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Carp Anglers Group Forums

Texas Carper

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About Texas Carper

  • Birthday 01/08/1973

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    Fort Worth,Texas
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  • Interests
    Carp Angling

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  1. Good day.  I am a new arrival here in Texas.  Retired Marine of 27 plus years, and looking to get back into some BIG Carp fishing.  I live in the Houston area.  If there is any info you can share that will help me find good Carp waters here in my area, I would certainly appreciate it.  I am not too far away from Lakes Conroe, Livingston, and Houston.  I would image those bigger lakes would have bigger fish.  Not sure about bank space, as I do not have a boat.  Never Carp fished from a boat actually.  At any rate, looking forward to hearing from you.  If there are any contacts in the Houston area for Carpers, I would greatly appreciate that as well.

    All the best.


    aka Rich



    1. Texas Carper

      Texas Carper

      Hello Rich,

       Sorry about now getting back to you sooner. I'll check and see what members are in the Houston area for you.Haven't actually been fishing out your way to be honest. If you'll go to this site TPWD ,and put a lake in the search it with pull up the information you need for it.

    2. HTownCarp'n


      Got it.  Thank you.

    3. OLD FISH

      OLD FISH

      Looking to fish around San Antonio, TX area. any suggestions. I am a new visitor to your forum. Haven't caught a Carp since about 1975 in Michigan. Plan to try it again here.

  2. Thanks for stepping up Steve.
  3. Welcome aboard Chad.Glad to have someone in the Austin area once again.
  4. SENT
  5. How about this for a twist.Pick a bait and flavor everyone can get easily and see who can catch the most on the one particular bait and flavor. A picture may be required to assure that's the bait actually used to catch on.
  6. Got mine 12/23/11 and it looks great. 76114
  7. Got mine in today.I was surprised to see a photo of me in it since I hadn't sent any in.Must have been Carl that sent it.The calender looks great.
  8. Welcome back aboard Curt

  9. I ordered only 6 inline gripper leads and some flexi inserts (10 per package) . When I got the package today I was surprised to find my 6 leads with extra inserts as well as what I ordered.10 regular and 16 flexi inserts.It might seem small to some,but no matter who you are you have to admit that's great customer service.I will send more business Andys way and order more myself.This was my first order from Resistance as well. Make sure y'all order some of your tackle through Resistance Tackle.Thanks again Andy
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