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Carp Anglers Group Forums



I used to post up on the fly fishing section, now its protected? What gives guys?

I'm sure alot of the seasoned anglers on this site know that fly fishing for carp is very popular, it has now become so popular they are holding fly only tounaments. I have one close friend that guides exclusivly for carp season, I fly fish the south end of lake michigan regularly in the early spring. I was also on beaver island and traverse city in michigan this summer, what a place for big carp on a flat.

It's ashame the new exciting direction this sport is taking cant be discussed or have ideas shared on such a informative board.

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Since the fly fishing section was changed to paying members only there has been ZERO activity so no worries you haven't missed anything. I am all for getting more paying members and helping the club but it makes no sence at all to make the smallest part of the forums to pay only members.

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I honestly miss reading the posts and vids posted on the fly section, carp on the fly is awesome, as a paying member i feel I'M losing out on some great media that the free fly guys posted, just my opinion, wish it was still free cause i enjoy viewing those fly posts.

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The flyfishers moved over to the 'free' UsCarpPro forum and now account for 60-80% of the total forum activity.

Shame to see them go and I think its a B-I-G mistake not to make access more 'freely' available to them on CAG.

It is estimated that there are 500,000 folk fly fishing for carp in North America.

We could certainly do with their input and support if we want to further the sport of carp fishing as a whole.

And if we are lucky a few might even pay the $25 to join CAG...

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Guest USCARPPROmagazine

Thank you Ian, I wasn't allowed to tell anyone where they are all went :)

True, they have caused a huge up swing in activity and are havin a blast.

It's a hugely important sector.

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"What if?" is a question humans will ask till the end of time. 

It's like running a Kindergaten club, repeating the same shit over and over again, but, here we go. 

NO club, group, person will ever be able to please everybody.

Choice to make it private was by the Fly fishing director. 

As stated before by many, if FREE is your thing, then go where it's free. 

When you move one section to the Non member section, why not just move them all. I'm sure somebody will come up with a good reason for every section to be free. 

CAG do not care what the "Free" forum do or how they conduct their everyday business. 

What every "Give it to them free just like the "other" site" keep on forgetting is that the "Free" site is a 100% for profit business. Their forum is their advertisement and the owner is in the carp tackle business. 

CAG offer a "FREE" section as well, and a load of guests make use of it  never have I seen anybody discriminate against any of those guests. 

CAG Membership  is for those who wish to join and support the club and what it stands for, you want it free, go get the free. 

CAG is looking for a new president & VP, now is everybody's chance to run the club they way they see fit. 

Just keep in mind that since our forum and magazine is not a "For Profit Business" , you'll have to find another way to pay for everything. 

 NOTHING in this world is really "free", you're paying one way or the other OR somebody else is paying for you ;)

It always amazes me how many people want the "free" but when CAG ask for volunteers, nobody wants to offer their time for free. Take some time to think about that before you request free again. 

Ya'll have a great day now !!!!!

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Thank you Ian, I wasn't allowed to tell anyone where they are all went :)

True, they have caused a huge up swing in activity and are havin a blast.

It's a hugely important sector.

I said you are free to advertise once you pay the B&T membership fee, just like Ian does to advertise :)

Unless Ian want to pay for your B&T membership as well.

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Guest USCARPPROmagazine

Check your inbox Willy there's a reason USCP is not a B&T sponsor.

You have a nice day as well :)

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The only free cheese is in the mouse trap m8's. Reminds me of "" whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine.""and I just don't understand why you don't understand it.

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Sound advice from a master cheese maker!!

Thank you my friend. Unless others have not noticed, there are some very sharp knives in this topic. One can bet on getting cut. The question is, just how deep. :blush:

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"What if?" is a question humans will ask till the end of time.

It's like running a Kindergaten club, repeating the same #### over and over again, but, here we go.

OK - so keep treating us like children & what more do you expect????????????????????

NO club, group, person will ever be able to please everybody. No Arguments here - agreed!

Choice to make it private was by the Fly fishing director. So based on the "success" of that decision we should just keep doing the same thing right?????

As stated before by many, if FREE is your thing, then go where it's free.

When you move one section to the Non member section, why not just move them all. I'm sure somebody will come up with a good reason for every section to be free.

CAG do not care what the "Free" forum do or how they conduct their everyday business. - Hopefully not representative of CAG in general. If no one in CAG cares about the 'Free' section of the forum then we'll have an even greater uphill battle to persuade folk to pony up the membership.

What every "Give it to them free just like the "other" site" keep on forgetting is that the "Free" site is a 100% for profit business. Their forum is their advertisement and the owner is in the carp tackle business. Since I & many others advertise with both CAG & USCarpPro I don't see any logic in this statement. I see benefits in supporting both and isn't it about time we put aside the rivalry that continually impedes both organisations and focus more on how to grow carp fishing in North America?

CAG offer a "FREE" section as well, and a load of guests make use of it never have I seen anybody discriminate against any of those guests. Other than CAG apparently...

CAG Membership is for those who wish to join and support the club and what it stands for, you want it free, go get the free.

CAG is looking for a new president & VP, now is everybody's chance to run the club they way they see fit.

Just keep in mind that since our forum and magazine is not a "For Profit Business" , you'll have to find another way to pay for everything. That's just the way of the media and social world nowadays.

NOTHING in this world is really "free", you're paying one way or the other OR somebody else is paying for you ;)

It always amazes me how many people want the "free" but when CAG ask for volunteers, nobody wants to offer their time for free. Take some time to think about that before you request free again. So going back to the original point of this thread... the reality is that the fly fishing section is now a dead duck. So something to think about and especially when it comes to folks differentiating between 'free' and the 'value' of paying for a CAG membership.

Ya'll have a great day now !!!!!

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There is an opening for CAG President. Laying out a perspective is the first step before implimentation. Hartford CT is a nice place for a CAG President. :yes::swimminfish:

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I wish CAG had not made the fly fishing section private. It should not have been a single person's decision. The fly fishing director's decision basically ended CAG's fly fishing forum. I will support any efforts to bring it back as a free section.

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As a paying member, I hope it's ok that I voice my opinion :) . Even without knowing the details I know that there was good reason for the board to decide to make the fly fishing forum private but like Ian said, the result has not turned out well so the decision should be re-evaluated and reconsidered. I hope it becomes available to the public again and brings fly fishermen back on here. :)

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Well I use the UScarpPro site as well as CAG and UScarpPro has become fly fishing for the most Part I check the site and almost every postinging is in the Fly fishing sections and that is because CAG took away the free frlyfishing section. So I say lets make the Fly fishing section free again to get these flyfisherman back on CAG.

Then I have a great Idea how about all the Euro guys go to UScarpPro and stop paying the membership to cag until they make all our sections free. then we can come back

Then Tom can take Team Packbait over to UScarppro only. I know Tom uses both until everything is free then we will all be happy for a short period of time until CAG is broke Again

I want to curse right here but I wont. For Petesake Guys and Girls was not that long ago CAG was broke and everyone was bitching and complaining about that the paper magazine went away yes I was frustrated and voiced my opinion on it but then after the explaination makes sense it was costing way to much money. It freaking bites that Andy and Mario are moving on the two of them have really helped CAG out and got us off the welfare line so to speak would be great to see these two give us another term to keep Cag headed in the right direction the Mighty Ship CAG is heading in the correct direction but could easily shift off course again without the Proper people at th helm.

I am not that Person and I am well aware of that I do not have the patients to deal with the BS that comes along with it my form of debate is punch the guy in the mouth tell him to shut the Freak Up if he does not repeat process till he stops talking then I win ( That was supposed to be funny but on a serious note I am a disabled Vet and My disabilty makes it hard for me to deal with some people I have days I do not leave my house)


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"What if?" is a question humans will ask till the end of time.

It's like running a Kindergaten club, repeating the same #### over and over again, but, here we go.

OK - so keep treating us like children & what more do you expect????????????????????

I'll skip my comment on that one out of respect for you and the fact that I don't have time for BS :)

NO club, group, person will ever be able to please everybody. No Arguments here - agreed!

Then why do it? why push for something that not possible???

Choice to make it private was by the Fly fishing director. So based on the "success" of that decision we should just keep doing the same thing right?????

If we have to keep changing things around based on complaints and dislikes, well be changing stuff on a daily basis. We've adjusted where needed and the demand justified it. Do you change your rods every time you make one just because somebody did not like .05% it ???

As stated before by many, if FREE is your thing, then go where it's free.

When you move one section to the Non member section, why not just move them all. I'm sure somebody will come up with a good reason for every section to be free.

CAG do not care what the "Free" forum do or how they conduct their everyday business. - Hopefully not representative of CAG in general. If no one in CAG cares about the 'Free' section of the forum then we'll have an even greater uphill battle to persuade folk to pony up the membership.

YES, We are responsible for CAG, not for any other forum out there that's free, they do things how they see fit. It's not my or anybody else duty to tell another forum how to conduct business.

What every "Give it to them free just like the "other" site" keep on forgetting is that the "Free" site is a 100% for profit business. Their forum is their advertisement and the owner is in the carp tackle business. Since I & many others advertise with both CAG & USCarpPro I don't see any logic in this statement. I see benefits in supporting both and isn't it about time we put aside the rivalry that continually impedes both organisations and focus more on how to grow carp fishing in North America?

Let's get one thing straight.....I don't know, have not met, not talked or not anything for that matter with ANYBODY from USCARPPRO. I was not here when people had issues with each other, not do I give a shit about it. PLEASE don't accuse me from any "rivalry" BS since I never did and never care what others do in their daily lives.

You do not know me, so please refrain from accusing me of rivalry with somebody I don't even know.

CAG offer a "FREE" section as well, and a load of guests make use of it never have I seen anybody discriminate against any of those guests. Other than CAG apparently...


CAG Membership is for those who wish to join and support the club and what it stands for, you want it free, go get the free.

CAG is looking for a new president & VP, now is everybody's chance to run the club they way they see fit.

You have a chance for "Hope & Change" , just run for CAG President, you're well known and I'm sure will be well received.

Just keep in mind that since our forum and magazine is not a "For Profit Business" , you'll have to find another way to pay for everything. That's just the way of the media and social world nowadays.

Exactly, and ours is Membership fees.

NOTHING in this world is really "free", you're paying one way or the other OR somebody else is paying for you ;)

It always amazes me how many people want the "free" but when CAG ask for volunteers, nobody wants to offer their time for free. Take some time to think about that before you request free again. So going back to the original point of this thread... the reality is that the fly fishing section is now a dead duck. So something to think about and especially when it comes to folks differentiating between 'free' and the 'value' of paying for a CAG membership.

So going back to the original point of this treat, the person can post his heart out in the pictures and stories section or regional section in the public section of the CAG Forum.....OR join CAG to access the members only section.

We all know Paid membership is not for everybody. What makes America so great is that we can choose. Some pay for what they feel is right, others just opt for what is free.

If we follow your logic, everything CAG would have been free by now, had we made it free due to a complaint or request

Ya'll have a great day now !!!!!

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For the record, Team Packbait/Team Jr Packbait go where they want to, when they want to, with zero influence from me. And, your not the only dissabled Vet on this forum my brother. This is a fishing Forum. NO more, no less. Unlike Local/regional forums, CAG is world wide and the members and guests have many objectives which among other is carp angling. I never chose to belong to an angling club that was monolithic. The more views and ideas the better. The more debate and test proven results, the better. Some might call it bickering but they are wrong. In each and every debate there is valuable information for those that take the time to look. jmho



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I am the pioneer of the Red Comment/Reply Technique.

It's a pleasure to see so many using this technique now.

:closedeyes:.......................................................................... B)

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There is an opening for CAG President. Laying out a perspective is the first step before implimentation. Hartford CT is a nice place for a CAG President. :yes::swimminfish:

I think my position on the 'commercial' side would be seen as a conflict of interest...

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I think my position on the 'commercial' side would be seen as a conflict of interest...

I've always been of the belief that a good buisness background along with being an avid carp angler is indeed a winning combination. This club is a buisness, even if it is a not for profit.



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I've always been of the belief that a good buisness background along with being an avid carp angler is indeed a winning combination. This club is a buisness, even if it is a not for profit.



It's fine if the the Prez or BOD member has a business background, but when that business or commercial background deals with carp angling, it will be a conflict of interest. No matter how impartial the person is, it will just bring trouble and doubt

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It's fine if the the Prez or BOD member has a business background, but when that business or commercial background deals with carp angling, it will be a conflict of interest. No matter how impartial the person is, it will just bring trouble and doubt

No matter who steps up there will be those that will cause trouble. Not due to the path of CAG but any hint of success. I love success, its catching. The loosers will never be happy so who cares. Loosers are loosers. They breed loosers. I think a lot of people have taken CAG positions to make money for themselves. A lot havent. The problem comes when one can't tell the difference between the two. I'm not supporting anything but the idea. Not yet anyway.

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Its pretty sad, that as the two leading organizations in North American Carp angling networking.......we cant get along, see eye to eye, and agree to dissagree..........its also embarassing to see people fighting on facebook (one of ifnot the biggest social networking sites), calling one another names. It must be hard for new comers to the forum, new comers to the sport, to look up to the socalled pros (both CAG and USCP) when there is nothing but arguing about who is better, who is free, and who and what isnt.............who cares whats free........who cares whats not........if you dont like paying, go away.........its that simple, because the constant pi**ing and moaning is tiring for the ones that want to do what this club is all about......CATCH CARP, READ ABOUT CARP, AND CATCH MORE CARPS...........

If your not happy about the lack of content because free comers arent around anymore..........CONTRIBUTE YOURSELF, help get the ball rolling.......call out for others to experiment and get them on board...... how many times have I read "nice stuff on the fly........I have to get my fly rod out more often? But never read a follow up?...............You cant be upset with the CAG, because free comers cant post stuff for you to read.............in two weeks ill be reading a rant from the same people about why we have to pay when the free comers dont have to.......

Remember people, EVERYTHING you do on Facebook can be seen, by forum goers, paying, non paying.......potential new anglers, potential customers, potential this, potential that.............if we continue to show a lack of respect for one another, we all look bad in the end and no one will want to play with us...........

Whos going fly fishing? Ill try to post something tomorow!

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