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Carp Anglers Group Forums

(MN) chayathecat

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    Twin Cities (Minneapolis)
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  • Interests
    Tropical fish
    Planted fish tanks
    Fishing-Mainly Carp
    Making bait :-)
    Smoking beef/chicken/fish
    Flying at kite festivals

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  1. Hi Nathan, welcome to CAG! I'm in North Brooklyn Park area so pretty close by. Let me PM you and we can talk Carp.

    Chayathecat (aniq)

  2. CT has every day off. He lives on a lake, sleeps all day and dreams about fishing. What a life! :-)
  3. Hi, are you still in MN?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. (MN) chayathecat

      (MN) chayathecat

      Hi, you mentioned that April 16th might not work for you since you have to work. Does the following weekend (April 23rd) work ? We might move the fish in back a week to get more people to join us.

    3. Bold2013


      I work 6p to 6am on the 23rd but would fish 1/2 a day on the 23 or a full day on the 24th.



    4. (MN) chayathecat

      (MN) chayathecat

      Ok. Let me check with the guys. I think we might fish overnight on Saturday and have the fish in on Sunday. Will keep you posted.

  4. Just received mine in Minnesota. Looks great so far!
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