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Nash Scope rod 10 ft 3.5 test curve. I would seriously reconsider if your thinking about purchasing one of these rods. The tip broke after a few short uses. I contacted the vendor I purchased the rod from about what happened. I sent them a picture and told them what had happened. They forwarded to Nash to find out how they could help me. They said it was on me. They also charge $200 for the replacement section plus $80 shipping. The whole rod cost roughly $300. Needless to say I'm extremely disappointed with the customer service at Nash. Any other company I've dealt with purchasing rods in that price range 100% back there products.

May I also let you know I've spent over a $1000 on nash products this winter. I would of stuck with my old gear if I knew this was how they treat there customers. Instead I wanted to "UP GRADE" to better gear.


If you used the rod several times landing fish without it breaking and then it broke just pulling out line on a loose clutch as you mentioned that to me is an angler issue not a manufacturing fault, as clearly the fault would have occurred under greater pressure of playing a fish earlier in its use. As i mentioned to you yesterday that was the first one i heard of breaking. Compared to other companies out there Nash have outstanding customer service. I'm sorry that you are unhappy with them, but a few weeks before this was your post to me on Facebook.

"Yes! I they are awesome and not as stiff as I thought they would be.

Im really impressed the load they can handle with casting big method balls.

Nice. I got a few nice carp on them there other day. Also took them striper fishing there good multi purpose rods

The rod holdall is really nice too

I am thanks again for the pointing me in the right direction.

if you are unhappy contact info@nashtackle.co.uk


I was very pleased until it broke under such little pressure after such few uses. If you where in my shoes and not "sponsored" by Nash you would be singing a different tune. FACT ! It's in your best personal interests to promote the company. If you where sponsored by ugly stik you would be saying there the best because it's your job.. So don't try and use my words against me. As far as this matters concerned you point of view isn't valid. At least IMO.

I broke a $250 avid St Croix and had a new rod sent to me in 2 days. Now that's service! They didn't even offer to work with me on fixing it or helping out on the price. It's not even the "Innovative" telescope part and they want $200. Personally if I was selling a product at that price I'd back it a 100% unless it looks like it was purposely done. It was an accident for Christ sakes. Now I'm left forking over hundreds of dollars for a new section.



Also you couldn't of been bothered with helping you said take up with the vendor. You endorse this product fully and that was your response? When I was looking in to buying the rods you had a lot more to say then that.


Whats interesting is that initially it just broke, but now its was an accident!!! However, thats for you the vendor and Nash to discuss.

As for your attack on me.

1. I'm an ambassador not a vendor so actually have no obligation to help with this. You contacted me initially about rods, i talked to you about them, and even checked with you off my own back how they were once you got them which you were. Already above and beyond my role. I don't actually have to do any of that!!!

2. I know that any issues Nash always say to contact the vendor, and if your not happy contact them via the email i provided. So to say i am not bothered in actually wrong as i replied to your message and pointed you were you need to go first. I followed the chain of command procedure and also have given you an additional contact email to try and help because you are dissatisfied.

I understand your mad and i hope the email helps you get something sorted.


I pulled line out and it broke. That's it.

I definitely over reacted my apologies. But I feel there was no need to attach what I thought about the rods after one use. Obviously that's not nearly enough time to see what there capable of.

I feel robbed actually. It's so frustrating I'm not being offered any help at all on there end. I own a business and if something's wrong even on the products end I take responsibility for it even I lose some money because each and every happy customer helps grow business.

I'm just letting everyone know there's a possibility they could have the same issues.


good luck i would be very unhappy also. replacing your rod to a company like them would be pennies out of their pocket.


I have to agree with JHPHILLY. Nash, is supposed to be top of the line. If it breaks they should replace it. No more conversation should be needed.

I have a pair of Nash Dwarf. Like them VERY much. That said, the end of one rod came slightly 'bent' but the rod fishes OK. If it breaks I will expect an immediate replacement due to their name.

If not, I will go back to Chubb, if it isn't too late. They ALWAYS stood behind their products.



I just sent them an email. I bought the 6ft dwarf and caught more and bigger fish on them in snags then on my scope and so far held up better...


chub/greys stood behind their products for a reason, i had three nets break in as many months. yes they had excellent customer service by replacing it time again, but the product was rubbish so was no good to me when i needed it.

its easy to make the brand a scapegoat when we dont really know what happened. its a bit like buying a car, driving it into a lamppost and wanting it replaced/repaired for free. if its a manufacturers issue fair enough, if its an angler error then its on you.

clearly im not accusing anyone of making the error or of foul play as i was not there to witness what happened. im just saying that liability is an important factor. if you drop an egg and it breaks or it was broke on giants shelf that makes for two different issues.

try the email and get back to me if you have any issues. i know kevin prides himself on customer service and quite often will deal with an issue himself, but he will also say go to vendor first.


I've broken a lot of rods over the year and if I'm honest nearly ever occasion I was to blame. If the rods did not break when you were casting and playing fish my guess would be the tip was broken in some other way and you didn't notice. I did the same last year with a float rod, used it the previous session and then first cast the following session the tip broke. I didn't blame the rod as I had used it several times previously and most likely I knocked it when it was in the car.

I'm not pointing blame, just from experience if the rod was faulty it would have broken during the first initial use. The problem we have in the USA is that vendors are not local so you can't just pop into the shop to take it back. My own remedy for rod breakages is to get them repaired, easy enough if you take it to a rod builder and generally not pricey. I'd do a google search to see if there are any rod builders in your area.

I understand you are frustrated but rods are a dodgy area to prove you didn't do the damage. If it was luggage, reels, alarms etc it's much easier to get them replaced. Good luck, hope you get this resolved.


I Purchased a St. Croix 9' 6" Avid Carp Rod, Well the Top Section Broke. I Called them they Said no Question's Asked your Top Section is Being Shipped as we speak. That is Customer Service at it's Best. If Nash want's to Keep Customer's to Continue to Purchase their Product's they should take an example from St. Croix. Good Luck I would Call Nash Directly you'll do Better at the Factory instead of playing Game's with the little people and their lip service.


I Purchased a St. Croix 9' 6" Avid Carp Rod, Well the Top Section Broke. I Called them they Said no Question's Asked your Top Section is Being Shipped as we speak. That is Customer Service at it's Best. If Nash want's to Keep Customer's to Continue to Purchase their Product's they should take an example from St. Croix. Good Luck I would Call Nash Directly you'll do Better at the Factory instead of playing Game's with the little people and their lip service.

St. Croix and GLoomis have incredible rod replacement and customer service.

Unfortunately, Nash doesn't really care about the US market. You learned an expensive lesson to not purchase Nash products.


Tell me about it Matt... Now I'm short a rod for about a month if I buy a new upper section. BCT offered to add It on there next order so I would on have to pay for the shipping from there shop. They also would give me it for there price $125 instead of $200.


Wow...what cheapskates Nash Tackle are..especially when you consider the minimal manufacturing cost...

I'd treat them the same way and order a new rod, swap the broken joint out for the new section and then ship it back and say it was broken in shipping...and then demand your money back....make sure you ship it back to them in rubbish packaging for maximum comedic value....


Considering selling all my Nash gear if I have to shell out the money myself for the replacement half.


To be transparent, I've owned some nash luggage and a nash umbrella, and its served me well :)

I don't know the circumstances of your rod breaking, but if it broke after minimal use, that's weak.


Brendan and I have not had any problems with Nash's customer service, Brendan ordered a Nash net 2 years ago and had the spreader block break on him and he contacted Nash and they told him they were having some issues with that nets spreader block and instead of sending him the same net they sent him a net that was a step up from te orginal one that he owned!


Phil and mark - don't embaress yourselves acting like you know what your talking about. Matt- Nash just paid for a feature on USA carping to go into carpworld, and have invested time and money bringing bait over so how exactly are they not interested?


Still amazes me that people read one part of a story and are so narrow minded that it must be the truth.

Darn , I just dropped an egg, do I sue the supermarket, company or the chicken?


How do you Figure, I am just pointing out that St. Croix has an Outstanding Customer Service. Your Rod Break's You Get a " New Rod " let's see what your Almighty Nash will do. And I Am not Embaressed. You are the one who should be Embaressed. Good Luck With Your Nash Sale's. Have a Great Day Keep on Carpin.


So this is how it happened. Craig apparently thinks I'm hiding something. My rod was setup on my bank stick like normally. I got a run on my rod I set the hook and the fish and all my end tackle is gone. I the butt end of the rod on my mat and the upper section on my lap. With my baitrunner on I start to pull line out and it fell off.... Weak...


Phil hes highly upset I publicized that nash isn't being helpful with me. The only difference between you egg analogy and my rod breaking is $296 and I didn't drop my rod.


I have as much nash stuff as anyone. Ive had very few issues over the years. Saw Brummie have a chair issue a few years back, it was a poor design. One problem with Nash is they develop products to fast IMO. every year they have an upgrade to products and of course nothing is cheap from cost standpoint. If I did have a problem I would work with the US vendor and if not satisfied I would get on the phone with Nash. I would not contact some sponsored angler that gets freebies to help me solve the issue.

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