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(MN) chayathecat

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Posts posted by (MN) chayathecat

  1. Anything from the spice shelf with a kick. Any sort of hot sauce (love the vinegar stuff in summer). The sky is your limit. Anything can be a hit one day and a miss the next day, so I tend to adapt during sessions.

  2. 1 hour ago, Cannonball said:

    Yep, know what you mean.  We have people on my home river that fill a stringer and then fill it again and hope they don't get caught.  Fish don't grow bigger doing the backstroke in Crisco.  That's what I like about CAG- catch, photograph, and release.

    That only works well with a good steak,  not for catching and releasing a fish of a lifetime :-)

  3. Exactly :-). I do the same. I'm not too concerned about paylake/euro distinctions when I'm fishing. I try things till I find a combination that works.

    Chumming is frowned upon in my state but I've never had any issues heaving out lumpy mass of pack with my hookbait :-).

    I use packbait/method around the lead quite a bit with boilies. It's perfectly fine to do and no matter what anyone says it's not wrong. If it catches you fish then carry on with the catching!

  4. Hahha. I'm forbidden from eating ice cream :-).

    Last summer I picked up 10-15 1 gallon buckets after volunteering at a Big Brother Big Sister event :-). You can always find free ice cream pails in summer..or just try garage sales.

    I actually prefer using 5 gallon buckets since I can sit on them and dream about fish when my line's in the water.

  5. Thanks for all the replies. All sound advice, especially about taking the right bag out of the freezer so you don't have corn for dinner. :)

    Been looking for a 1 or 2 gallon plastic pail or bucket with a lid but can't seem anything unless you buy 3. Gonna stop at Home Depot and see if they sell empty paint buckets with lids. Even tupperware or something like that. Handle would be handy though.

    You can start buying icecream in 1 gallon pails :-). That way you will have plenty of small buckets and also a nice dentist bill

    I started using field corn last year. Have had no issues keeping in a 5 gallon bucket for 3-4 weeks. As someone mentioned, changing the water once in a while becomes a necessity. If you keep boiled corn in buckets, make sure the lid is not on tight..since there will be gasses during fermentation and they need to escape. I keep my corn buckets next to a 50 lb container of molasses. Kind of hides the smell in the garage.

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