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Carp Anglers Group Forums

(MN) chayathecat

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    Twin Cities (Minneapolis)
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  • Interests
    Tropical fish
    Planted fish tanks
    Fishing-Mainly Carp
    Making bait :-)
    Smoking beef/chicken/fish
    Flying at kite festivals

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  1. Hi Nathan, welcome to CAG! I'm in North Brooklyn Park area so pretty close by. Let me PM you and we can talk Carp.

    Chayathecat (aniq)

  2. Reminder:Minnesota Fish In this Saturday. Message. Contact me if you are able to make it. Brownton/Hutchinson area.
  3. CT has every day off. He lives on a lake, sleeps all day and dreams about fishing. What a life! :-)
  4. We will have a couple of fish-ins there
  5. Hi, are you still in MN?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. (MN) chayathecat

      (MN) chayathecat

      Hi, you mentioned that April 16th might not work for you since you have to work. Does the following weekend (April 23rd) work ? We might move the fish in back a week to get more people to join us.

    3. Bold2013


      I work 6p to 6am on the 23rd but would fish 1/2 a day on the 23 or a full day on the 24th.



    4. (MN) chayathecat

      (MN) chayathecat

      Ok. Let me check with the guys. I think we might fish overnight on Saturday and have the fish in on Sunday. Will keep you posted.

  6. Just received mine in Minnesota. Looks great so far!
  7. I would love to help host it in MN with help from a few friends..but my concern is the NO CHUMMING and 1 ROD policies might turn people away :-(.There are plenty of carp here...
  8. Minnesota would be perfect for me. As for chumming, I normally just feed the ducks which aren't there :-) CCC in Minnesota would really help bring on a positive image here. There are thousands of lakes and they all have carp, but the public has a very distorted image of these fish. A fishing tournament would really help. Other than MN, anywhere withing 6-8 hours driving distance would be fine. I would also like a location where 50%+ of anglers have the opportunity to catch fish. For a 1 day tourney, it's tough to drive for hours knowing that you have slim chances for catching a fish ( even if it's a pig). Just my 2 cents. We hope to have more fish-in's in MN next year so hope to see more people coming this way.
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