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Posts posted by Radaarphl

  1. Well the misses was very upset when I got home and she smelled the car. I went down to my son in law, he has a Chemdry carpet cleaning franchise. We worked foe three hours trying to clean the stink out of the car. Its now about 90% better. I put a Fabrese clip in my AC outlet, hopefully this will do the job.. Fortunately ,I lease this car from Chrysler Corp under their management lease program. Its definitely going back to Chrysler when the lease is up in January. I learned my lesson, don't put soaked corn in a cat litter bucket. I'll use the buckets with spin on lids in the future.

  2. Vince, I have a 3lb Greys X-flite rod forsale. I haven't used it because I have three Greys 3.5 lb X-flite rods I use for most of my carp fishing. One of the 3.5 rods has very litte use. I used it last year at Saginaw. I might cosider selling it if your interested.

    Bob,I'm interested in the Warrior buss bar bag. You said it was 32 x 10. What is it's width?

  3. I remember that trip to Eagle Creek well. It rained cats and dogs Saturday night and my tent leaked. I packed all my tent and tackle up and put it in my Jeep and accidently locked my keys in the car. I had to wait about two hours for AAA to show up. It is a nice place to fish, plenty of shade and bank space. Rick Drees (DA CAT KING) came by and visited with me several hours. We had a good time reminising about CAG and carp fishing. Big John has a camp down there and he cooked a big pot of chuck roast with spicy V8 juice and vegtables. There was enough stew to feed the whole camp, man it was good.

  4. Chad and Jim, my English friend, Alan and I, enjoyed visiting with you guys. We got to reminisce about the ATC in Austin, weigh a few of your carp and sample Jim's Vodka tonic. Hope to neet with you guys on the bank in the future. Congrats on you win, you deserved it with the difficulty of your peg.

    Cheers Phil

  5. I agree with George, The new format of the CAG forum has killed interest in recruiting new Ohio carpers to carp fishing. Nobody logs on to express an opinion. If they don't like what you say, they knock you off. I check daily to see whose having a birthday or what tackle is being offered for sale. I miss the old format.

  6. That was a great write up Rachel. I enjoyed fishing with everyone, even the BIG BIRD, he's a funny guy and full of you know what. :rolleyes: The food and friendship was great, unfortunately I set there for six hours in the cold and didn't catch a carp. I'll definitely do it again next year.

  7. I had an infected Epididymitis a long time ago after I was first married. Rob's right, I think it's caused by over use of your Johnson. I had to get an antibotic shoot everyday for almost a week. Everything swelled up and it was extremely painful. :D The doctor told me to refrain from sex and my wife was to leave me alone. If I didn't follow his orders, he threaten to put me in the hospital and tie my legs together. As big as everything was swelled up, I don't know where my parts would have gone. :D

  8. Long live the new Carp KING, Tim Creque, sorry ATC champ. Ohio cager's represented themselves well, way to go. I want to congratuate all the winners. The Indy Carpers and Jim donlan went over the top putting on this event. I was in section three with a lot of guy's who blanked, but I had a great time renewing and visiting with old friends. Thanks to all the sponsers, the prizes were great. The Brickyard Inn people did an outstanding job of catering to all of us at the banquet. Thanks again to everyone who was involved in organizing this CAG event. :D

    Were going to have to set up a little frendly competition with Indy boys at Hubbard's Lake, one of these days, to see whose the best carp fishermen. Tutti Futti :D

    Phil Davenport, Ohio State CAG Chairman

  9. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't draw the peg that's 100 yds West of the First Street bridge in the park with the Stevie Ray Vaughn Statue. I drew this peg three years ago. I never seen so many sticks, rock's, frisbee's and tennis balls thrown in the water and the DOGS following right in to retreve them. They swam into my lines, set off my alarms and totally disrupted fishing most of the day. :D When I complained to their owners, I found out real quick, that the city fathers of Austin had bestowed that area of the park to them, to run their DOGS and I had no business fishing on their turf.

    You could save yourself a lot of frustration and grief, by packing up your gear and heading to Emma Long for a good day of fishing. I will say the view of downtown Austin is very nice and the action and traffic that passes you by on the bike path is OUTSTANDING. :D

    The peg under the First Street bridge is were Tommy Robinson caught his big carp Three years ago. I know because I weighed it. I believe, it's also where Scottie and his dad fished on the first day last year and caught most of their fish, that won the tournament. :D

    I hope whoever set pegs this year, skips this spot, because it's gone to the DOGS.

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