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(GA) needmotime2fish

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About (GA) needmotime2fish

  • Birthday 07/14/1945

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    Lawrenceville, GA
  • Who Referred you?
    Horace LaFavor
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  • Interests
    Family, reading, computers, TV - and of course, fishing!

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  1. I'm sure that there are a few of us here in Georgia who would attend at least one TN fish-in - if not more - particularly if the venue is in eastern TN -- or maybe central. Interstate 75 provides fairly easy access to a number of possible venues on the Tennessee River system, and I-24 opens up several others to the west (e.g., Nickajack, Tim's Ford) that are from 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 hours from the Atlanta area.
  2. I sent mine several hours ago. I pretty much used your letter, but added a few comments of my own, including -- where you said, "Where you find trophy sized carp you will invariably find trophy sized bass, pike, walleye and other species.", I added as an example of carp and other species co-existing well, that a few years ago there was a new TN state record largemouth bass caught in Chickamauga Lake, part of the Tennessee River that has long been recognized as trophy carp water. I also said that some day I hoped to "be able to cite the new CT regulation (as it exists) to the legislators in my own state, as an example of a reasonable, fair-minded, and forward-thinking regulation".
  3. I second that! My copy just arrived today.
  4. Tony,

    Good post.  Thanks for the offer. I don't need anything at the moment.  Making plans for a fall fish-in, but the guys who usually attend come for the fellowship and fun, and not for prizes or medals.  I still have a decent supply of CAG brochures and stickers, so I'm probably good for this year.

    Not much going on right now.  It's too HOT here in GA to do much fishing (we've had a stretch of more than a month with temps at least 90, except for just 1 or 2 days).  Most of us won't be fishing for more than a few short sessions until fall.

    Two years ago I ran a year long contest and awarded medals (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) for the "Outstanding Carp" caught in the state.  I had ZERO entries from CAG members and only a few from other anglers. As I said, most of the guys don't fish for awards.  Unless they're pay lakers fishing for cash, they're just fishing for the enjoyment of it.  I thought about trying it again, but based on that response, it might not be worth it.  Maybe next year???

    Anyway, I don't think I need anything this year.  I'll let you know later if I do for next year.  Meanwhile, good luck and "tight lines".

    Barry Shildneck,  Georgia State Chair

  5. I have a completely different question relating to "Member Search". It's a problem that has existed "forever", and very possibly, there is no good solution. When someone creates their personal profile, the "location" field -- which is essential for State Chairs, so we can identify people in our respective areas -- is (1) optional, and can be left blank, and also "free-form", in that there's no 'standard' way to list a state name. Here in Georgia, some members, especially in Atlanta, don't even show the state at all. Others choose to spell the state completely - "Georgia" - while others abbreviate it - "GA". That wouldn't be too bad -- I can find 95% of our members by searching for either "Atlanta" or for the state (Georgia" or "GA") -- except for the fact that a search for "GA" also matches everyone in Michigan who spells out their state name -- "MichiGAn" is a match for "ga". I seem to remember having had some success restricting the search by setting the parameters to ", ga" (comma-space-ga) -- but because of the free-form format, not everyone uses a comma in the location field. That means that when searching for GA members, I'm forced to open and examine every match, one at a time, just to weed out the guys from Michigan -- and there are a bunch of them (which is great -- except when I'm doing a search for GA members). Any suggestions to help make my life easier? Thanks.
  6. After some of the dust settled following the massive effort to rebuild the CAG website and database, as the State Chair for Georgia, I'm trying to follow up with the guys here in GA who have been active on the site.

    The new format isn't very intuitive, and the member search is difficult because of the free-format entry in the location field (thus, a search for "GA" matches members in "Atlanta, GA" as well as those in "MichiGAn".

    Anyway, I found your profile and see that your location is Acworth.  I haven't seen any activity from you in the last 3 years, so I was wondering if you've been fishing recently.  If you still live in Acworth, you might be interested in coming to our May fish-in, which will be at Salacoa Creek Park in Gordon County (I-75 north to US-411 at Cartersville, then about 25 miles north).  It will be on a Saturday, but I have not yet decided between the 14th and the 21st for the date.

    If you're interested, watch the CAG Calendar and/or PM me -- or email me at bshildn@yahoo.com.

    Regardless, I hope you're still fishing, and have been catching some good ones.

    Barry Shildneck, CAG State Chair

  7. The USPS came through -- mine arrived today !!! I'd like to commend all who were involved for an excellent job. Even the (minimal) advertising was done tastefully.
  8. Maybe the guys at the Post Office are reading mine. At least I hope so. I really wouldn't mind the delay if I knew somebody was reading it. But I've had past issues with my mail delivery here in Lawrenceville, GA -- I just hope it gets here eventually.
  9. Thanks to everyone involved. I'll be watching for it in the mail.
  10. Well deserved! Congrats, Horace!
  11. Agreed -- I like "Carp Anglers Group - Quarterly NewsLetter" for the reasons John noted above. Regarding content... although the term "hack" generally refers to computers, it is now being used more and more in the mainstream to mean "an unusual use for, or change to, something familiar". Why not include a "Hacks" section, where unique changes to rigs or baits might be featured? The Hacks section wouldn't have to be included in every issue -- only when someone submits a particularly clever or useful new twist on an old bait or rig (or if the editors need some filler material - LOL).
  12. Super job! This is an excellent resource and a big step forward.
  13. Congrats, Evan !!! By the way, Evan is already on top of things. At his suggestion, we've already had several discussions about holding a multi-state fish-in with both SC and GA anglers, plus anyone else who might want to come join us.
  14. Andy, There's not much I could say that somebody else hasn't already said. Thanks for all your hard work and help. Now take some time for yourself, relax for a while, and go catch some fish. Tight lines !!!
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