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Tribal Carper

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Posts posted by Tribal Carper

  1. I'm guessing the bigger fish keep eating so late in the year because they are opportunistic feeders. And the small fish need to pack on every ounce they can before the cold sets in. I guess the teens are just comfortable taking it easy?

    Maybe the location you chose just happen to be where the schools of smaller and bigger fish were holding on that day. I know on lakes they tend to school up by size, so maybe the teens were on a feeding spot elsewhere on the lake ?

  2. I use BOTH....for soft ground (dirt, mud, sand, etc) I will use banksticks, specially for those long walk in spots along rivers.

    For "inner city" fishing or any place that has hard ground (concrete, rocks, blacktop, decks, etc.) I use a pod .

    There are benefits to both , just depends on YOUR application.

  3. Guess I better get on Mainline and Dynamite products too.

    You mean you aren't using them already ? lol......think about that when your "retesting" your purchased boilies again next Spring and they still dont catch, even though all the hype behind them.....dont worry I can give you some UK baits that will :swimminfish::icon_smoking:B)

  4. Same here...proud and resolute! I can't stand Delkims either, common as muck, they look hideous...like they were designed by an electrician (they were)...and I don't buy the whole sensitivity hype either....I guarantee that for every fish 'gained' by hitting every squeak and godawful squall of those things that you will be dragging it away from and miss another fish that was just hovering over your bait....And you can't prove otherwise! Ha! I recently kitted up again and had the choice of all the alarms on the market, After much much research and several circular thought patterns I nearly bought a set of the Chubb top end ones, Wacker had a great deal on them but ultimately i settled on some Fox MXplusses, a real on off LEVER style switch, AAA batteries that match my headlamp (for emergencies), volume, tone and two sensitivities...one of which is too many, comes with a protective case and above all small and light! Remote add on optional if...and that's a big IF ever needed... :)

    Mark, if you fished true COLD water you'd see the benefits of vibration over roller wheel. Freezing rain or snow in Winter , frozen or slow roller movement = missed soft take.

    Everyone has their favorites , just like car brands or sports teams, carp tackle is no different. I cant fault Delkim one single bit and my original set of Standard Plus bought early 2000's are still used every season , have seen 1000's of carp , all weather conditions including 9 Winter seasons...and brutal cold temps (2 years ago fished with Rob Shiflet in -6 degree air temp and I caught carp)..and they have never been serviced.

    I am a die hard Delkim fan with lots of years of experience using them, even though they became the "popular" alarm that even newbie's purchase Tx-i's right out of the gate, I still love them, just gets a bit annoying during large fish-ins is all and I see guys point why the stray away from them...but they are the best alarm on the market for many years running for a reason.

  5. Your right Bob, back in early 2000's when I got my first set of Delk's no one had them....everyone was still on Fox , I retired my Fox SX's because all you ever heard was the Fox scream all along the bank. Now everyone switched over to Delks because Fox are not being pushed here hard anymore......reason again I went to the Solar V10i's and V8i's to be completely different.

    I have been checking out those Prologic's since they came out , but do not care for the style (Nev's, ATTX, Gardner)....but I have been seriously think about getting a set of Fox NTXr 3 rod presentation set this Winter just for CAG events to combat the Delkim craze..even though I have a set of Tx-i's w/ receiver.Its either the NTXr's or the ACE i3 set w/ receiver.

  6. Andy, oh boy how I envy you....LMAO

    Can we set up small privacy shelter's and port-a-pots ? I take one with me on long weekend trips , its made for either a bathroom or shower , tall and skinny..not a tent. That way guys can use the restroom and stay on the bank.

  7. I'm with Brian, tree stand produces bigger catches. :P

    Good luck in the stands guys, I used to fish and hunt...then as I extended my fishing season farther and farther into Winter , I gave up hunting, except for a some Coyote hunting when it gets really nasty and cold and the fishing is super slow.

  8. Dave, you are right...better keep that kind of stuff for other events...we will be up in Mich. to catch fish..and hopefully some big fish. Only fish I have caught in Mich. is Salmon....24 lbs. is my PB King , but always wanted to kayak a few rivers in Mich. for smallmouth bass. Maybe I will just buy a yearly license and that way I fish fish up there for many species?

  9. I have a few carp spots that are 3/4 -1 mile from the truck down deer paths...rucksack, quiver and a bucket and that's it.

    Other spots that are distance but have nice walk paths, I use my Daiwa Freeloader barrow, have a CPI reels on wheels Sr. cart, but it never gets used now because the barrow is so much better.

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