swingers/hangers will not work with Delks , as the socket they plug into is different..one is 2.5mm the other 3.5mm. But you could buy the NON-illuminated versions.

    For sturdy , strong hangers/swingers - buy stainless steel...reason my others indicator set ups are SOLAR.

    If you bought a Solar WWP and broke it , you need not be a carp fisherman...your best to stick to catfish and use metal "Y" banksticks and a lot less gear....or take up GOLF.

  10. Hmmm....my two 12vt battery's last a LONG while , but I went to my local Gander Mountain and bought the heavier duty battery's.... funny the same ones used for trail cameras and game feeders....hell of a lot cheaper than the heavier duty ones from Viper. I have 4 of them so I can switch them out when one set runs low.

    Good luck in 2014....sadly we will both have to wait until March before the real carpin starts..hope this Winter goes FAST...

  11. Years ago CENTURY made a 14' method rod , had a 4-5 lb test curve...never got my hands on them and only know of one angler in the USA that had them , sadly he is no longer with us.

    I use the "method" 100% of the time during warm water....only in Winter do I not use some sort of method mix.

    I can cast over 100 yards with a method feeder , but you must make the balls small , just fill up a finned in-line feeder to the edges of the feeder...large grapefruit size will not go that far without exploding your rod.....so keep this in mind. Also you better have your mix right or the extra force you generate to get the distance will make the mix fly off halfway through your cast.

    I normally use fast action distance rods in 3.0 - 3.5TC in 13' (Shimano) to reach LONG range , I have surf rods that are rated for 12oz up to 1 lb. but as Iain said the super stiff action of these surf rods makes casting a method ball tricky. If you want a 15' rod , look at the Ugly Stick...they make a really massive 3 piece one that is very popular with the catfish anglers fishing below large dams that need to cast heavy leads 150 yards+.

    Good luck with your long range method fishing...when you get tired of wearing your arms out....buy a Viper bait boat like I have, much easier than killing yourself....lmao

  12. Yes BCT is one of the shops that I use to get my UK baits and I have purchased from Dave since the start in the old ACS days......but not everyone again uses CC Moore as the market seems to be flooded with another popular bait at this very moment.....Dynamite will always be one of my favorites , Mainline is OK , but as with CC Moore , not one of my best producers...sadly and at the same time thankfully the baits that work the best are not popular with the main stream of carpers...Solar , StickyBaits , Nutrabaits , Richworth , ect.

    I know the red tape and permit cost is high......but to whom ever decides to look to the future , the shop with the most selections of UK baits will get the most business , which in turn will yield profit for them.

    I have been looking into this topic and maybe in the future it will just be easier to obtain an import bait license for ones self and sell to the anglers in your home State ?

  13. With the restrictions from the UK carp shops for USA carpers trying to buy carp baits and now the recent announcement from Carp Kit in Canada not selling UK baits to USA carpers....my question is , are the USA carp shops going to be stocking more baits to meet the demand that WILL be building or are they also going to stop stocking/selling UK baits too ? I know MANY in my home State that are starting to panic as they need to stock up on baits for the upcoming season too.....my e-mail box has been filling up with fellow carpers asking these same question that I also need answers too.

    Not everyone uses the few USA bait companys and a lot of us depend on the UK baits to catch fish....and we want to continue using them.

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