Brad, if you could bring some kind of snacks as cookies, etc. that would be welcome. Just make sure they are tolerant to heat. Supposed to be in the low 90s Friday and Saturday.
I can bring a kayak to paddle out and place any chum day of the event if it is needed. I also have a Yeti 65 for drinks if someone needs a place to put them.
If anyone has snack suggestions I will gladly supply some.
As long as there is nothing on my calendar for the date chosen, I will be there. I can drive a good distance as well, I live a good ways from most places so I am used to it.
Been a pleasure working with you, thanks for all the time you have put in! Go chase the salt water, but the carp will always be in the shadows taunting you!
I had a similar issue. Kept acting as if I was loading. In my case, as soon as I clicked on the text box like I was going to type more, it then showed as loaded. Not sure if coincidence or not, but give it a go and see. Your results may vary.
Resistance has always been top notch for myself. Ordered from them for years and great products for a good price.
Recently I received a small refund on shipping and it is a good gesture.
Mine didn't get reset. I always had it in basic formatting. When I went to update after I got my big mirror, I could only do single line. I use Firefox but not sure it makes a difference.
Mine is doing same thing so I had to add a lot of spaces and dashes to keep it from being ran together.
I couldn't edit color or do much with it. Not sure why either.
Not what happened to me, I am sure I'm not new. Error was occuring before an address could be input.
I got delayed last night wrapping up Big 4. I may try again today.
I changed my PayPal last night. To a password I use different from anyother. I also deleted my old bad card from it. Will have to check my Ebay I guess. But I imagine that PayPal would have shown up as PayPal when they tried.
Thanks for filling us in. I know you have not lost my business. I'm leaning towards what Neil said, there may be a major breach of a retailer bigger than just carpers.