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In case you missed the numerous shameless plugs, :D Buster and friends have opened a online bait and tackle store aimed specifically at paylake fishermen.

Southern Paylake Supply

The website has been online for several weeks while under construction, and changes will continue.

BUT--We think that we have reached the point that we could announce the addition of a few special products.

Thanks to our friends at The Boilie Shop, we are able to offer paylake fishermen a line of premium Euro-Style flavors, glugs and---BOILIES.

We believe that by stocking Boilie Shop Products, along with our R&W Carp Juice, and Superior Flavors, we offer one of the widest selections of paylake products on the web.

We have also recently added heavy duty paylake rod stands, and will continue to add more products as fast as we can.

We realize that most CAG Paylakers are very Internet savvy, and already have their own favorite sources for bait and tackle. We would appreciate your help in spreading the word of our site while at the lakes.

We also intend to promote CAG in any way possible. If any of the CAG Staff would like to offer help or suggestions in that regard, we would be grateful.

We still have a lot to learn, and a few bugs to iron out, but we hope to make a positive contibution to the carp fishing community.

Also---Special thanks to Bait-slinger for constantly pointing out misspellings and grammatical errors while we were building the site---I’m sure that there will be many more to come. :D

And--Thanks to the CAG guys who have helped with R&D of our products.



Only one complaint Tim....how about carrying corn puffs? They are hard to find in some states. I have yet to find them in Indiana.

Guest NJ Rob


Good stuff ..

Hopefully this will help "spread the word" on paylaking too.

Hopefully Ill make it down south one day soon and you can show me the ropes on paylaking ... ?

Good luck w/ the store.


Only one complaint Tim....how about carrying corn puffs? They are hard to find in some states. I have yet to find them in Indiana.

Charley, are you refering to the Arrowhead Mills Corn Puffs maybe?

I'm still dancing around with sales depts at several places. They all seem to get a little crazy if they find out that you want to sell their products as carp bait. :D:D:D:D

I've had a number of request for the A/Mills pops, but to be honest, they're not considered to be all that hot around here. I use them at times, and have been for several years, but most of the high rollers around here go an entirley different route. They use the smaller pops, such as Kelloggs Honey Smacks, or even the much cheaper generic brands, and thread 3-6 of thm on the hook. Give that a try. :D

So far I've included some "specialy treated" :D pops in almost every order. They make great packaging material, and are about the same price as foam peanuts. :D:D:D:D

This does take some time, but I'm doing some serious horse trading trying to get some hard to find items, and cut cost and prices as much as possible.


PS ---Thanks Brian and Rob. We're not trying to get to big or anything, we just started looking into the possibilities, and kept digging a deeper hole--and before ya know it, we fell in. :D:D


Yes....the arrowhead mills brand. I use Kelloogs Corn Pops alot but prefer the puffs for wild carping. Ill give the sugar smacks a try though. :D


This is great news, Buster.

I always thought that paylakers should represent one of the best (carp-oriented) business opportunities in the US, but this requires to tune the products to such a specific market, this seems quite obvious. You guys should be in a perfect position to do so.

I wish you good luck in your endeavor.



I wish you all the very best on your new venture.

Get rich, buy your own lake & let me come fish it for free. :D

Oh yeah and supply me with the "going bait" :D .


Hey---Thanks to all for the well wishes.

Yo Buster,

Ive heard something about this. Not too shabby. Even for a paylaker.

Very good start. Youve gotta be diligent though. Keep it up!

Good point. I should point out that I realize that dragging the members of the paylake community into--and onto the Internet will be a slow process. We didn't get into this as a get rich scheme. In fact--the more I learned about the bait business, the more I appreciated, and respected the established guys who had provided great service to all of us.

This is a part time deal--for now--and we are taking things slowly and carefully. We're in for the long haul/big picture kinda thing. We realize that we have to provide the same kind of service that all of the other US carp firms offer, and that we have a lot to learn.

Most importantly, it should be noted that we are NOT targeting CAG members as customers, but have been fortunate enough to have the help of a number of members in our R&D and advertising efforts.





I'm glad that we're finally "out of the closet" :D:D .

Nice job with the site <_< <_<

All the best ............. Bill D.

Cant wait to get some stands when ya get em on the site! Good luck!

Sorry, just havn't had the time to make a tackle section yet, so I hid them at the bottom of THIS PAGE


Note: Arrowhead Mills Puffs.

If you can get them, they are a good, easy to use pick up. JMHO--Good but nothing really special. It's what you do to the pop that matters.

If anyone really wants them bad, Google "Arrowhead Mills Corn Puff". There are a number of health food stores that sell online--and one is freakin dirt cheap. Shipping is a killer though. Items such as pops/puffs don't weigh anything, but require lots of space. Thats why I do not carry them. They make great packaging material, but I hate to sell someone a $1.50 item that cost $0.70 to ship. If it was magic bait--it would be worth it.

Best bet for guys who really want them, but have to have them shipped would be for several guys to split a large order and save on the shipping cost.

Not knocking them---just trying to help.


Site looks good so far... :D    Charlie, John and I have a bag of the Arrow puffs for you in my garage. We will bring to the Invitational..... :D

Rod....bring me 2 and maybe you and John will get a productive peg at the Invitaional... :D:D

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