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Posts posted by dopefish905

  1. Me n Jeff probbly saw 300 out of the water on Tuesday...1 carp landed you could feel em hitting off the feeder reeling it back in.. My bet is in another week or 2 they will start to feed, and people will consistently catch, I'm happy just to enjoy the early weather we have and relax without the winter suit on, anywho might take the dog out for a walk tomorrow around the trap and inn before work, ps Shawn ima have to meet up with ya soon and pick ya brain on your center pin setup, Ima pick up a proper float rod and cp reel with some kor floats, Jim went over his set up with me during a das' session but iforgot most of it lol I wanna throw it into my arsenal for quick sessions and plain old fun around walls and dundas, Been piking on the float and i forgot just how fun float fishing is, anywho gl all!

  2. Awwwww oh no.... :( he would know best I guess, he fed him almost daily... Rip little buddy.. I hope he went quick :( :( :( ima miss that goose

  3. Ahhh ####ty Shawn, what a start eh? We've all done it though lol, I remeber when mark left his coat at home, it was a December sessions :D I forgot my net on a couple occasions aswell. Goodluck next time my friend.

  4. Wooooo got me a bay carp today! Lost the first 2 shortly after hooking up, but managed to get this one to the bank, roughly 13lbs.. So back to the big water for me..let the good times roll! 2012 look out.


  5. Sorry to hear Tristan :( commend ya on the barbless though! I use barbs outta fear of losing that lifetime lunker, plus our Carp are maybe only hooked one or twice In a lifetime if that, so not such a big deal IMO. Gl

  6. Ohhhh reallllllly, maybe ill spend Monday and Tuesday at my usual bay spot then, the piking around das' is slowish anyway....let the corn boiling begin! Thx for the update Jeff, grats on banking a couple :D

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