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(TN) Cannonball

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Everything posted by (TN) Cannonball

  1. House on the equator and a waterfall in Australia?
  2. OK, an update on the newsletter: 1. Thanks to new CAG member, Nick Holt, we have received a firm quote which has been approved by the BOD. Thanks to the BOD! This company will do the whole ball of wax- print, fold, address, and mail! 2. I have an appointment with The Thomas Group this coming Wednesday morning to get everything finalized and get info on how to get the newsletter material to them plus how to forward any photos for printing. While I'm there, I'm going to meet with Nick and see if we can work something out for the FFF. Two carp with one bait? 3. The email address for submitting material will be: carpnews.99@charter.net. Do not send anything as a PM on the CAG forum. My internet service is messed up and all I get when I open the PM/email is a blank page. I can open a PM on the forum but let's use the separate email for newsletter material. Keeps everything in one place and, at my age, I get confused easily. Just ask needmotime2fish! 4. I will report back what I am told by TTG and if there are any steps we need to take for the NL. Many thanks to all for their support and willingness to back up the idea of the newsletter. We can mail it out 500 copies and we can read it and pass it along. Good way is to leave a copy at a doctor's or dentist's office, auto parts store, sporting goods store, etc. Keep a copy in out carping gear to show folks who are curious about what we are dong with all that fishing stuff. As the Ol' Captain would say, "I thought you'd never ask!" We want to get the word about how much fun carp fishing is! We know but others don't know.......yet. I will be working with the NACA folks to complement each other. Might have mentioned this but want to repeat it. Tight lines screaming drags, and noisy alarms!
  3. The quote for the newsletter has been approved by the BOD and AF Bob has given the go ahead to get the ball rolling! I am going to contact the people who will be doing the NL for a personal visit to finalize everything next week. I was in sales for over 30 years and prefer to do business face-to-face. I'll see what we need to do as getting text and photos to them, membership list, etc. I have been talking with Brooksey and we anticipate that the e-magazine,the printed magazine and the newsletter will complement each other. As soon as get my questions answered, I will post the email address and instructions as to what is needed to get articles, photos, etc. to me and then to the printer. NOTE: As editor, I will reserve the right to edit content for clarity, suitability for younger kids (who are the future of the sport), and length. BTW, this company will do everything under one roof- printing, folding, postage and mailing. We need to thank a new member, Nick Holt, for his help here.
  4. Congratulations, Ol' Captain! Well deserved for a great guy. I'm sure glad that Max adopted you.
  5. Message received. Thanks.
  6. Still the same error message as on the other thread.
  7. Great day for all plus nice fish on the mat! Congrats to all who organized the event and to the participants.
  8. The Big Worm, that is a nice, clear picture. But, I would recommend getting a new rod that doesn't have that horrible bend in it. Willem, thanks for your time and effort as webmaster.
  9. I know of some people, including me, who use Photobucket to store photos and post the URL on other websites.
  10. Welcome and thanks for stepping into the state chair's shoes.
  11. Good! You are the Harry Caray of carp fishing. Any way we could get the interview on the forum? I would be interested in hearing it. Many thanks and good fishing!
  12. Can carp and other fish coexist? It's me again. My latest issue of BASS Magazine has a listing of the top 100 bass lakes. Here are a few names that I recognize from this forum-Thousand Islands, NY; Lake Fork Reservoir, TX; Lake Erie, OH; Lake Erie, NY; Chickamauga Lake, TN; Pymatuning Lake, OH/PA; Dale Hollow Reservoir, TN. I'm sure that if you could see the entire list, it would be very rare to have a body of water where carp did not exist. Good fishing! AFB, a dead fish of any species doesn't grow any bigger.
  13. AFB, I know what you mean. How many of the BFers carry trash bags to pick up real garbage along the rivers, lakes, and streams? Our TU chapter, the state agency and the forestry service sponsor a cleanup along the main highway to our home river, twice a year. We clean up the road and by the next week, you can't hardly tell if we have done anything! I can't understand why people throw out trash! Repeating a previous statement, I took my two grandsons squirrel hunting over their Christmas break. The parking lot of the management area had a TV, insulated ductwork, cans, bottles, and a myriad of other trash. WHY? BTW, it was a great object lesson for them. I tell people in my Hunter Education classes to carry a couple of plastic bags, leave the place cleaner than they found it. If people want to really get involved in clean water, quality fishing, opportunities for all anglers, there are a ton of issues at stake. There are those who are trying to limit or eliminate sportfishing in may places in our country- both freshwater and saltwater.
  14. I have to chime in here. I was looking at the Bassmaster website for a some items in their two publications that I will highlight on other threads. I was shocked to read the bass angler hero, Kevin van Damm, is an avid bowfisher and helped with the bowfishing tournament held June 13th, in Springfield, MO. I have a life membership to BASS and have had it for over 40 years. It is interesting, though, what you glean about regulations, ecology, legislation, etc. from their publications. I now look at it from the standpoint of how various things affect all types of fishing.
  15. Thanks. Edit: Letter sent to the Mayor.
  16. Got the mayor's address on the board in the office. How will it be determined what will constitute "Waddington waters?"
  17. Here is the latest: I have turned over all the necessary information to the post office for application for a permit for bulk mailing. The lady who handles this has been most helpful. She reviewed all the forms and needed documents and said everything is OK. She will fax everything to NY and said it should be about a week for approval. Request: Could someone send PM with a picture of the old NL cover? Would it be somewhere in the archives on the website? This would save some $$ by using an existing design or pay to have one designed. Edit: The paper that was recommended is about the weight of a magazine cover.
  18. Welcome! Thanks for your service to CAG.
  19. Got an idea for an article for a future issue. Have an idea what I will be doing but need to get out and put it together. Thanks for all your hard work. Help here: I clicked on the link but have a lot of stuff at the top and bottom of the screen. If I enlarge the NACA, then I have to do a lot of scrolling to enlarge the text so I can read it.
  20. The local company has their printing done by another place in Chattanooga. The local company does everything but print. I talked with the printer and got the info needed to forward to newsletter information to them. Word isn't compatible to their system but they use Quark which is very expensive to buy, I found out. They can also do B&W pictures. Today is very hectic. I will contact the post office Monday morning and get some definite figures on the NL.
  21. Got an updated quote from a printer that is for a heavier paper than we looked at originally. The light paper won't go through the USPS machinery without getting torn to pieces. The quote has been forwarded to Jerome and AF Bob for review. The printer was very nice and gave me a tour of their facility. Anticipation is getting closer to becoming reality!
  22. There are a couple of items that interest me. Might get two T-shirts for our anniversary. I need some bait containers that don't leak, also. Barry, thanks for the time and effort you put into the store.
  23. We are getting another quote. I'm getting some info for the printer. Hang in there.
  24. Update: Running behind, as usual. I have the name of a local company that will apply the seals to the newsletter and mail them. I noticed on their YP ad that they do newsletters, too. I have submitted information for a formal quote- newsletter, seals, and mailing as one package price and the seals and mailing as a separate price. As soon as I get the quote, I will forward it to AF Bob and savayman to review and submit to the BOD. Thanks for your patience. Remember, the gestation period of an elephant is 22 months! We can beat that!
  25. Barry, it looks like you are building a great inventory of CAG items. I need to get a few things in the near future. Will get a wish list together and turn in an order. Thanks for your efforts.
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