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Posts posted by Daniel

  1. I personally don't think about sex, or sexist comments made/Hoootist girls right before a competition, as it's just designed as a post hypnotic deception to take your mind off the real deal. Nothing sexier than seeing a real lunker laying on the mat, after wooing it and the fight to land it! I'll take Fins vs Tits any time https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/p200x200/1600977_10202841833391692_1519664972_n.jpg

    Brid you finally partner up with someone that knows how to catch fish :)

  2. With Winter approaching, I was reminded to open up a smack talk thread for this event so here goes...let er rip and remember, it you can't take it, don't read it! :)

    As for odds....

    Rumor has it that Frank Rink will represent Illinois all by himself scattering dozens of stuffed scarecrows around as decoys for his ingenious plan of fishing a bazillion rods...odds at this point will be Frank will wear himself out and forget to net the fish...ha!

    Ohio is laying quiet nursing their still sore arses, but their up to something...sneaky sneaky...odds are....better than Franks..err I mean Illinois...!

    Indiana...hmmm, with a good strong SECOND place finish last year and their ranks approaching 50% capacity, It can be perceived as another strong showing....but will Jathan show up and if he does will he catch a fish or a hook in the leg (sorry Paige :) ) We'll be sure to keep some duck tape and tampons readily available for emergency situations....odds are better than Ohio and Franks...err...Illinois

    Michigan....Home turf, defending champs, youth on our side, and the Dutch Destroyer may make a rare Sagnasty appearance...with 50% capacity...it's looking good already and smells like..oh whats that? Oh yea, a repeat!! muhahahahah

    Have fun fellas.....

    Lets hope Paige watch this video

  3. Rick,

    The reason for the limit is space. Without knowing the water height conditions I want to make sure that everyone that has signed up has a place to fish.

    As I stated there is a second swim with plenty of access if someone wanted to head up getting a group together, however, I do not have the time or resources to do this.

    Dave i can check it out pm me the info.

  4. Actually, that's right. Illinois got its name from the French, who were referring to the native Americans--the Illini-- who lived in the region. Did you know Illinois was once called the Sucker State because of its many sucker-like fish--carp? That alone should destine the Illinois scarecrows to a nice finish at Midwest Regional 2014. Fortunately, we'll all be fishing the "Sagnasty," so those of us with a dearth of 20's and 30's in our own states will have equal access in Michigan. Good luck. You'll need it. :P

    Who's we? it seems like you are own your own. The rest of the Illinois anglers are scare or there's not enough money involved.

  5. Agree totally. This smack talking thread is all in fun. Anglers are welcome to take their photos any way they wish. No harm intended, but as Andy S. initially indicated on the first post, "If you can't take it, don't read it." :lol:

    Best of luck to all. I hope we all catch monsters.--Frank

    P.S. Hey, Daniel. Contact Ernest and more of the WCB crew and encourage them to to sign up, so I'm not fishing with scarecrows. Thanks.

    They will sign up for sure :)

  6. You get enough dirt thrown on you by your own Michigan teammates. I didn't think it would be right to pile on. :D

    Frank if there is any dirt thrown on me by my teammates I simply don't give a F***k :) So the same would go for you bring it on :)

    Btw typical Michigan :) every one throw dirt on each other :) and then they fish witch every one and act like friends :P


  7. I know a very good carper who ties his with about 12" of hooklength, but doesn't form a loop or tie to a swivel until he's actually on the bank and knows what conditions he's facing. Smart!

    Not trying to say I am Smart :P But thats how I tie most of my rigs.

    I tie them all winter long, never had an issue... just did 40 plain hair rigs the past two weekends. Now on to the fancy stuff.

    I like doing it because it saves time on the bank.

    That weird first time I fish with you I remember you sleeping a lot without any action :) so in your situation you should save rig tying while you on a bank.

  8. My goal is to tie over 100 rigs this winter, I dont see nothing wrong with it.

    Do you guys see any problem with tying rigs over the winter for something to do? Knowing that they will sit in your rig box for possibly 4+ months before getting used.


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