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Everything posted by redcoat

  1. Dear CAG directors and members It is with some regret that I find it necessary to step down from my position as MA State Chair. Due to a combination of increasing work and family commitments I no longer find myself with sufficient spare time to continue. I will of course remain both a member and supporter of CAG.........but no longer in an official capacity. Iain Murray (redcoat).
  2. Thanks Willem Iain
  3. HaHa That was going to be my very next question. It's even more fun if you use "MA" which also yields Maryland, Alabama, Maine, Oklahoma. It seems that this would be easily rectified (at least for new Members) by using one of those clickable pull-down lists that contains the complete state names and making this a compulsory part of the sign-up process? Iain
  4. I received an E-mail from a CAG Member asking for info regarding out-of-date contact details for one of our MA members. However, I have been unable to find the mechanism to do a "Member" search. Did this go AWOL during the upgrade or am I just not looking in the right place? Any info would be very welcome. Regards, Iain
  5. Hi Andy Many thanks for your many years of work for our group.......and especially for coming "out of retirement" to help out with the rebuilding efforts over the last few years. One of these days I really need to get off my lazy *** and come out to MI for one of your fish-ins.......if only to get humiliated by some of your youthful carp prodigies! Let me know when you are ready to take orders on the bait. Take care. Iain
  6. Mario Not so fast with this "salty" fishing lark. You know, some of us still aspire to catch a Mexi-carp sometime! Iain
  7. Now I feel much better!
  8. Seems like I've been stuck at 2908 for an eternity! Iain
  9. Hi Andy Mine arrived Friday February 17th. Many thanks. Iain
  10. I'll take two of each flavour. Iain
  11. Not sure about that. I think "Whitey" is mid-20s........though he/she might have added a few pounds while hanging in California. I seem to recall Airforce Bob posting a pic of an orange koi of 32-33 pounds that came out of the St Lawrence a couple of years back? Iain
  12. Mario My post was purely instructional. I assuredly had no intention of stealing due credit from the creative geniuses (genii?) of the Amsterdam coffee houses! Iain
  13. Hi Stephen Chill dude! It's called intentional disqualification. Iain
  14. And a few more....... Carpdaddy with "Yellowfin" Iain
  15. OK Here are a few from my archives that I am quite fond of. Iain p.s. The mirror was being played by Carpdaddy.
  16. Pat This is a nice idea. Can I include carp caught by other members? I find that carp always look better when held by a gallic gnome for some reason. Iain
  17. Dave For a mere $25 a year you could have your own personal copy of every NACA story delivered to your door. Iain
  18. Bill Would correcting "Spring" to "During January and February 2011, when many of us were still in hibernation" help? Yes. Every issue you raise above was publicized right here on this Forum (by the new Prez or VP) and discussed at length. All the relevant threads are still available for anyone to peruse. Most of them were initiated by Andy so you should be able to find them by looking for Topics started by Kentlakecarper. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that many of the "conclusions" were not that far removed from the positions you espouse. If not, then start a new topic and I'm sure the Membership would be more than happy to consider the merits of your ideas. Iain
  19. Bill Yes, Andy and Mario posted details of the financial challenges we were facing early in the spring. This was followed by a number of initiatives to raise funds and/or reduce expenses. When you bid for a sack of tiger nuts back at the start of February you would, had your bid been successful, have been contributing to one such initiative. Iain
  20. As I recall, we had a poll on it and some fella called "Brid" won that privilege, right guys? Iain
  21. OK. I can't resist. Needless to say, it's the new hairdo that clinched the deal. Iain
  22. Bill I can provide a story well in advance of January 5th. Here is a preliminary synopsis: "Froze butt off. Blanked. Water temp below 50F." Pictures to follow.......after 01/01/11 Jerome Is it possible to register online yet? I thought I might actually give this thoroughly insane idea for a tournament a go this year. Iain
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